hi, I have a possibility of winning a package via the Mayhem FRs. I'll probably bust first hand tonight but it is possible. I have a few questions if anyone can help.
1/ I'm assuming the £1000 is for flights/travel and spending money for two. Problem is I can't find flights for two never mind travel and spending money for less that £1000. How are you other package winners solving this?
2/ Does the target event (I thinks it's the Little One for One Drop) have different starting day ones? I come home from an already booked holiday on the 11th.
3/ This is contentious I know. If I won and could not go I would have to swap with 2nd which is worth £500. What's to stop me (for example) of just accepting the package because even the if I could not go I would still get £1000 (double 2nd place).
I'm not sure how I would feel if someone did this. Firstly it's taking a package away from someone who could go but we are all playing this to win money (if it was just for the love of the game we would be playing free tables). I'm torn as to how I would feel. £500 (the difference) will mean a lot more to some than others but winning a trip to Vegas to play in the WSOP is practically every poker players dream.
I just thought it would be an interesting discussion.
2) Yeah I think it does but don't quote me on that. Sounds like you have too many holidays
3) Pretty ridiculous tbh. If people are treating money as the be all and end all then that is a pretty sad existence. It's important, don't get me wrong, and £500 is a nice sum of money, but in the grand scheme of things (I'm talking over a lifetime) its nothing. Whereas a trip to Vegas to play a WSOP event might be a once in a lifetime thing. If people are happy to deprive someone of that for the sake of a few hundred quid then stop the world cos I want to get off.
Good luck.
There are 3 starting days, 12th, 13th & 14th, you let Sky know on arrival which is your preferred starting day.
The £1000 is the most I have seen gave by a poker site for 'travel & expenses'. As was said it is really a package for 1 (1 event buy in etc) and some sites do not say a +1 can come. Sky do allow a +1 but obviously you have to meet any surplus expenses. It looks to me like an excellent side event package.
When I went last year with another site I saw a site rep once, was given the buy in and left to get on with it. Another site I went with I never seen a site rep at all. Whereas Sky have arranged several extras & activities!
P.S. I think on those trips I was usually given around $1,000 for expenses which is a lot less than £1,000.
By saying about it being nonsense about it being a once in a lifetime, you don't understand what it is like to play in a WSOP event and the overall package you get with sky.
Up to 2 people in the room I think is included, any more and the hotel/casino charge a fee although obviously if it is undeclared and there were 3 people for example I would be surprised if anyone noticed/cared.
Flight prices are higher this year but there are still quite a few around the £700-£750 mark, slightly less if you look very hard, think I paid about £650 last year.
Off season IMO isn't the same. There are plenty games going but not as many as during the WSOP. There just isn't the same buzz about the place but you can definitely still have a great time. It does add a lot to the experience also when you are there with a bunch of players via the site than off on a solo mission. I have done both and I know the trips I remember the most fondly where when there were a group of us playing via a poker site. All subjective of course.
And yes, best of luck tonight craig!
You gonna look back in 10 years time and think 'yeah, June 2016 was a good month cos I could make a slightly bigger credit card payment and enjoy branded cereal for a few weeks'? Happy in the knowledge that by keeping quiet you deprived someone else of the chance to fly out to Vegas and play a WSOP event?
Laughable to say you wouldn't like it done to you, then try and justify why you might do it.