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  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited September 2016
    In Response to UKOPS XVII:
    Hi All, UKOPS will return this October/ November and this is your opportunity as a community to feed into the schedule. We have a number of ideas of how the series will look but who better to shape the schedule than the people that will play in it.  For now it is an open forum, what would you like to see? We are talking length of series, types of tournaments, number of events. Anything. As we get closer we will start to add a little more detail, but for now what do you want? I can't promise we will take every suggestion. We will not have a £10,000 GTD PLO8 event and the Main Event will not have a £100,000 guarantee.  But please leave your thoughts below and we will have some healthy debate. 
    Posted by Sky_SamT
    Please can you look at the schedule and how it fits in with the current schedule. Sometimes you end up with less games than on a normal night and other times you have say a £22bh followed by a ukops £22bh 30mins later. 

    I like the idea of a 2 week series with mini version in week one and higher buy ins week after. In week one you have sats for week 2. This will help players who only play on certain nights so they can sat into next weeks event. 
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited September 2016
    In Response to Re: UKOPS XVII:
    In Response to UKOPS XVII : Please can you look at the schedule and how it fits in with the current schedule. Sometimes you end up with less games than on a normal night and other times you have say a £22bh followed by a ukops £22bh 30mins later.  I like the idea of a 2 week series with mini version in week one and higher buy ins week after. In week one you have sats for week 2. This will help players who only play on certain nights so they can sat into next weeks event. 
    Posted by MattBates

    I think this is a great idea, I often dont get home until later and can't try to sat into the main events that I am too tight to pony up for ;-)
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    edited September 2016

    1) Satellite saturation - Putting more sats on then previous UKOPS will hopefully work, especially now there is a filter for these to be seen or not seen. 
    Some last min (hour before) all in sats to Main Events/other events will also increase players numbers. Even if some were put on without a 'seat' guaranteed if the min number was not reached. In this scenario, cash would just be paid out and Sky Poker would not lose out to any overlay. All depending on if this was something the software could handle.

    2) Promotion/comps etc - Golden tickets to be won into events by prize draw. Forum generated comps for entry's too.

    3) High Roller Event - To attract players on a certain day (Sunday). Together with a reasonable satellite filter tree for all levels to attempt.

    4) League Table - Agree with this, but to cut a lot of work out, just make two trophies and send to Wacko & Batesy now.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    edited September 2016

    One more...

    5) Structure/Format of Main/Mini - If this could be as close as poss and the 'jackpot' prize promoted, hopefully numbers would increase in both events
  • ArrogantArrogant Member Posts: 220
    edited September 2016
    The mains and highrollers should have bigger timebanks than usual.Players need more time making tough decisions in these big events worth alot of money.

  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited September 2016
    Whole thing she be eight days, Sunday to Sunday. A daily high roller for £200, £300 would be good. All minis £10 to make them different.  Remove reg fees on rebuys to attract more. Maybe one main to be totally reg free as a special feature.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited September 2016
    In Response to Re: UKOPS XVII:
    Whole thing she be eight days, Sunday to Sunday. A daily high roller for £200, £300 would be good. All minis £10 to make them different.  Remove reg fees on rebuys to attract more. Maybe one main to be totally reg free as a special feature.
    Posted by SoLack
    Hi Paul,

    My understanding of the current thinking is that rebuys & add-ons during UKOPS will NOT attract rake/reg fee.
  • pompeynicpompeynic Member Posts: 2,834
    edited September 2016
    Thanks Sky for asking,
    How about having a main event one evening that everyone could afford to play?
    Maybe a 10-15k with a £5.50 buy in, something like the roller? "one for the masses" an all inclusive tournament.
    I do not know, but suspect, that lots of small ball players would love to play the big main events but, for whatever reason, cannot afford to risk £33-£110 to play.Could one of the "minnows" win your version of the FA Cup.
    May or may not be a popular idea. It may also attract more new people to the site.
    Another idea, although I doubt it is possible, is a mixed event,alternate levels of different games?
    Just a thought could be fun?
    Another could be a heads up knockout tounament, best of five move on to next round.
    Anyway I look forward to whatever you decide, hopefully for those of us who do enjoy the four card game there will be a few to play.
    Thanks again
  • chiggypigchiggypig Member Posts: 235
    edited September 2016
    I for one would like a £9,000 GTD plo8 event
  • chiggypigchiggypig Member Posts: 235
    edited September 2016
    A heads up MTT would be amazing, would need to be round based though, not like the Heads up bounty hunters
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited September 2016
    A big guaranteed £10 freezeout

    PLO rebuy £5

    Agree that 2 weeks is too long. 8 days sounds cool. 

    Mini should closely match main.

  • TwoAnchorsTwoAnchors Member Posts: 126
    edited September 2016
    I like the idea of a shootout. 

    Plenty of other good suggestions in the thread already including heads-up, 9 max and 4 max for variety.

    Satellites running well in advance of UKOPS please so it's not a last minute panic to try and qualify for plenty of tournaments without denting the bankroll too much.

  • jdsallstarjdsallstar Member Posts: 1,675
    edited September 2016
    Satelite idea for events later in the week is good. 

    Golden tickets idea for every event you enter?! Could win prizes or entry into bigger events?!

    Please not too many deepstacks or rebuys lol bh'ers all the way!
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited September 2016
    +1 hu mtt round based.
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited September 2016
    For me some sort of leaderboard, progress tracker, points incentive etc is a must to increase interest..

    i think you should keep it similar to the regular schedule with obviously bigger guarantees and loads more sats...

    i personally dont like the idea of rebuy days, bh days, freezeout days etc, much prefer a mixed schedule each night. 

    keep it proportionate to the player base, i dont know the stats on what the most popular games have been over the last X amount of years, but if say 50% of mtt players pick BH's then make 50% of the schedule BH's etc, the same for all other formats. Im all for trying new games and formats but think they should be trialed before a ukops to see if they are a success first.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited September 2016
    I really like the idea of some sort of leader board and also golden tickets.

    Playing an event = 1 golden ticket irrespective of the buy in.

    With some nice prizes, could be Tournament entries with random values. So maybe like a few £100 entries, some £55s with a lot of £10 MTT tokens.

    A rebuy every day would be cool too.

  • Sky_SamTSky_SamT Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 984
    edited September 2016
    All input is much appreciated here and every post is read.

    We do have some current limitations on the types of tournaments that we can run which means some of the suggestions above will not be included in UKOPS XVII but don't rule them out in the future. 

    A UKOPS leaderboard is very likely and this year I believe we will do something we have not previously done which should give players of all bankrolls a shot. James has been working on designs for new bracelets too so we can expect them to better than ever. 
  • Sky_SamTSky_SamT Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 984
    edited September 2016
    In Response to Re: UKOPS XVII:
    The mains and highrollers should have bigger timebanks than usual.Players need more time making tough decisions in these big events worth alot of money.
    Posted by Arrogant
    Noted. An actual timebank will not be used but we can certainly increase the decision time. 
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited September 2016
    Definately would like to see a tiered leader board promotion for UKOPS, as many people have suggested. (Low/Medium/High stake)

    Leaderboard promos with points based on finishing position, and not "rake points".

    You have great promo's for "rake generating" activities, but not where points are based on skill/finishing positions, rather than volume.

    This is one area where unfortunately Sky sadly falls behind it's competitors. UKOPS could be a good opportunity to address that.

    I love SkyPoker, and you do some great promotions, however sometimes I feel the MTT players are somewhat overlooked (probably because they don't generate as much rake)

    Sites typically use formulas using logarithms for these things, based on entry fee, number of runners and finishing position. I won't cut and paste any formulas from the sites, but I am sure you can see easily enough for yourselves, formulas that other sites use.



  • shaun09shaun09 Member Posts: 1,606
    edited September 2016
    Nightly Semis leading up to the ME that week would be good. like you used to do for the £12k bounty hunter. sats during the day with a semi every night leading up to the tourny. used to give players a chance to get in it early rather than the semi of the MTT.
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