Following on from something Graham mentioned... I know Sky won't be doing them but do you know if Party are running satellites for the other events (I'm mainly wondering about the HR) during the festival and are they running now?
Maybe Graham can answer me if it's frowned upon for Tikay/Sky to be advertising games on other sites.
Following on from something Graham mentioned... I know Sky won't be doing them but do you know if Party are running satellites for the other events (I'm mainly wondering about the HR) during the festival and are they running now? Maybe Graham can answer me if it's frowned upon for Tikay/Sky to be advertising games on other sites. Posted by Lambert180
No idea Paul, but I imagine so, yes.
I expect they will run "Live" Super Sats, too.
You are a Member of another Forum which is sponsored by DTD, & they have a thread for UKPC - why not ask there?
Cheers Tikay, didn't even think of that (or knew that forum had a dedicated thread), I don't pop over there that often and usually just to check a few of the diaries I frequent.
Quick reminder that the Weekly Final is tonight, at 9.15pm.
10 seats are guaranteed, at 1 in 5, & just 41 qualified for tonight so far.
58 runners in last night's Final, so 11 seats & a bit of cash.
No idea how many had already qualified, but these were last night's winners......
I expect they will run "Live" Super Sats, too.
You are a Member of another Forum which is sponsored by DTD, & they have a thread for UKPC - why not ask there?
Reminder, tonight sees another weekly Final for the UKPC, with 10 x £1,100 seats guaranteed, on a 1 in 5 basis.
Just 39 runners so far regged for tonight.
Plenty of feeders & satellites today.
The UKPC is just over a month away.
56 runners last night, so 11 seats & a bit of cash for 12th.
Not sure how many were previously qualified - 5 or 6 I suspect - but the Target Event now has over 100 names.
Here's last night's result.
With 10 x £1,100 seats guaranteed, & needing 50 entrants to cover, 28 are in so far.
Satellites & feeders will be running throughout today.