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Winning £s, losing lbs



  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,125
    edited March 2017
    In Response to Re: Winning £s, losing lbs:
    Re the DYMs. I always find focussing too much on points is a distraction and you end up losing more than you could ever win in a promotoin (although VLV is pretty special) With a losing streak, it's always worth looking back on each tourney and thinking could you have done things better... Are you committing to pots when you are behind or are you getting a run of bad beats? Did you play too many hands? ...or too few? Did you play aggressively enough whenever you got involved in a pot?
    Posted by QUICKFEET
    All of the above. Seriously, all of the above. 

    You hit the nail on the head with your first sentence. I realised this myself when I sat down and recapped on the week. My game went to pot because I was focussing on getting as many games in as possible. I did run really bad for a couple of days but in truth I didn't play particularly well either.

    This week I'm reigning it in, not even playing tonight for example. Having a mini break from the tables for a day or two to refresh. When I come back either today or tomorrow I will not be putting in the same amount of volume as last week, just going to slow down and enjoy myself because you're right when you say it's not worth sacrificing results for a very slim chance in a freeroll.

    Cheers for posting mate, all the best at the tables.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,125
    edited March 2017
    I have just spent 10 minutes writing up my update to find I got timed out and lost the lot ffs.

    I CBA to write it all again so I will just list the key points.

    1. Hardly any poker played. No joy in 2nd chance freerolls.
    2. Plan to play more this week. Feel refreshed after mini break away from tables.
    3. Diet going well. Gave Quorn a second chance, it won't be getting a 3rd.
    4. Last week was penultimate week of Insanity. Will either start it again from beginning or try something else. Undecided.
    5. I still haven't had a drink.
    6. I really need a drink.

    Start Weight: 18st 3lbs
    Current Weight: 17st 10lbs
    Total loss: 7lbs

    Next update Monday. Have fun!

  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    edited March 2017
    I always write my weekly wafflings in Word then Copy and Paste into here... much less risky and there's a spell checker!
  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    edited March 2017
    I always write my weekly wafflings in Word then Copy and Paste into here... much less risky and there's a spell checker!
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,338
    edited March 2017
    Great Diary . littered with humo(u)r and aspirations..GL
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,125
    edited March 2017
    Thanks for the kind words mumsie and for the advice Quickfeet.

    So, I got back to playing a bit more poker this week. Not a huge amount of games, but just enough to scrape into VLV leagues and have the max chipstack available in the Missions freeroll too. My main aim last week was to try and enjoy playing DYMs again and focus less on cramming in as many games as possible as this had a negative effect on my results.

    This seemed to work (for now) as I managed to claw back some of the losses. Some of my previously lost confidence has also returned which I find is crucial in order to play as well as you can. When I go a bad run then I start the next game expecting to lose and my game suffers immensely. It shouldn't but it does, it's the one big leak I (and any player) need to fix. So I have just started finishing a session early and switching the laptop off if I start to tilt, it's the easiest way for me to deal with it!

    Anyway, as mentioned, the results did improve last week.

    Played: 65
    Won: 39
    Win %: 60%
    Profit: £33

    Total Played: 733
    Won: 408
    Win %: 55.7
    Profit: £24

    In real life news, there has been significant developments regarding my dear old Nan. She has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, which didn't come as a great surprise tbh.

    I have mixed feelings. Obviously it's not good news but on the plus side it has finally made my family sit up and take notice. She has had a panic button fitted which she wears around her neck to use if she has a fall etc. She also has daily visits from a care worker as well as meals on wheels. Plus, importantly, she is on the right medication.

    We are now just hoping the disease doesn't progress too quickly. It would be soul destroying if the day ever arrived where she no longer recognised us. 

    For now, she is being properly cared for and the symptoms aren't too bad. If/when the illness progresses then we will have to sit down as a family to discuss exploring other avenues such as a care home but we will cross that bridge if we ever come to it.

    I finished the insanity workout last week and have decided that I'm going to put myself through it all over again. I'm a sucker for punishment plus I'm feeling fitter than I have done in years. I know I haven't lost a great deal of weight but I am genuinely puzzled by this because in the 3 months that I have been working out I really can feel the difference with my fitness and general wellbeing.

    I can have a drink on Saturday. My word do I need one. Do you remember when you was a kid at Christmas and you opened up your advent calendar, getting closer and closer to the big day, getting more excited each time? Well that's exactly how I have felt for the past month....minus the chocolate!

    I'm getting leathered on Saturday. I tried to think of a better worded description of what I'll be doing but the blunt truth of the matter is that I intend to get well and truly S***faced, sozzled, wasted, intoxicated! 

    Start Weight: 18st 3lbs
    Current Weight: 17st 8lbs
    Total loss: 9lbs

    Next update Monday. Have fun all!
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,125
    edited April 2017
    No update this week.

    My Nan was rushed into hospital on Monday suffering with a bad chest infection. Unfortunately she was too weak to fight it and passed away surrounded by all the family last night.

    I will be forever in debt to her for bringing me and my sister up after the death of our Mother when we were kids. 

    She is at peace now and up in heaven with my Mum and Grandad.

    RIP Nan xxx

    Not sure when the next update will be as I'm not playing a great deal of poker, probably just the odd mtt to take my mind off things.

  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited April 2017
    Very sorry to hear mate, 

    wishing you the best for the future.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    edited April 2017

    My condolences sent to you and your family mate. 

  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited April 2017
    So sorry to hear of your loss.

    Your Nan clearly meant a lot to you from the various posts on here. 

    Take care.
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited April 2017
    Sorrry to hear bout your Nan Waller x
  • SP_SPSP_SP Member Posts: 419
    edited April 2017
    Sorry to hear about your loss.
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited April 2017

      Really sorry to hear this Ryan, thoughts are with you m8.
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited April 2017
    sorry for your loss waller
  • ajmiltonajmilton Member Posts: 1,458
    edited April 2017
    Really sorry to hear the news about your Nan, Ryan lad.
    Condolences to you and your family. 
    When you lose someone so close, It can feel that your life and the world
    around feels very dark. but rest assured Ryan,
    It will get brighter, in time. 

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited April 2017
    I apologise if i seemed insensitive in chatbox at first tonight. I hadn't read this at that stage.
    Sorry for your loss and my thoughts are with you
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,125
    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Winning £s, losing lbs:
    I apologise if i seemed insensitive in chatbox at first tonight. I hadn't read this at that stage. Sorry for your loss and my thoughts are with you
    Posted by Jac35
    No not at all. You came and railed without knowing, I appreciate that more, I've never had anything but respect for you. The same goes for 99.9% of this forum.

    I thank you all for your kind words.

    The truth is, that right now I'm pretty drunk and may be red faced in the morning. But after the past couple of days I just wanted to have good drink and play the game I love. Sue me.

    My Nan had a great innings. 85 yrs old and smoked 40 a day since she was 14. 

    Anyway, thansk all for the kind words, normal service will be resumed soon. Played a couple of mtts tonight, just what I needed. Some top people on this site. Spoke to Meledor, dont think they post on the forum? But turns out he/she is 84, played against them so many times in the 2.20 deepys and not once did I think he/she was that age! Great player too, always a pain in the backside, I said if I still have the skills they have when I'm 84 then I'd be a proud bloke. Not sure if it sounded patronising when I think back but it was meant as a genuine compliment.

    Makes you think, all we see is an alias. It's only when you get chatting that you realise that male or female, young or old, poker is a great game that everybody can enjoy.

    Sorry for the drunken post, but I have to say that tonight has done me good, a good drink and playing the game I ove with some great people.

    Anyway I promise the diary will go back to normal, sorry for the downer :)

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,125
    edited April 2017
    In fact. No I won't be red faced, sod it. I've spoke from the heart there, just read it back, went deep but I meant every word.

    Life is short and we only live once. Let's enjoy it.
  • UrABawBag2UrABawBag2 Member Posts: 122
    edited April 2017
    no need  to be  red  faced  

    sorry  for  your  loss
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited April 2017
    Very sorry to hear of your loss Waller.  
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