I play you most days, you have a fair amount of leaks that can be easily plugged ill help you if you want me to with skype chat session's, no charge, most players have been in your situation at some point and just need a few pointers.
Just a small session tonight cause I'm off to bed. Thanks for all comments so far
Seriously..I've reset my calendar and account so like you I plan to keep an accurate P/L for this calendar year....sharkscope entry for me shows me in a negative situation, but I consider this an investment cost to get me to this point when, like you I plan to focus more on the numbers
Sharkscope only monitors tournament earnings not cash, good luck for the year
i like this diary and i feel your pain hhamza but calling a raise with 74 off weather in position or not will only lead to losing money long term yup that flop really smacked you in the face and you got unlucky but just fold pre note:im not a cash player nor a good player so i might be typing pish its just my humble opinion gl on the tables mate
Hamza your complaining alot about running bad getting coolered etc but your spewing alot away by making bad calls pre flop what usually get you in trouble unless you do something like this....
Small blind
Big blind
Sit out
Your hole cards
Flush to the Jack
Yeah apologies about that was tilting at the time, see you at the tables
I play you most days, you have a fair amount of leaks that can be easily plugged ill help you if you want me to with skype chat session's, no charge, most players have been in your situation at some point and just need a few pointers.
hope you stay hhamza.
Yeah you’re right iv recovered most of the money the last couple of days tbh so see what happens. Really appreciate that may have to take u up on that offer
How long have you played on SP for? Who were the regular players back then?
Same old names off the top of my head, (when I started playing cash) from 4nl TinTin, Craigcu12.
10/20nl, DTM, Liamboi, Curt360, Bighawk
50nl/ 100nl Ludacris, TommyD
High Stakes, Used to be style, rosiedog...
ANyway good luck!
I've played for 8 years or so. I've played against all the names you have mentioned above as I have had a shot at most levels on the cash tables. Good luck to you too!
Nice hand but a lot of your hh's seem pretty spewy to me.
62s surely is a 3bet or fold 100bbs deep and we are 3bet bluffing way too much if we're adding 62s to that range... Also when we flat these sorts of hands it just means we have to fold very frequently preflop if anyone puts a squeeze in..
But have to agree with Implicityy - think JJ might have something to say about that preflop call when you speak
Also as stated above, if we did decide to 3bet then we're basically 3betting every suited connector and are weighted too heavily towards bluffs. It's a fold for me
Glad you ended up with a positive start to the month in the end - glgl!
You want to start thinking in ranges from the positions you play at the table and adjust the ranges to fit the table dynamic's,
you wont need GTO ranges but it might help to show you why ranges are important to get right.
An extreme example - if every one at the table was a crushing reg player, you would need to construct a GTO range (game theory optimal range) so as to be balanced and un-exploitable then work back from that point vs weaker players but just as an extreme example to show you how you would start to get basic GTO range started.
If we use the hand above with a 3x in front, what should your range be for Raise i.e. 3bet and call/Flatting range?
so we would have 3 bet bluffs for balance A5s,A4s,A3s,A2s, 100% of the time as we have good blockers. (45s - 60% of the time) (65s - 38% of the time), (67s -18% of the time)
ATs, AJs, (AQs 90% of the time) and AQo 10 %, we can easily and should fold to 4 a bet given he's raising from utg.
AKo and AKs we can call 4 bets as villain will have a 4 bet bluff range. as we wont have a 5 bet range from this position vs utg.
AQs we can 3 bet 90% of the time and mix in to our flatting range 10%
KK, AA for value then place that in to out 4 bet flatting range if we don't have a 5 bet range from that position as above to make it a stronger balanced range.
notice we have not put QQ in to our 3 bet range this is because we can use it in our flatting range 90% of the time to strengthen it along side 99+ JJ.
Our flatting range is a strong range 99+QQ and AQo 90% this is because we can now allow for a squeeze behind and still have options to continue in the hand.
this would be a strong range vs a strong player and as I say an extreme case.
Playing the stake you play you don't have to be GTO or balanced at all but you do need a strong pre flop game, 3 bet a much wider range to iso weak players/recreational players to get them HU, 3 bet weaker regs that fold to much vs 3 bets and keep pounding until they adjust but know how your own ranges work first.
Hope that helps, it might not be a 100% correct GTO range but it wont be far off I don't think.
I just finished work so a bit tired but it is just to show you how you should be thinking about ranges and why its very important to get the pre flop fundamental's down first.
Strong ranges are there to protect you from getting exploited, vs good players they will pick up on the fact you have a much wider flatting range like the 62s hand above then exploit you every time.
You want to start thinking in ranges from the positions you play at the table and adjust the ranges to fit the table dynamic's,
you wont need GTO ranges but it might help to show you why ranges are important to get right.
An extreme example - if every one at the table was a crushing reg player, you would need to construct a GTO range (game theory optimal range) so as to be balanced and un-exploitable then work back from that point vs weaker players but just as an extreme example to show you how you would start to get basic GTO range started.
If we use the hand above with a 3x in front, what should your range be for Raise i.e. 3bet and call/Flatting range?
so we would have 3 bet bluffs for balance A5s,A4s,A3s,A2s, 100% of the time as we have good blockers. (45s - 60% of the time) (65s - 38% of the time), (67s -18% of the time)
ATs, AJs, (AQs 90% of the time) and AQo 10 %, we can easily and should fold to 4 a bet given he's raising from utg.
AKo and AKs we can call 4 bets as villain will have a 4 bet bluff range. as we wont have a 5 bet range from this position vs utg.
AQs we can 3 bet 90% of the time and mix in to our flatting range 10%
KK, AA for value then place that in to out 4 bet flatting range if we don't have a 5 bet range from that position as above to make it a stronger balanced range.
notice we have not put QQ in to our 3 bet range this is because we can use it in our flatting range 90% of the time to strengthen it along side 99+ JJ.
Our flatting range is a strong range 99+QQ and AQo 90% this is because we can now allow for a squeeze behind and still have options to continue in the hand.
this would be a strong range vs a strong player and as I say an extreme case.
Playing the stake you play you don't have to be GTO or balanced at all but you do need a strong pre flop game, 3 bet a much wider range to iso weak players/recreational players to get them HU, 3 bet weaker regs that fold to much vs 3 bets and keep pounding until they adjust but know how your own ranges work first.
Hope that helps, it might not be a 100% correct GTO range but it wont be far off I don't think.
I just finished work so a bit tired but it is just to show you how you should be thinking about ranges and why its very important to get the pre flop fundamental's down first.
Strong ranges are there to protect you from getting exploited, vs good players they will pick up on the fact you have a much wider flatting range like the 62s hand above then exploit you every time.
What a fabulously helpful post that is, well done @JJBinks
What made you suddenly start posting on the Forum recently?
You are a real asset to this place, & it's great to have you here.
Really like the vibe in the forum with a great bunch of people that go out there way to help others, so felt it was the right thing to give some help if I could.
Take Grogy and Matt for example (as well as many other great thinking players) are in a class of there own and make incredible posts to help players like me, looking forward to spending a lot more time here and If I can help that's a bonus.
Thank you very much for your post JJ, really appreciate it cant say it enough. Binked the quickdraw tonight so you can take credit for that haha. Thanks again
Really like the vibe in the forum with a great bunch of people that go out there way to help others, so felt it was the right thing to give some help if I could.
Take Groogy and Matt for example (as well as many other great thinking players) are in a class of his own and make incredible posts to help players like me, looking forward to spending a lot more time here and If I can help that's a bonus.
@JJBinks you hit the nail on the head there - Groggs is in Class 2B, in Year 3.
Id stay away from the spin ups and focus on your normal game at the 100bb games. With a £600 ish bankroll you can quite easily lose your roll playing £1/£2 spin ups.
How long have you played on SP for? Who were the regular players back then?
Same old names off the top of my head, (when I started playing cash) from 4nl TinTin, Craigcu12.
10/20nl, DTM, Liamboi, Curt360, Bighawk
50nl/ 100nl Ludacris, TommyD
High Stakes, Used to be style, rosiedog...
ANyway good luck!
Good luck to you too!
Current balance: £658.51
Cash: +£9.99
Cash rewards: +£91.24 (£30 Pentagon promo_)
Points: 3,801
Total Points for the month: 3,801
Profit/loss for the month: +£101.23
Cash bonus for for the month: +£91.24
Cash for the month: +£9.99
Profit/loss for the year: +£101.23
Cash bonus for the year: +£91.24
Cash for the year: +£9.99
62s surely is a 3bet or fold 100bbs deep and we are 3bet bluffing way too much if we're adding 62s to that range... Also when we flat these sorts of hands it just means we have to fold very frequently preflop if anyone puts a squeeze in..
But have to agree with Implicityy - think JJ might have something to say about that preflop call when you speak
Also as stated above, if we did decide to 3bet then we're basically 3betting every suited connector and are weighted too heavily towards bluffs. It's a fold for me
Glad you ended up with a positive start to the month in the end - glgl!
You want to start thinking in ranges from the positions you play at the table and adjust the ranges to fit the table dynamic's,
you wont need GTO ranges but it might help to show you why ranges are important to get right.
An extreme example - if every one at the table was a crushing reg player, you would need to construct a GTO range (game theory optimal range) so as to be balanced and un-exploitable then work back from that point vs weaker players but just as an extreme example to show you how you would start to get basic GTO range started.
If we use the hand above with a 3x in front, what should your range be for Raise i.e. 3bet and call/Flatting range?
so we would have 3 bet bluffs for balance A5s,A4s,A3s,A2s, 100% of the time as we have good blockers.
(45s - 60% of the time) (65s - 38% of the time), (67s -18% of the time)
ATs, AJs, (AQs 90% of the time) and AQo 10 %, we can easily and should fold to 4 a bet given he's raising from utg.
AKo and AKs we can call 4 bets as villain will have a 4 bet bluff range. as we wont have a 5 bet range from this position vs utg.
AQs we can 3 bet 90% of the time and mix in to our flatting range 10%
KK, AA for value then place that in to out 4 bet flatting range if we don't have a 5 bet range from that position as above to make it a stronger balanced range.
notice we have not put QQ in to our 3 bet range this is because we can use it in our flatting range 90% of the time to strengthen it along side 99+ JJ.
Our flatting range is a strong range 99+QQ and AQo 90% this is because we can now allow for a squeeze behind and still have options to continue in the hand.
this would be a strong range vs a strong player and as I say an extreme case.
Playing the stake you play you don't have to be GTO or balanced at all but you do need a strong pre flop game, 3 bet a much wider range to iso weak players/recreational players to get them HU, 3 bet weaker regs that fold to much vs 3 bets and keep pounding until they adjust but know how your own ranges work first.
Hope that helps, it might not be a 100% correct GTO range but it wont be far off I don't think.
I just finished work so a bit tired
Strong ranges are there to protect you from getting exploited, vs good players they will pick up on the fact you have a much wider flatting range like the 62s hand above then exploit you every time.
What made you suddenly start posting on the Forum recently?
You are a real asset to this place, & it's great to have you here.
Really like the vibe in the forum with a great bunch of people that go out there way to help others, so felt it was the right thing to give some help if I could.
Take Grogy and Matt for example (as well as many other great thinking players) are in a class of there own and make incredible posts to help players like me, looking forward to spending a lot more time here and If I can help that's a bonus.