Hi all, hope you are all well & enjoying your poker.
OK, so it is on another site, (the one with the numbers..xxx), and it is only at the 1c/2c level. B/R is $46.48
However, it is all profit which began from a few free roll cashes & has slowly increased over the last 5 or 6 months or so, & hopefully if all goes well I will be moving up to the 2c/5c level shortly,(having tested the waters already, ha, ha.(
To say I am delighted would be an understatement as I have always wanted to be a winning cash player, ever since I stopped playing DYM, a couple of years ago.
I wish I was still playing here but circumstances dictated otherwise. I guess a return here is always possible one day, but for now it is just a fleeting visit.
To finish I would just like to wish any old friends, (if I have any,lol) all the best wishes & good luck at the tables.
It is for them that I have posted today & to let them know the old grinder is still in business, lol
Bye for now,
If you've washed your socks you can come back. gl
Keep crushing.