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Winning £s, losing lbs



  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Winning £s, losing lbs:
    Pretty poor week on all fronts so far. Poker isn't going great and life is tough right now too. Omar Bogle has indeed left my beloved Grimsby Town to join Wigan, despite all assurances that he wasn't for sale. The club handled the situation badly in my opinion. I sat there all night on deadline day watching the live feed on the GTFC website and not once was there any mention of any serious offers. At 10:30 it was announced that we had signed a midfielder followed by more news at 10:50 informing the fans that we had loaned a young striker from Everton.  So 10 minutes until deadline and all the while there was not a single mention of Bogle leaving. Maybe he was staying afterall? If only! At ten past 11 the news filters through that he has joined Wigan for an undisclosed fee followed by a link to Wigan's twitter feed showing a photo of Bogle, wearing a Wigan shirt, in Wigan, signing the forms. The club obviously knew he had gone to Wigan to discuss terms etc. so why keep the fans in the dark? We still don't know how much we got for him either.  Ah well, it's only a game. My real struggle right now though is the situation that my family are in regarding my dear old Nan. We lost my Grandad 4 months ago to a short illness. My Nan's mental and physical wellbeing has taken a rapid turn for the worse since he died. My Nan is the closest thing to a Mum that I have. My mum died when I was 7 and my Dad has never been a part of my life so my Nan took me and my sister in and brought us up. I love the woman to bits and will be eternally grateful for what she did for me and my sister when we were kids. It's shocking and sad to see her the way she is now. She has lost all sense of what day it is or what time it is. I go to the shop for her most days but then she will ring the house in the middle of night thinking that it is the morning. She won't go to the doctors, out of fear we think. Most of my family live quite a few miles away whereas I live in the next street, so it's left to me and the missus to care for her. It's the least I can do after all she has done for me but it's hard seeing her like she is and not knowing what to do for the best. I just can't believe how much she has changed in 4 months. It's as if the grief of losing my Grandad has broken her mentally. My missus' Nan has dementia, she's had it for a couple of years, and she isn't nearly as bad as my Nan seems to be. I try to tell my uncle how bad she is but his response is that she's an old lady who is going through a rough time. I see her on a daily basis and I know it's more serious than that! I don't know what to do. Like I said, she won't see a doctor, she certainly won't go into a home and my uncle seems to be ignoring the situation. I'm not going to stop caring for her though. It's her that needs me this time and I won't let her down. 
    Posted by waller02
    sorry about your nan waller I hope things turn around for you

  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,333
    edited February 2017
    Sad to see r/l is throwing up trials. Hope things smooth out for you and your family.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2017
    Really sorry to hear how tough it is for you all right now 
  • SP_SPSP_SP Member Posts: 419
    edited February 2017
    hope all goes well for you and your family. apologies for any previous digs please forgive me
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    edited February 2017
    be strong bud all the best
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited February 2017
    Sorry to hear bout your Nan mate be strong for her.
  • Red_KingRed_King Member Posts: 2,850
    edited February 2017
    Sorry to hear about your nan, be strong for your family.
    If in your opinion, from daily observation, it's more psychological than physical condition.
    If she won't see a doctor, can you get her to see a grief counsellor?
    Simply talking with your nan about your grandad in a positive manner could help her.
    Hope things turn around for you soon.
  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Winning £s, losing lbs:
    Sorry to hear about your nan, be strong for your family. If in your opinion, from daily observation, it's more psychological than physical condition. If she won't see a doctor, can you get her to see a grief counsellor? Simply talking with your nan about your grandad in a positive manner could help her. Hope things turn around for you soon.
    Posted by Red_King

    Also, a lack of food or drink can effect the way the brain functions. People often don't bother to eat and drink enough when they are grieving and get on a downward spiral.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,123
    edited February 2017
    Thanks for all your kind words, they really are appreciated.

    Apologies for sending the thread on a bit of a downer, I've just had a whole mix of emotions that I have kept bottled up for weeks and I had to let it out. Once I started typing I couldn't stop but it was good to get it out of my system. A bit of forum therapy if you like!

    Sp Sp - you have nothing to apologise for, I was just as bad. It's all water under the bridge, no hard feelings here.

    Red King/Quickfeet - The thing with my Nan is that she is an "old school" tough old bird (meant in the kindest possible way). She never lets her emotions show, I have never seen her cry, not even when my Grandad died. Also, I have little or no say in any decision about what to do about the situation she is in. 

    I have Aunts and Uncles who are responsible for making any decision regarding my Nan, but as previously mentioned, they only see her once every couple of weeks because of where they live. I see her nearly every day and have seen the rapid decline in her health, particularly her mental health.

    I will go to the shop for her and she will buy the same things over and over again. Cheese and Onion crisps for example, even though she had LOADS of them in her cupboard. She will tell me to put £50 on her gas meter card even though I'd done this the previous day. I buy her fish and chips but then she is on the phone to my sister saying she is starving because she's had nothing to eat all day. It's in the last couple of weeks where the phone calls in the middle of the night have started, with her thinking that its the morning.

    It's all just a bit of a shock to the system. I tell my uncle everything but he says when he saw her she seemed fine, just a bit confused. But he's not the one seeing her nearly every day!

    Ugh, I'm starting to rant again anyway so I'll leave it there! At the end of the day my Nan is 84 so she has had a good innings which is quite remarkable given the fact she has smoked 40 a day since she was 14. Love her to bits!

    Thanks again for the kind words and advice.

    Normal service will be resumed tomorrow with a poker/weight update. I will try to keep things more upbeat in future posts!
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited February 2017
    Hi Ryan
    Really sorry to hear of your nans decline, it must be really tough for you and her at present.
    It helped me enormously to post my feelings on the forum, the majority of folk on here will understand and offer support.
    Best wishes.
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited February 2017

      Hi Ryan, you need to get  some professional help for Nan m8. With her being so confused just get her doctor out to see her
      and take it from there. If all they do is get a care package in place at least you will know she is eating etc.
      Had this with my Dad when his dementia started, so know how you feel m8.
  • chillingchilling Member Posts: 3,774
    edited February 2017
    I agree with pom, she needs help. Ive some experience of whats happening to your nan.Losing their partner tends to put them on a donward spiral, giving up and not caring.It may be her mind is just confused by her loss, and a big change in routine.They forget to eat, and wash.You need to be careful that she doesnt wander off in the night, or has a fall.Maybe you have a friend of a friend that may work as a care worker, or similar.
    Even the most timid of grans can turn very stubborn.My mates mum lived in the same road as his gran, looked after her, popping in three times a day.Then one day she answered the door, and she said to her daughter, who are you?That was that.Grans house was sold to fund a care home stay.She lasted 2years with constant care. I can see you may be concerned about maybe some friction that may arise with your relatives, but you need to convince them, and dont worry about any fallout. glgl.
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited February 2017
    Sorry to hear about your nan. I would echo the sentiments expressed by Pom and chilling. Hope things pick up a bit for you and good luck with the diet and poker challenges too!
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,123
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Winning £s, losing lbs:
    Hi Ryan Really sorry to hear of your nans decline, it must be really tough for you and her at present. It helped me enormously to post my feelings on the forum, the majority of folk on here will understand and offer support. Best wishes. Tom
    Posted by tomgoodun
    Hi Tom,

    Yeah I had been bottling things up for a few weeks, mainly due to the fact that my family seem oblivious to how bad my Nan is getting. It felt good to write it all down and get it out of my system.

    Hope you're well mate and thanks for posting
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,123
    edited February 2017
    Hi Pom/Chilling/Marky.

    Yeah I fully agree that professional guidance is needed here. 

    I'm just in a difficult position because she has repeatedly said she does not want to see a doctor and it could potentially cause a rift with the rest of the family. Since my Grandad died my Uncle has been the "head" of the family so to speak, he organised the funeral etc. and any decision must really be made by him.

    All I'm doing is making sure either myself or my missus see her every day and everytime she does something "out of character" I tell the rest of the family. I'm sure they will realise soon enough how bad she is getting.

    I don't know what else I can do really. One thing for sure is that I'm appalled by the lack of concern that certain members of my family seem to be showing. We have never been a particularly close family so it doesn't really surprise me.

    You can choose your friends and all that....
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,123
    edited February 2017
    Time for the weekly update...

    I have hardly played any DYMs in the past week as I have had a crazy week at work. I only managed to get 40 games in and ended up with a small loss. I'm still struggling to get a decent run together. I have been experimenting with playing 6 tables and I think that was having a negative effect on my game. I'm going to go back down to 4/5 tables and hope things turn around. I will stick to the £5s for as long as I remain in overall profit, however, I will drop down to the £3s if or when I start to lose money.

    My bankroll has had a significant boost courtesy of running deep in 3 mtts over the weekend along with a £270 winning footy bet. So, I'm not getting hurt in the pocket by the DYMs (in fact I'm still slightly up) but my confidence is low. I'm still reviewing hands etc. and hope to see an improvement in the near future.

    Played: 40
    Won: 21
    Win %: 52.5%
    Profit: -£10

    Played: 396
    Won: 222
    Win %: 56%
    Profit: £42

    The diet and exercise regime had been going well. At least I though it had until I got weighed today. I put on a pound and I'm struggling to think how this is possible. I have eaten healthily all week and busted my balls with the workouts. I'm not too downhearted by it though as I know that as long as I keep doing what I'm doing then weight will drop off in the long run, or it better had anyway!

    It has been a month since I last tasted, smelt or licked a pork and pickle pie. I don't know how to feel about this. I should be proud but I miss them immensely. Stay strong. We'll meet again in 2018 as long as I have hit the target weight.

    Last weeks regime was as follows:
    Mon - Pure Cardio / Cardio Abs
    Tues - Cardio Power and Resistance
    Wed - Plyometric Cardio Circuit
    Thurs - Cardio Recovery
    Fri - Pure Cardio / Cardio Abs
    Sat - Plyometric Cardio Circuit
    Sun - Rest

    Starting Weight: 18st 3lbs
    Current Weight: 17st 12lbs
    Total loss: 5lbs

  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited February 2017
    I would definitely try and get a GP to do a home visit for your nan. Maybe go to the surgery and explain the situation and get their advice on how to handle it. 

    It's great that you are helping, but please try and get others to share the workload (any friends/neighbours, local charities, if the family are not pulling weight) get professional help where it is needed and engage with social services if appropriate.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,123
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Winning £s, losing lbs:
    I would definitely try and get a GP to do a home visit for your nan. Maybe go to the surgery and explain the situation and get their advice on how to handle it.  It's great that you are helping, but please try and get others to share the workload (any friends/neighbours, local charities, if the family are not pulling weight) get professional help where it is needed and engage with social services if appropriate.
    Posted by Phantom66
    There has been some progress regarding this. See post below
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,123
    edited February 2017
    Time for the weekly update.

    I will get the poker out of the way first, where I made the error of having a trial run at the 11's. I was feeling flush after a few deep runs in mtts and a couple of nice returns from footy bets. That flush feeling soon disappeared after losing all 5 of the £11 DYMs that I played. I didn't do a lot wrong, got down to the bubble each time and got the chips in ahead as the aggressor in most of the games, just wasn't to be!

    So, trial run over and back to the 5's I went. I managed to claw back some of the losses but overall it has made a BIG dent in my already small profit. 

    Lesson learnt though, no more 11's until I can show a consistent profit with the 5's. Back to square one and my £1k profit target is looking very doubtful at this stage. I'm still enjoying the challenge and won't be throwing in the towel.

    Played: 77
    Won: 41
    Win: 53.2%
    Profit: -£37

    Played: 473
    Won: 263
    Win%: 55.6%
    Profit: £5.....sigh

    Away from the tables it has been a mixed week. Things finally seem to be sinking in with the rest of my family regarding the current situation with my Nan. My Uncle informed me that he has been getting similar phone calls in the night from her thinking it was the morning. Apparently he arranged a hospital appointment for the beginning of next month a couple of weeks ago. Nice of him to keep me in the loop! Families eh! At least something is finally been done about it though. Me and the missus will keep looking after her in the meantime.

    Grimsby Town confirmed that life without Omar Bogle is going to be tough by losing 5-0 to a Crewe side who hadn't won any of their previous 11 games. Any hopes of a play off place look pretty slim right now. It was good to see Bogle score a brace on his full debut for Wigan though and he even kept Will Grigg on the bench for the following game. It appears he is no longer on fire.

    We had a party for my daughter's 10th birthday on Friday night. We hired out an inflatable play area thingy with slides and ball pits etc. for a couple of hours and let the 40 odd kids run riot. It was ruined slightly by a bully who seemed to make it his mission to make some of the others cry. I asked my daughter why she invited him if he is a bully and she told me it was because she daren't not invite him. Kids! Her actual birthday is tomorrow on Valentines day. This saves me money on Flowers and Chocolate every year because I always tell the missus that I gave her a Valentines baby which is far more expensive that a few roses and a box of Milk Tray. 

    The diet is going well. I did have a slice of birthday cake at the party but I avoided the temptation of all the other party food, which looked so so good! 

    The Insanity programme was at the Recovery Week stage last week so I expected it to be really easy. It turned out that it was just less insane and more on the level of a regular workout and still pretty tough. It was the same workout everyday - Core Cardio and Balance.

    This week's programme is going to be really tough if today's was anything to go by, but I will save that for next week's update.

    I only lost a pound last week which I find puzzling given that I'm eating well and working out. I'm drinking 10 cans of Coors light a week which I'm beginning to think might be slowing things down a bit. I'm planning to knock this on the head and have a dry March. It's my birthday at the end of the month so I will be drinking a lot then, but come March I will be as sober as judge and see what effect that has on my results.

    All in all I feel good. Fitter and healthier and nearly half a stone lighter. Still a long way to go though.

    Start Weight: 18st 3lbs
    Current Weight: 17st 11lbs
    Total loss: 6lbs

    Will update again next week.

    Have fun all!

  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited February 2017
    Nice update Waller!

    Glad things seem to be headed in a better direction with your nan and good work so far with the diet.
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