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  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited January 2016
    Firstly, congratulations Donald on a great start to the year and welcome to the TLB2016 competition.

    I am very happy to have you onboard as a competitor, please read through the details on the opening post to make sure you are OK with everything.

    Regarding the charity you have chosen. It is an excellent charity, however it has already been chosen by one of the competitors (me actually).

    Last year, each competitor had a unique charity, so ideally I would like you to pick a different one. (Perhaps a different Cancer one)

    However, having said that, if you feel really strongly about it being MacMillan, we can probably incorporate having two charities that are the same.

    Please see the spreadsheet below, for a list of the current competitors and their chosen charities. Ideally, I would like you to pick one that is not already chosen.

    Many thanks and welcome aboard. All the best for 2016!


    Matt BatesMattBatesSTEP UP£501
    Jordan S-Jonesjordz16SPORT IN MIND£501
    Danny GroganFeelGroggyCARERS TRUST CAMBS£50
    David WatkinWacko90MS TRUST£50
    Chris Cunlifferspca12TRUSSEL TRUST£50

    Ryan Spittlesscotty77OXFORD RADCLIFFE TRUST£50


    Adam Bromleybromley04RSPCA£50

    Gary CarterLimp2LoseTHE SAMARITANS£50

    Natalie BromleyBromley023BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION£50

    Tim Murphydevil_tearREG£50


    Gary BurnleyMonkeyGLBCHESTNUT TREE HOUSE£50

    Donald Slossthisltedu??????£50





    £55 BHWIN =2POINTS


  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited January 2016
    Hi Aussie, when thisltedu has finalised his charity, please could you add him to the competitor list and track his results.

    Many thanks,

  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited January 2016

    Tournament Wins Charity Shield

    Added thisltedu to the names. 

    Well done Donald so far this year with one main win and one mini win.

    There are 14 players in 72 tournaments to date.

    See player totals

  • MonkeyGLBMonkeyGLB Member Posts: 133
    edited January 2016
    Thought I was going to get my first points last night - a 2nd and a 4th but not good enough

    Beginning to realise that this is going to be a tough year ahead 

    Well done Donald for joining and good luck 

    Gary - MonkeyGLB
  • thislteduthisltedu Member Posts: 399
    edited January 2016
    Thanks for the welcome Graham. I'll change my charity to the 'Wooden Spoon' children's charity. They do great work for disadvantaged children. The fact it was formed after England won the wooden spoon is just icing on the cake. (Makes a nice change from Scotland winning it).
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: ***2016*** TLB Charity Competiton. Same deal as 2015, Get involved as a SPONSOR or COMPETITOR:
    Thanks for the welcome Graham. I'll change my charity to the 'Wooden Spoon' children's charity. They do great work for disadvantaged children. The fact it was formed after England won the wooden spoon is just icing on the cake. (Makes a nice change from Scotland winning it).
    Posted by thisltedu
    Great stuff Donald.

    I have updated the spreadsheets on the opening post and you are nicely on top of both leader boards.

    Good luck for the rest of 2016!


  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited January 2016

    Tournament Wins Charity Shield

    There are 14 players in 76 tournaments to date.

    Winner of the 10:30pm is FeelGroggy

    See player totals

  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: ***2016*** TLB Charity Competiton. Same deal as 2015, Get involved as a SPONSOR or COMPETITOR:
    Tournament Wins Charity Shield There are 14 players in 76 tournaments to date. Winner of the 10:30pm is FeelGroggy See player totals .
    Posted by aussie09

    N1 Danny boy!
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited January 2016

    Going back to the two point/one point issue for the SPEED.

    I can confirm that if we applied this last year the top four placings would remain unchanged.

    Remarkably MattBates won 18 £55 SPEED BH's (guess that's why they call it the MBI) and Chris (rspca12) won 9.

    If it was only one point for the SPEED last year. Chris's points total would be 75 and Matt's 65.

    This is how I'm going to leave it.

    In a few days (when HEADS-UP result is known), I am going back to the trophy shop.

    If Chris's trophy is already engraved as 84pts we will remain as we are at 2pts. If not, I will amend Chris's total to 75pts and we will only have 1pt for the SPEED going forward.

    Will confirm these details in a few days.



  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited January 2016

    hi graham,

    i have changed the charity page on the website to separate the two £55 events.  the 9pm and 10:30pm (MBI) are tallied separately.  at the moment, i have allocated 1 point to the MBI.  this can be changed to 2 points if that's what you decide for 2016.

    all is ok although i will continue with a few manual checks over the next few days.


  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: ***2016*** TLB Charity Competiton. Same deal as 2015, Get involved as a SPONSOR or COMPETITOR:
    hi graham, i have changed the charity page on the website to separate the two £55 events.  the 9pm and 10:30pm (MBI) are tallied separately.  at the moment, i have allocated 1 point to the MBI.  this can be changed to 2 points if that's what you decide for 2016. all is ok although i will continue with a few manual checks over the next few days. rob  
    Posted by aussie09

    That's great Rob!

    Good to have them separated.

    One point, not a big deal, but using 9pm and 10.30pm as titles may be incorrect for when it's UKOPS etc.

    So would think something like £55BH and SPEED, would make room for the changes of time, when the UKOPS events are on.

    Just a minor observation. I will confirm pts for Speed ASAP.

    Also donations of Friends of Sky Poker is £20 atm, however this figure will be very fluid at the early stages of the year (hopefully), so up to you how up-to-date you want it to be.

    Thanks again for all your help.


  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited January 2016
    Opening post has been updated with results to date in the proposed new points format.


  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited January 2016

    Tournament Wins Charity Shield

    There are 14 players in 84 tournaments to date.

    Winner of the 9pm is devil_tear
    Winner of the 10:30pm is FeelGroggy

    See player totals

  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: ***2016*** TLB Charity Competiton. Same deal as 2015, Get involved as a SPONSOR or COMPETITOR:
    Tournament Wins Charity Shield There are 14 players in 84 tournaments to date. Winner of the 9pm is devil_tear Winner of the 10:30pm is FeelGroggy See player totals .
    Posted by aussie09

    Congratulations Tim and Danny!
  • FeelGroggyFeelGroggy Member Posts: 843
    edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: ***2016*** TLB Charity Competiton. Same deal as 2015, Get involved as a SPONSOR or COMPETITOR:
    Adam Bromley bromley04 RSPCA £50
    Nice to see Adam sponsoring Chris but I'm not sure he needs the money
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited January 2016

    Tournament Wins Charity Shield

    There are 14 players in 96 tournaments to date.

    Winner of the 9pm is scotty77.  well played Ryan.

    See player totals

  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited January 2016

    Tournament Wins Charity Shield

    There are 14 players in 100 tournaments to date.

    Winner of the 9pm is MattBates.  Business as usual, Matt.  Well played.

    See player totals

  • IrishRoseIrishRose Member Posts: 1,663
    edited January 2016

    Can I please register as a sponsor again this year?

    Ideally I'd like to pledge £50 to MacMillan Cancer and £50 to be spread around the others (however the spread was done last year).  If that's too much hassle then the £100 total to be spread around.

    Great work you're doing Graham and all your competitors too xx
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: ***2016*** TLB Charity Competiton. Same deal as 2015, Get involved as a SPONSOR or COMPETITOR:
    Hi Can I please register as a sponsor again this year? Ideally I'd like to pledge £50 to MacMillan Cancer and £50 to be spread around the others (however the spread was done last year).  If that's too much hassle then the £100 total to be spread around. Great work you're doing Graham and all your competitors too xx  
    Posted by IrishRose

    Hi Rose, you are an absolute angel, TY!

    £50 for MacMillan, and £50 for the top 4 prize pool (Split 40/30/20/10 between top 4 charities of TLB comp) would be the best, if that's OK. (That's how we did it last year)

    Thanks again, it's so kind for you to support us again this year.

    All the best for 2016!


  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: ***2016*** TLB Charity Competiton. Same deal as 2015, Get involved as a SPONSOR or COMPETITOR:
    Tournament Wins Charity Shield There are 14 players in 100 tournaments to date. Winner of the 9pm is MattBates .  Business as usual, Matt.  Well played. See player totals .
    Posted by aussie09

    Congrats Matt and Ryan!

    Opening post spreadsheets, will be updated shortly.

    Also, just a quick reminder, there are just 5 DAYS LEFT FOR NEW COMPEITITORS TO REGISTER .

    The competitor rentention from last year has bee a little disapointing so far, with just 8 of the 18 continuing this year.

    However, I have been delighted that we have managed to attract 6 brand new competitors this year:

    Namely: thisltedu, jordz16, FeelGroggy, devil_tear, mattprawn and MonkeyGLB.

    I wish both our "new" and "continuing" competitors all the best for 2016!

    I look forward to competing with you at the tables once again. :=)

    Many thanks,

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