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Any advice or criticism welcome, what do you do in this spot?



  • dantb10dantb10 Member Posts: 583
    edited February 2010
    Yup was a very good day mate! I shall be visiting the venue on a much more frequent basis from now on. (hopefully play more than 3 hands next time!)

    Heard u bubbled? sigh!

    I like the move where u were showing the top card (say a Queen) and saying 'decent pair but still didnt want the call'

    Love it! ur image is impeccable!

    Im going to guess and say u had errr... a jack or a ten with the queen? ;)
  • cabler111cabler111 Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2010
    these free game when player book this game in 1 hour before the game start I find at lease 20o/o player don't play as this free game  they should be off the table when I play they still in like top 50 how you work that one out it should be outfrom the start off the table  yes or no > 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,828
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Any advice or criticism welcome, what do you do in this spot?:
    Yup was a very good day mate! I shall be visiting the venue on a much more frequent basis from now on. (hopefully play more than 3 hands next time!) Heard u bubbled? sigh! I like the move where u were showing the top card (say a Queen) and saying 'decent pair but still didnt want the call' Love it! ur image is impeccable! Im going to guess and say u had errr... a jack or a ten with the queen? ;)
    Posted by dantb10
    Both of them were Queens, obv.

    188 runners, 18 paid. I departed 19th.

    I'm such a nit.

    Had a great day, though, & it was good to hook up with you guys.

    The only problem is the Tourney breaks, at 20 minutes, are a tad long. Oh wait - you never survived until the break, did you?
  • loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Any advice or criticism welcome, what do you do in this spot?:
    Ive also posted this in the strategy section, but not alot of people hang around there. It was a live tourny at DTD, 10,000 starting stack 30 minute clock. Still in first level, but im down to 7,000 after a fiasco with JJ previously. MR station limps in CO i have QQ on the button and make it 300 to go. (blinds 25/50) All fold except mr station who has played every pot, from any position. Flop is 10 5 2. He checks, i want to play this strong to get max value so i pot it. Mr station then re pops to 3k... i tank and think he has a hand like A10, k10, Q10, J10. I shove 4 my last 6k ish and he insta calls, and shows 10 10!!!!! I just wanted to know what people thort of how i played the hand, was it just a cooler, or should i let go and preserve my remaining 5,000 chips as its early? Any criticism or advice welcome. Cheers
    Posted by dantb10
    I was in the forum deepy a while back and this exact thing happened to me against Kiwini4u in the 1st hand. I had 10-10 he had QQ, he raised i called and the board came 10, and two lower cards. He put a bet in and i went the lot, the result was the same and he's a decent player, so i reckon 99/100 you gonna do your stack.
  • dantb10dantb10 Member Posts: 583
    edited February 2010
    I didnt last past the birmingham game!!

    Oh well, theres always next time!

    I will take down one at DTD this year! Thats my goal!
  • pryce6pryce6 Member Posts: 1,058
    edited February 2010
    In Response to sitout player:
    these free game when player book this game in 1 hour before the game start I find at lease 20o/o player don't play as this free game  they should be off the table when I play they still in like top 50 how you work that one out it should be outfrom the start off the table  yes or no /> 
    Posted by cabler111
    sorry? what!?
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,931
    edited February 2010
    dan can,t give any advice,but you can give plenty.played you once in a deepstack got to the final three with yourself tikay and me,tikay says watch this for short handed play,i were chip laeder at the time and you just blew us away,i learnt alot from that one short handed game and i,ve watched how you play a few times when its short handed my games improved ten fold when i get that deep into a tourny i,d just like to say thanks for the help(although you not knowing it).just goes to show how much you can learn by just being observent..sean
  • mabsuemabsue Member Posts: 382
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: sitout player:
    In Response to sitout player : sorry? what!?
    Posted by pryce6
    Its a rogue post look at the title above his post dont know how it wound up here lol
  • mabsuemabsue Member Posts: 382
    edited February 2010
    Dan youre game is solid mate tbh i play sooo much tighter live than online (trying to change) but this early in a deepstack tourny  i fold everytime figuring that op has got lucky and made a set or two pair i would look and think still got loads of play left in the game its cliche i know but its not the hands you play that win you tournies its the ones you dont just my opinion mate and you have done more online than me and i have loads of respect for you,you know that good luck mate,Mark
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Any advice or criticism welcome, what do you do in this spot?:
    Dan youre game is solid mate tbh i play sooo much tighter live than online (trying to change) but this early in a deepstack tourny  i fold everytime figuring that op has got lucky and made a set or two pair i would look and think still got loads of play left in the game its cliche i know but its not the hands you play that win you tournies its the ones you dont just my opinion mate and you have done more online than me and i have loads of respect for you,you know that good luck mate,Mark
    Posted by mabsue

    Call flop get it in on turn and lose and be like oh dam. There is alot of loose dead money in these live events, sometimes they hit hands though.

  • NColleyNColley Member Posts: 1,178
    edited February 2010
    If Mr Station has just been calling to the river every hand, i.e not raising when he hits maybe you get away if you are 100% on the top of your game, but tbh I would be sat there thinking if theres no A or K on the flop then I'm gonna try to get all my chips in as you would expect to be ahead most of the time here and if hes gone and got AA, KK or a set then goodbye me wp sir gl.
  • dantb10dantb10 Member Posts: 583
    edited February 2010
    I remember that deepstack final well sean! thanks for the kind words!

    Cheers mark, i realise it was early in the tourny, but like says, the standard of play was pretty bad and i thort i was ahead! oh well thanks for the advice peeps, hopefully last longer next time!!
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Any advice or criticism welcome, what do you do in this spot?:
    Hi Dan Just two questions - 1) Was your QQ suited? :) and 2) Was the other player TK as i believe he was at DTD this week end? Actually, all joking apart, you know you are a dam fine player and it looks just like a cooler situation to me but like others above, I would of probably been cautious of the opponent hitting trips on that flop. Just put it down to experience! BTW, what was the entrance fee for this tourney? I have promised myself a trip to DTD soon but my BR is not in great shape at the mo so need to pick wisely. I have played loads of pub live poker but need to get a feel for casino live poker this year. Any advice from yourself will be most welcome, Cheers
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Was just wondering as ive heard it mentioned a few times. Where is DTD? and what does it stand for?
    Thx Paul aka MP33
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,931
    edited February 2010
    dusk till dawn,nottingham
    EDIT:theres no vampires,at least i dont think their is
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