Score's on the doors for Team AJ Games played £2 played 1 won 1 lost 0 £3 played 19 won 14 lost 5 £5 played 5 won 3 lost 2 Losing streak 2 Winning streak 7 Total 18/25 Regards Alan (plo8 champ) read it and weep Craig and pom Posted by ajmilton
oooh is that the gauntlet thrown down AJ? This bun fight just got intresting
Score's on the doors for Team AJ Games played £2 played 1 won 1 lost 0 £3 played 19 won 14 lost 5 £5 played 5 won 3 lost 2 Losing streak 2 Winning streak 7 Total 18/25 Regards Alan (plo8 champ) read it and weep Craig and pom Posted by ajmilton
Nice one Champ, you could have made your streak 6, that would have given karen a headache. Well done mate fantastic effort. if you end up Champ, will your head fit through the door? Posted by 67Bhoys
Like it fits through the door at the minute.
Good luck champ, would be brilliant
Working late Shifts at the minute, so finding it hard to get any games in, but I will get there eventually.
Well that's me done. Played 5 this evening and won 4, sadly only needed 3 to make up my 25 which included the loss and therefore finished with 15 out of 25 wins. A respectable 60% but nothing to worry the leaderboard.
Don't subscribe to SS and my notes aren't that detailed so haven't a clue if there was any respectable winning streak, I suspect not.
Very well played Champ. Hope you TID bud.
Good luck champ, would be brilliant
Working late Shifts at the minute, so finding it hard to get any games in, but I will get there eventually.
Happy birthday pommy
TY all. What about this for a cake.
Don't subscribe to SS and my notes aren't that detailed so haven't a clue if there was any respectable winning streak, I suspect not.
Good luck to all those yet to finish.