Anyone who wants to let off some steam here's the place.Anything that gets you riled.
Customer in front of me in supermarket decides to have a chat with checkout girl after packing and paying for her shopping.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Binman sticks a note on my recycling bin to tell me to cut up the cardboard and plastic into smaller pieces.!!!!!!!!
Advertisements on exactly the same product from years past,but now with more glitz and glamour.!!!!!!
Is anyone gonna fill these potholes in.!!!!!!!
All these cooking programmes with "chefs" .THER'E COOKS!!!!!!!
Horse I back , 10 lengths clear coming to the last and falls.!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can customers please pay their bills on time!!!!!!!!
Been getting calls (during poker sessions) about ppi for about 6 years now.Never had a mortgage.!!!!!!!
Ache when getting out of bed these days.Getting older!!!