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My story



  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    Only just stumbling across this my love, always had a good laugh with you on the tables... would never guess you have been going through all this with your chirpy outlook. Wishing you all the best, to you and your family xx
    Posted by samantha25
    Thanks Sam,you are indeed an enigma wrapped in a mystery surrounded by fog;) I appreciate you taking the time to post your good wishes in between gulps of the "Amber nectar" perchance ;) look after youself love and be happy x
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    Keep the positivity on the up and up m8.Inspirin stuff. Paul
    Posted by bignoise10
    Thank you very much,it means a lot to me that you post this when you have your own issues to deal with,you my good man are the inspiration to all us fathers,take care and the very best of luck on the felt.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    The treatment is taking its toll at the moment,I have had 10 sessions of the 23 so almost half way,my appointments were at 6.12 pm I have been getting up for work at 5am then with the drive to Brighton I was getting home around half 7 pm.

    My wife asked if we could change the times as she could see that I was running on very little energy, besides it was playing havoc with my poker regging :) the receptionist was very helpful and she has managed to change next weeks appointments to earlier ones so that will be a big help.

    One morning I was going into the petrol station where I get my paper and chat to the ladies putting the world to rights I saw a big lorry pull away with the bloke texting, course that became my moan of the day as I entered the aforementioned and picked my paper up and started my rant about folk not looking where they were going...and promptly fell over the "careful floor cleaning" sign .....doh....
  • dumb_blonddumb_blond Member Posts: 308
    edited January 2017
    thanks for the update tom 5 till 7 on a regular basis  is tiring enough for any body whose fully fit.
    on the positive note your nearly half way through your course of treatment and hopefully can start to see the light  at the end of the tunnel.

    your wife seems to be a very good organiser and I suggest her next duty
    should be to try and find a gap in your schedule and book you an appointment at Specsavers.

    take care tom and thanks once again for the update best wishes to you and yours  db xxx
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    thanks for the update tom 5 till 7 on a regular basis  is tiring enough for any body whose fully fit. on the positive note your nearly half way through your course of treatment and hopefully can start to see the light  at the end of the tunnel. your wife seems to be a very good organiser and I suggest her next duty should be to try and find a gap in your schedule and book you an appointment at Specsavers. take care tom and thanks once again for the update best wishes to you and yours  db xxx
    Posted by dumb_blond
    Thanks a lot for your good wishes, yes I definitely need to be organized and taken in hand :) hope to see you soon on the virtual felt, good luck on the pokeramo and life front. xx
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665
    edited January 2017

    "....I have had 10 sessions of the 23 so almost half way....."

    Great news Tom, "only" 13 left, & the finish line for the treatment is a lot nearer than it was a week or two ago.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    Feeling bit down at present, without giving too much sordid detail my tummy is poorly,guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself and it will pass soon, hate taking tablets and am on quite a few a day, need to add some to solve my tummy prob sigh..

    It saddens me to see so much grief/argument/nastiness on a forum thread, I hope this gets resolved for the better soon,it's just the same in everyday life that arguments start from the smallest thing,comment,look,tone of voice ,disagreement on what is best way to play..etc..etc, we are all here for just a brief glimpse in time and making the most of it and being happy seems to allude folk,or maybe I read to much into it and folk like the arguments..who knows,certainly not me.

    Poker wise doing ok..ish, finished in top 20 or so in dtd1 and made it to the ukC semi again, but busted out,I will keep trying though,would love to get a seat there,give me something to look forward to.

    Thanks for kind comments all,I feel blessed.
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    Feeling bit down at present, without giving too much sordid detail my tummy is poorly,guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself and it will pass soon, hate taking tablets and am on quite a few a day, need to add some to solve my tummy prob sigh.. It saddens me to see so much grief/argument/nastiness on a forum thread, I hope this gets resolved for the better soon,it's just the same in everyday life that arguments start from the smallest thing,comment,look,tone of voice ,disagreement on what is best way to play..etc..etc, we are all here for just a brief glimpse in time and making the most of it and being happy seems to allude folk,or maybe I read to much into it and folk like the arguments..who knows,certainly not me. Poker wise doing ok..ish, finished in top 20 or so in dtd1 and made it to the ukC semi again, but busted out,I will keep trying though,would love to get a seat there,give me something to look forward to. Thanks for kind comments all,I feel blessed.
    Posted by tomgoodun
    Sorry to hear you,re feelin down man.Tbf,youve got every reason to,but you still seem to post upliftin stuff.
    Keep on truckin as they say.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,671
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    Feeling bit down at present, without giving too much sordid detail my tummy is poorly,guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself and it will pass soon, hate taking tablets and am on quite a few a day, need to add some to solve my tummy prob sigh.. It saddens me to see so much grief/argument/nastiness on a forum thread, I hope this gets resolved for the better soon,it's just the same in everyday life that arguments start from the smallest thing,comment,look,tone of voice ,disagreement on what is best way to play..etc..etc, we are all here for just a brief glimpse in time and making the most of it and being happy seems to allude folk,or maybe I read to much into it and folk like the arguments..who knows,certainly not me. Poker wise doing ok..ish, finished in top 20 or so in dtd1 and made it to the ukC semi again, but busted out,I will keep trying though,would love to get a seat there,give me something to look forward to. Thanks for kind comments all,I feel blessed.
    Posted by tomgoodun
    You've got to remember Tom they are hitting you with some pretty powerful stuff, it's going to have side effects. Good to see you running well at the poker.

    Keep on fighting!
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited January 2017
    Forum seems back to normal's safe to come back :)
    Hope all is going ok and hope to see you soon xx
  • dumb_blonddumb_blond Member Posts: 308
    edited January 2017
    hi tom i hope your feeling a bit better this week we need you fit and well and back on the poker table
    I've had a good month with the poker myself and in danger of showing a profit on the month for the first time ever wow.
    no wins but a good few decent cashes but my proudest moment was a 5th out of over 200 in a dtd on Monday.
    whether the cards are just running for me or the penny's  dropped I'm not quite sure but I need you fit and well for when I  take all your chips and get my revenge for the nightmare of the beating you gave me when our paths first crossed.
    keep your spirits up  tom hopefully you can see the end of the road getting closer.

    db xxx
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited January 2017

    Been a silent reader for a while now.

    Really great to see the honesty that you are showing in your battle. You are clearly a very strong willed individual and i wish you all the best! I love to see you got your appointment changed, sure the tirlerdness thing was just the side story .... ;)

    Hope to see you on the tables
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665
    edited January 2017

    Hope you are feeling a bit better now.

    How many "sessions" left?
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    hi tom i hope your feeling a bit better this week we need you fit and well and back on the poker table I've had a good month with the poker myself and in danger of showing a profit on the month for the first time ever wow. no wins but a good few decent cashes but my proudest moment was a 5th out of over 200 in a dtd on Monday. whether the cards are just running for me or the penny's  dropped I'm not quite sure but I need you fit and well for when I  take all your chips and get my revenge for the nightmare of the beating you gave me when our paths first crossed. keep your spirits up  tom hopefully you can see the end of the road getting closer. db xxx
    Posted by dumb_blond
    Wow! 5th of over 200 that is awesome,bet you felt chuffed,Very well done, I better choose my moves carefully when we meet on the felt.of course I shall take some of the credit grasshopper ;) I have got today off work, first sick day in a while apart from being in hospital when I had the op,it feels strange being home alone, and the guilt omg!! Take care and I guess you don't need my good luck wishes now but I shall send them anyway.x
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    Hi Been a silent reader for a while now. Really great to see the honesty that you are showing in your battle. You are clearly a very strong willed individual and i wish you all the best! I love to see you got your appointment changed, sure the tirlerdness thing was just the side story .... ;) Hope to see you on the tables
    Posted by Nuggy962
    Hi Nuggy,thanks for your post, ha yea defo had to get the appointments changed,late regging was playing havoc with my game, I mean everybody knows how tight I play early doors ;)
    Always a pleasure to see you on the felt , good luck my good man.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    Forum seems back to normal's safe to come back :) Hope all is going ok and hope to see you soon xx
    Posted by mrsduck
    Hi ducky, (iPad changed the d to an s this time,good job I check ;) yes all seem back to normal and the heads up pairings thread is a hoot,:) good luck x
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    Hope you are feeling a bit better now. How many "sessions" left?
    Posted by Tikay10
    Hi, I felt pretty bad at the weekend and have decided to take today off work,feels really strange being home when I am so used to the routine of getting up early,going to work,then hospital.
    I have 8 sessions remaining so the light is at the end of the tunnel so to speak,I need to change my follow up appointment as the head radiographer told me last week that I should be seen 8 weeks after my last session which should be week commencing 30/3 and my original appointment was 3/3.
    I have rung the number on the letter and got an answerphone message saying she is on holiday until something of feb( I didn't listen and can't bring myself to ring again to go through the faff of being put through after 10 minutes of "music") I then rang the main hospital number which rang...and rang..etc.must be busy I guess.
    Poker wise I am playing like a numpty.
    On the bright side i can cook toast.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited January 2017
    do call the pope if you drop your toast and it lands butter side up, as it's clearly a miracle
    nope he replied when i phoned, apparently i had buttered the wrong side - must try harder
    (sorry for that - I was going to comment on your telephoning experience but decided against when i realised it was just going to be a huge rant - and couldn't think of what else to say)
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    20 down 3 to go,on the plus side I am nearing the end of my radiotherapy and it has brought home to me how much I am cared for in my family,when you are thinking nobody gives a **** about me (when you are feeling low) things like this happen and it brings great joy when everyone pulls together and shows just the opposite,sure day to day stuff happens but as I have mentioned before let the small things go because to quote that often used "at the end of the day" (which I always interrupt's midnight.) families and friends do care.

    I am really chuffed for James Rann making the final table in the Aussie millions main event,thanks again go to Mr Tony Kendal for starting the thread on his progress,so much for skypoker being a soft site ey :) hope he goes on to take it down,whatever happens he has done incredibly well to make it this far, fab to see a good guy do well.

    I may be playing tonight and I will try to say hi to anyone that would like to partake but just lately i have been having a little difficulty concentrating on the 4 tables I generally play,I like to mix it up playing hold em ,bounty hunters and Omaha hi lo,keeps the brain ticking over but is not good strategy I know :) good luck all.
  • dumb_blonddumb_blond Member Posts: 308
    edited January 2017
    hi tom only 3 to go on the radiotherapy great news hopefully it will ease your schedule a bit as well not so much running about. I'm  pleased your upbeat and enjoying a bit of family tlc  there nothing like having your family unit in your corner
    to cheer you up.
    last week I was preening my feathers telling you about my break through 5th in one of the dtds  and  to get well quickly so
    I could get my revenge at the tables.
    after Mondays pathetic  showing of 2nd off last of anybody who played  all 3 I don't think there's any rush take your time. 

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