Don't you dare apologise! Marriage is so much more important than this nonsense. I'm sorry you ran bad during this, however, I wish you the bestest of run good after you get married. xxxxxx Karen Posted by Macacgirl1
So you wish him run bad for at least another year then......
Macacgirl1 please accept my apologies but I am going to have to drop out of the challenge. I play on very small profit margins and am playing to pay for a wedding in 2017, and after a 10 game losing streak, my margins are shot away and I need to get back to winning the games and stakes I usually play. I am not a Omaha player and was playing just for fun, and its not worked out too well. gl all on the challenge though guys, I will keep my eye on this thread still Posted by MrWh1te
Sorry - in a way - to hear that MrWh1te, but it's a correct & brave decision - well done.
Do you still make that wonderful lemonade?
I still sing that song.
I'm a secret lemonade drinker, RWhites, RWhites.....
Well I wont be troubling the top of the leaderboard so 67bhoys can stop busting me now (please) Will keep going until completed. Currently 10/18 after a very indifferent couple of sessions yesterday. Posted by Phantom66
I know we don't take poker TOO seriously here, but 67Bhoys has posted a brilliant "fun" Hand History, & told a little story, too, HERE Have a read, it's top work. See if you can recognize the 2 villains, too. Posted by Tikay10
Brilliant that.
I can never read them hand things properly tho, was 223j first to act oop or sb nicking bb?
If oop, it could be one of about 15,20? But one does spring to mind obv.
'chips never leave his side' gave it away before i saw the hand, obv mr. k.
In Response to Re: PLO8 DYM Competition MKII : Brilliant that. I can never read them hand things properly tho, was 223j first to act oop or sb nicking bb? If oop, it could be one of about 15,20? But one does spring to mind obv. 'chips never leave his side' gave it away before i saw the hand, obv mr. k. If it's sb vs bb, I reckon it's me vs you! Posted by Macacgirl1
Nope, not in the Blinds - J-3-2-2 was UTG & first to act from what I can see, so not exactly the prime seat to steal from, with 5 behind.
PS - It was all good-natured, obv, & I hope nobody thinks otherwise. Deffo the sort of thing that makes the game such a wonderfully complex puzzle to solve.
In Response to Re: PLO8 DYM Competition MKII : Morning Tuney. I disagree with that - it was a correct fold imo. It was 4 handed, you & Lady Twaddle had nearly 9,000 chips between you, with Her Ladyship having a slight lead over you. With Whizzy & I both on life support, she is NEVER betting there with worse than your hand. She'd take on Whizzy or me with less, but she's way too cute to make a move against the other big stack unless she is very strong indeed. It just makes no sense. Her ranges are spot on, & she has superb spatial awareness. As it happens, yeah, you lost, but I firmly believe you made the correct fold. You were "flipping" at the very best, & had no need to get involved. You can bet with a far worse hand v Whizzy or me & not risk your DYM life at the time. Not sure if you noticed, but one chap had 4,000 chips early doors in that game, & managed to finish 5th just because he had no understanding of DYM dynamics. Instead of playing nice & snug, he wanted to play every hand. Was a fun game, really enjoyed that extended play 4 handed, "looking for spots" all the while. Piece of useless trivia - Macac & Whizzy have played, between them, 108,000 DYM's on Sky Poker. Posted by Tikay10
Thanks for that and also to Maca's post confirming that she did indeed have a monster. The problem with making a good, disciplined, fold is that it seems to guarantee I will then get absolute tripe for the next dozen or so hands!
4/6 now need to improve on this if im gonna win. I'm gonna tactically play the rest of the games at the lowest possible level to increase my chances! Posted by FeelGroggy
Be aware, some of those lowest staked gamed are very tricky, it's almost impossible to put anyone on a particular hand.
Do you still make that wonderful lemonade?
I still sing that song.
I'm a secret lemonade drinker, RWhites, RWhites.....
Which reminds me of this, might just be the best TV advert ever.
I know we don't take poker TOO seriously here, but 67Bhoys has posted a brilliant "fun" Hand History, & told a little story, too, HERE
Have a read, it's top work.
See if you can recognize the 2 villains, too.
PS - It was all good-natured, obv, & I hope nobody thinks otherwise. Deffo the sort of thing that makes the game such a wonderfully complex puzzle to solve.