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Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority?



  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    edited November 2016
    I love goodfellas! (&this thread)
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority?:
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority? : FYP
    Posted by Phantom66
    Ha! Quite. 
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority?:
    I love goodfellas! (&this thread)
    Posted by Itsover4u
    Cheers man - appreciate it. Cinema is pretty subjective but I've not met anyone who doesn't like Goodfellas. 

    Just had a miserable session that was a bit heavy and I did a bit of bread and it bummed me out. I actually played okay but had to resort to constantly four-betting T7s, 85s etc, IP to scrape some profit together as I was that card dead. I'm pretty sure that last sentence is paradoxical. 

    Off to play live for a few hours with a chunk of my bankroll. This, potentially, is where it all goes wrong...

    Bankroll: £1323.72
    Points: 7584

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2016
    It came 1st in a Total Film poll a few years ago as the greatest film ever made, although its not my absolute favourite (though its close with The Godfather, Apocalypse Now and Taxi Driver, a 4 way flip if you will)  it is hard to argue it cos it contains everything and makes 2.5 hours fly by.

    Apparently that 'funny how' scene wasn't written into the film like that, Pesci ad-libbed it and Liotta's reaction was genuine.

    Was a great platform for Pesci to go onto bigger and better things, like Home Alone and Home Alone 2.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority?:
    It came 1st in a Total Film poll a few years ago as the greatest film ever made, although its not my absolute favourite (though its close with The Godfather, Apocalypse Now and Taxi Driver, a 4 way flip if you will)  it is hard to argue it cos it contains everything and makes 2.5 hours fly by. Apparently that 'funny how' scene wasn't written into the film like that, Pesci ad-libbed it and Liotta's reaction was genuine. Was a great platform for Pesci to go onto bigger and better things, like Home Alone and Home Alone 2.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    You missed My Cousin Vinny
    Just remembered that had Jennifer Tilly in it as well
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority?:
    It came 1st in a Total Film poll a few years ago as the greatest film ever made, although its not my absolute favourite (though its close with The Godfather, Apocalypse Now and Taxi Driver, a 4 way flip if you will)  it is hard to argue it cos it contains everything and makes 2.5 hours fly by. Apparently that 'funny how' scene wasn't written into the film like that, Pesci ad-libbed it and Liotta's reaction was genuine. Was a great platform for Pesci to go onto bigger and better things, like Home Alone and Home Alone 2.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    Think I read this in Shortlist a few years ago when they ran a Goodfellas special. That was a good commute. Another fact I remember is that Ray Liotta had someone in the sound booth with him when he was recording the voiceover/narrative bits that he would speak directly to. 

    You're right, though, it does contain everything and zips by - it's almost like a two and a half hour trailer. The music is pure ace - they often put on the soundtrack in my local pizza place when I go in (thin brag that I sometimes go out to eat). 
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority?:
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority? : You missed My Cousin Vinny Just remembered that had Jennifer Tilly in it as well
    Posted by Jac35
    My Cousin Vinny is wonderful. Love that Marisa Tomei won an Oscar for it, too. 

    Think Joe Pesci is great, too, in Raging Bull. Just looked up his IMDb and he officially retired in 1999. [expletive deleted] shame. 
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited November 2016
    Quote: "Off to play live for a few hours with a chunk of my bankroll. This, potentially, is where it all goes wrong..."

    How prescient. This whole thing came close to unravelling last night. Played live £1/1 - quickly found myself £200 down through a combination of playing too many hands, whiffing too many boards, counterfeitaments and getting it all in pre with AA and losing to quads. 

    Bought back in for £200 as there was a huge, pleasant whale at the table and a handful of only so-so regs. I was prepared to go through my entire bankroll if necessary - the table was that good. The whale was ace: lively, engaging table talk, lots of whisky drinking, tipping the valets and dealers handsomely and splashing around a treat. At least every other hand he would raise to £16/17/18 pre, blind, and continue barrelling blind/looking and calling down or betting with a gutshot/third pair. 

    In short, the ideal person to play poker against. Seemed to be able to afford to spew a bit, too. Some of the regs didn't like it. "We're here to play poker, not bingo," "How can you call £51 pre with T3", "This is ridiculous" etc etc etc. 

    I wanted to rip their heads off. First, because it's not nice. Second, because he might have enough of the insults and walk off. Third, because of their inability to adjust. There isn't the time to go into why it's counterproductive and absurd to berate weaker players at the table (and why regs should be loving players raising blind £18 every other hand), but suffice to say it is. I've been guilty of operating on the fringes of this before, but about as far as I've gone is writing a sarcastic "nh" in the chatbox and it's rare, purely borne out of frustration and something I'm trying to nip in the bud. 

    Anyway, I start playing 50-60% of hands versus pleasant whale (I have position on him) and even though I have to make one or two nervy calls with top pair/no kicker and a big river check-raise with second pair in a 200bb pot (I snapped) I get into profit. Then I play okay and get into more profit. Then I play badly/semi-badly and make one or two horrible errors that are making me cringe as I think about them and come out more or less break even. 

    Bankroll: £1331.88
    Points: 7651
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2016
    You've just decribed pretty much every live cash game ever.
    Although, I'm normally the drunk guy. Nice drunk guy though.
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited November 2016
    Quite, Jac, although this one was particularly good. If I played on that table every night I'd be able to buy my own island in a year. Do you drink at the tables, then? I did, lots, but got myself into all sorts of bother trying to drunkenly outplay people (read: bet, bet, jam) and so I stopped. My win rate skyrocketed, but my enjoyment downswonged. So I drink a bit now: three, four pints - something like that. 

    I take online poker semi-seriously but see live stuff as recreational and to be enjoyed. Naturally that enjoyment is increased if I make monies but I don't mind if I'm seen as a bit of a boozy fool who's there to chat and keep one eye on the football and gamble it up here and there. 

    The merest slip of an update, today. The tables were (somewhat predictably) reg-heavy later in the evening and it felt like a bit of a grind except when I was misclicking three bets with suited connectors and flopping the nuts. They softened and fattened up later though and I came away with a so-so profit. Points are looking pretty good, too. 

    Bankroll: £1419.86
    Points: 8197

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority?:
    Quite, Jac, although this one was particularly good. If I played on that table every night I'd be able to buy my own island in a year. Do you drink at the tables, then? I did, lots, but got myself into all sorts of bother trying to drunkenly outplay people (read: bet, bet, jam) and so I stopped. My win rate skyrocketed, but my enjoyment downswonged. So I drink a bit now: three, four pints - something like that.  I take online poker semi-seriously but see live stuff as recreational and to be enjoyed. Naturally that enjoyment is increased if I make monies but I don't mind if I'm seen as a bit of a boozy fool who's there to chat and keep one eye on the football and gamble it up here and there.  The merest slip of an update, today. The tables were (somewhat predictably) reg-heavy later in the evening and it felt like a bit of a grind except when I was misclicking three bets with suited connectors and flopping the nuts. They softened and fattened up later though and I came away with a so-so profit. Points are looking pretty good, too.  Bankroll: £1419.86 Points: 8197
    Posted by SR23
    So many similarities. I feel a ramble coming on
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited November 2016

    Listen up SR23,

    You indicated earlier this Diary ends once you achieve target.

    Reconsider please - you write beautifully.

    Amongst the myriad of little jobs & responsibilities I have is to try & keep this Forum ticking over with good stuff. Diaries like this are a Godsend, they really are.
    As the pesky kids might say, post morrrrrrr 
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority?:
    Listen up SR23, You indicated earlier this Diary ends once you achieve target. Reconsider please - you write beautifully. Amongst the myriad of little jobs & responsibilities I have is to try & keep this Forum ticking over with good stuff. Diaries like this are a Godsend, they really are.   As the pesky kids might say, post morrrrrrr     
    Posted by Tikay10
    I love this. In fact, I'm going to start all correspondence in a similar fashion, particularly emails. And I love (and appreciate) what you say, too - I've thought on and off for a couple of years about doing a diary on here but never quite got around to it. You're laying yourself open to criticism somewhat and, well, is there something ever-so-slightly vulgar about recording your financial success? I'm not sure, I haven't quite decided. Plus I've not been sure what to write about and once this is over wouldn't be sure what to write about in the future. More plus: it's something of a busman's holiday. 

    And yet. 

    And yet, I've really enjoyed writing here over the last month - more so than I have done when being paid for it. The response from other players both on and off the tables has been genuinely touching and invigorating. So, let's see, shall we? Thanks again. 

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority?:
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority? : I love this. In fact, I'm going to start all correspondence in a similar fashion, particularly emails. And I love (and appreciate) what you say, too - I've thought on and off for a couple of years about doing a diary on here but never quite got around to it. You're laying yourself open to criticism somewhat and, well, is there something ever-so-slightly vulgar about recording your financial success? I'm not sure, I haven't quite decided. Plus I've not been sure what to write about and once this is over wouldn't be sure what to write about in the future. More plus: it's something of a busman's holiday.  And yet.  And yet, I've really enjoyed writing here over the last month - more so than I have done when being paid for it. The response from other players both on and off the tables has been genuinely touching and invigorating. So, let's see, shall we? Thanks again. 
    Posted by SR23

  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,333
    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority?:
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority? : ?
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority?:
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority? : ?
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    Indeed. I think what I was trying to say, rather hamfistedly, is that I'm not sure I want (in the long term) to be documenting my wins and losses. There are one or two people who I know irl who read this thing (and it is a thing) and I don't know if I want them to be reading "I won X amount/lost Y amount today." Although perhaps I do. God knows, I'm exhausted. And tilted. Was that even your question? Hopefully I've answered it. If not, I'll try again. 
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority?:
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority? : ?
    Posted by mumsie
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority?:
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority? : I love this. In fact, I'm going to start all correspondence in a similar fashion, particularly emails. And I love (and appreciate) what you say, too - I've thought on and off for a couple of years about doing a diary on here but never quite got around to it. You're laying yourself open to criticism somewhat and, well, is there something ever-so-slightly vulgar about recording your financial success? I'm not sure, I haven't quite decided. Plus I've not been sure what to write about and once this is over wouldn't be sure what to write about in the future. More plus: it's something of a busman's holiday.  And yet.  And yet, I've really enjoyed writing here over the last month - more so than I have done when being paid for it. The response from other players both on and off the tables has been genuinely touching and invigorating. So, let's see, shall we? Thanks again. 
    Posted by SR23
    If we just write about our successes (wins, profits) & never mention our failures (losses) then yes, it's a bit self-indulgent. In the same way, if we just chronicle our bad beats, as some Diaries here used to, without referencing the times we got lucky, again, it does not read well. 

    As in all things, honesty, balance, humility & modesty help immensely.

    So are we all agreed then - you continue to Diary? If not.....

    And when you're gone, you stay gone, or you be gone. You lost all your L.A. privileges. Deal? 


  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2016
    You sound so butch Tikay
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Harebrained November Challenge - from £17.15 to Priority?:
    You sound so butch Tikay
    Posted by Jac35
    So we cool?
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