Is Sky the biggest for people just shoving their stack in (tourny, not cash I mean)?
Seems like so many sng players just want to push every hand, or many hands.
Why not play Roulette I wonder if that's how you play??
I know people will say, just get a good hand and call, then your AK gets ragged by the J7 they shoved with....
Quite happy to lose 1 in 3 if I can win 2 in 3.
Embrace the maths, it is our friend.
Try the £2.20 @2.20 deepstack no monkeys allowed.
All the best.
I way playing a game this afternoon, in which I put myself in a really poor chip position early on. The only strategy I had left was to shove each time the aggressive players had folded and steal the blinds. I had to do it with raggy kings, and queens with half decent kickers. The guy to my left was bleeding chips and in the end called my bluff with his own shove. That time, I had KK...
If we can get our money in that good every time, we can't lose.
Of course, we don't HAVE to call. We could do what he does & be the shover not the caller. We get better odds if we shove, because our opponents often fold, so that increases our equity.
People think (say) 10-10 v AK is roughly 50-50, but if we jam first, & they fold 50% of the time, that changes the maths completely.