Hi All,
UKOPS will return this October/ November and this is your opportunity as a community to feed into the schedule. We have a number of ideas of how the series will look but who better to shape the schedule than the people that will play in it.
For now it is an open forum, what would you like to see? We are talking length of series, types of tournaments, number of events. Anything. As we get closer we will start to add a little more detail, but for now what do you want?
I can't promise we will take every suggestion. We will not have a £10,000 GTD PLO8 event and the Main Event will not have a £100,000 guarantee.
But please leave your thoughts below and we will have some healthy debate.
Might be good time to try something different as part of the series. Suggest 1 or more of the following:-
Deepstack day
12/15 minute blinds
7 minute blinds
5 minute blinds
Back to 2010 day (Primo etc)
A different number of seats-9 max/4 max?? (If the former, antes or speed essential)
A tournament that must win a qualifier to play-poss via STTs
Perhaps have a 3rd major MTT at 7.30 or 9 for the series
Bracelets for leaderboard winners at lower levels
A leaderboard where players get x amount of points for a cash, FT and win etc offering some prizes for the top however many.
Rebuys, rebuys and some more rebuys please