I hope your not feeling too bad and are keeping yourself occupied tom lots of hugs and cuddles with your loved ones . is doctor blonds prescription to keep your spirits up.
I hope your not feeling too bad and are keeping yourself occupied tom lots of hugs and cuddles with your loved ones . is doctor blonds prescription to keep your spirits up. Posted by dumb_blond
Thank you,my iPad is playing up at the moment,I tried to post that I tried to reg for the £2 bounty hunter at 8.05 and my iPad registered me for the main event instead! I haven't a clue how much it cost,there was over 300 runners ,I played ok and made the final table,fin 4 th for £369 happy days.
Tonight will be my last poker session for a short time ( hopefully) I would like to express my thanks to all of you splendid chaps and chappesses who have taken the time to wish me well,I really do appreciate it.
Take care all and the best of luck on the felt and more important in life.x
ho ho ho tom great result all the best johnny i was cheering you on lol Posted by FLASHJONNY
Hey jonny thanks mate. Hope you are well and doing good on the tables, may see you in the deep stack tonight, be careful though I'm a lucky so and so I reckon the demon of AK ( my wsop exit hand) have been laid to rest by the hand last night late in the tourney,3 way allin I had AK both tothers had QQ so when an ace came on the flop it was pretty much locked down
Nice result last night Tom...well done. Posted by MAXALLY
Thanks Alan, sorry for knocking you out the mini tother night with my q9? It's my fav hand and was being stubborn protecting my bb,hope you run well at the tables,as well as I am running to the bathroom atm;) prob too much info ey.
Today hasn't been too bad really, apart from having nothing to eat and going to the bathroom frequently, I have to be at the hospital at. 7.30 am tomorrow,I have to say I am a bit worried but I need to stay calm and trust the staff.
My good lady wife is showing signs of stress which is understandable, I hope she will be ok whilst I am in, they said I may be in 2 days dependent on recovery.
My wife pointed out I was running low on my tablets so with the Xmas period coming I rang the doctors to ask for a repeat prescription,oh dear....that's when it all goes pear shaped...here's how it went. Me - " hello I am in hospital tomorrow and I'm afraid I am low on my tablets would it be possible to have a repeat prescription please", gestapo lady receptionist - " no we don't do them over the phone", me- would it be possible to speak to a doctor? Gestapo - " no the doctor doesn't do that" me( let's try the sympathy route) " I'm having brachytherapy tomorrow can I do it any other way" g.l.- " you will have to come here with a note"
So I had to wait for the wife to fin work and take me all the time hoping I wouldn't have an accident in my pants...fab
nice to hear your out of hospital but it must have been awful for you that due to the complications a planned 20 minute session turned into a 2 hour stint. not very good for the nerves on your first session. i'm pleased you feel well enough to have a game at the tables an encouraging sign just settle your self down and watch the toon beat sunderland at lunch time. I hope things go well for you this week and i'll take the opportunity to wish your self and your family all the best during the festivities although you have other things on your mind I hope your in good spirits despite the circumstances love db xx Posted by dumb_blond
Thank you,and a very happy Xmas and new year to you and your family.
I had an operation on Thursday,the radiotherapy starts in January, it brought to mind something I recall reading in a joke book,goes something like this...a young woman is having a baby and decides to have it "au natural" ie no pain relief,and goes to her mother to tell her what she is planning.,her mother is a wise soul," mum how much does childbirth hurt" well says mum,pinch your bottom lip as hard as you can,ohh says the daughter yes that hurts a lot but I think I will be able to stand it.ok says mum,now pull it over your head and staple it to your neck....
nice to hear your out of hospital but it must have been awful for you that due to the complications a planned 20 minute session turned into a 2 hour stint. not very good for the nerves on your first session. i'm pleased you feel well enough to have a game at the tables an encouraging sign just settle your self down and watch the toon beat sunderland at lunch time. I hope things go well for you this week and i'll take the opportunity to wish your self and your family all the best during the festivities although you have other things on your mind I hope your in good spirits despite the circumstances love db xx
I have been discharged and am at home,I am hoping to play tonight.
Thanks for the good vibe messages,they helped me a lot, i don't remember having a session on the 18th dragon as that was when I was admitted to hospital although I did have a quick peek in the forum about 5 am before I set off.
My stay in hospital was a tad traumatic at times but I have to say the staff were marvellous and helped me cope with everything that happened.
As always my wife has been wonderful,keeping my spirits up when I was at my lowest and bringing the kids up to see me albeit for the few minutes they were allowed on the night of the 18th,my treatment was supposed to be 20mins but due to complications was 2 hours.
I will try to converse in the chat box if I play later but please bear with me if I take a while or turn chat off for a bit.
Thank you,my iPad is playing up at the moment,I tried to post that I tried to reg for the £2 bounty hunter at 8.05 and my iPad registered me for the main event instead! I haven't a clue how much it cost,there was over 300 runners ,I played ok and made the final table,fin 4 th for £369 happy days.
nice touch tom if any body deserved a timely boost you defiantly deserved to be on the short list. your treatment by the gargoyle at the doctors beggars belief your wife wants to complain to the practice manager as if you didn't have enough on your plate. good luck and I hope every thing goes well at the hospital for you and your family.
is doctor blonds prescription to keep your spirits up.
session turned into a 2 hour stint. not very good for the nerves on your first session.
i'm pleased you feel well enough to have a game at the tables an encouraging sign just settle your self down and watch the toon beat sunderland at lunch time.
I hope things go well for you this week and i'll take the opportunity to wish your self and your family all the best during the festivities although you have other things on your mind I hope your in good spirits despite the circumstances
love db xx
Good to know you are home now Tom.
If you feel up for a game sometime later, the PLO8 crew will always be pleased to see you.
Take it easy today, rest up & try to relax.
It must help that you have what sounds like a really wonderful wife.
Hope it went OK yesterday Tom, & you did not find it too much of an ordeal.
Hope you have a nice Xmas
nice touch tom if any body deserved a timely boost you defiantly deserved to be on the short list.
your treatment by the gargoyle at the doctors beggars belief your wife wants to complain to the practice manager as if you didn't have enough on your plate.
good luck and I hope every thing goes well at the hospital for you and your family.
Nice to share a table with you tonight, & well done on your Main Event result on Monday, too.
Good vibes sent for tomorrow (Thursday).