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Devonfish5, Still playing cash.. just faster. b/r 150.70



  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2017
    Never in doubt,....was it?     Exciting wasn't it.

    A little close for comfort but the right man won, ha ha ...well for me anyway.
    I'm sure Ding will have his day, just wasn't yesterday, thank goodness.
    So that's 4 down 1 to go, just a certain Mr. Higgins to complete the job :)
    Gl all. 

    $56.40    30/4/17

    Selby 2  Higgins 6      not the start I wanted but at least there is time to recover, I hope. Look's like the Ding match has taken it's toll today, let's hope tonight's session we can mount some kind of recovery, if not this match could have an early finish tomorrow.

    $57.62    30/4/17

    $54.04    1/5/17      first losing session for about a week so no complaints, lost all ins all over the place with trip 3's v trip 8's being the final straw, no worries though It's only a temporary set back each time we lose.

    Selby 13 Higgins 11   all set up nicely for tonight, thought it was all over at 4-10 down yesterday, what a difference a day makes...
                                          Come on Selby.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2017
    $53.90   1/5/17

    Selby 18  Higgins 15    wooohooo

    New b/r  $76.40

    Great final, Higgins is class but Selby is too, loved it, let's do it all again next year, well played me too, nice win :)
  • spinky6108spinky6108 Member Posts: 253
    edited May 2017
    Why don't you come back and play DYMS with us Dev?
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Devonfish5..A Winning Cash player...Are you having a laugh? B/R 76.40:
    Why don't you come back and play DYMS with us Dev?
    Posted by spinky6108
    Been there done that mate :)
    Seriously, they are such hard work in comparison to what I am playing now, 1 table cash.
    I am hoping to move up levels soon, probably wait until I reach $100 which is still only 20 buy ins & even that is pushing it.
    Should start making a good profit then....hopefully lol, but as I am in no hurry, it really is 1 small step at a time for me.
    Who would have thought though I would be where I am now playing profit, ha ha.
    OK,  it's not here, which is a shame, but i've explained my reasons for that, but winning is winning I guess wherever you play
    It's also a new challenge and you know how I like them, & it will be interesting to see how I get on at the next level & should I succeed there just how far can I go, lol
    Anyway, hope you are still making a good profit, I 'm sure you are, :)
    Best wishes, Dev.

    $78.26   2/5/17
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2017
    $79.53    4/5/17

    Day off yesterday. Just had 10 minutues @ 2/5 as I now want to test myself there more & more as my b/r is looking quite healthy right now, mustn't  overdo it though :)
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2017
    B/R  $72.79      16/5/17
    Dropped from $79  to $69  so slowly moving forwards again. I knew the winning sessions couldn't last forever but been enjoying the ride so no complaints when it goes the other way for a while.
    Still playing mainly 1c/2c so continuing with good b/r management for the most part :)
    Deffo moving up levels when I hit the 22 buyin point, which is $110 so still a long way to go, lol
    Anyway, enjoying the challenge so all is good.
    Run golden, Dev. 
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2017
    $74.37    18/5/17

    Just started watching some poker learning videos on u-tube which has been great, so much learnt in just 1 day, lol
    Even made a few 'moves' yesterday which felt good, ha ha, so improving slowly which will all help for the next level especially:)
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Devonfish5..A Winning Cash player...Aiming for the next level. B/R 72.79:
    $74.37    18/5/17 Just started watching some poker learning videos on u-tube which has been great, so much learnt in just 1 day, lol Even made a few 'moves' yesterday which felt good, ha ha, so improving slowly which will all help for the next level especially:)
    Posted by devonfish5
    If you are watching more...

    Doug Polk has some good videos, one in particular may be of interest as he tries to turn $100 into $10k in a bankroll challenge. He starts off playing a lot of the games you are playing currently.

    Linky in case this is of interest... Doug Polk Bankroll Challenge
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Devonfish5..A Winning Cash player...Aiming for the next level. B/R 72.79:
    In Response to Re: Devonfish5..A Winning Cash player...Aiming for the next level. B/R 72.79 : If you are watching more... Doug Polk has some good videos, one in particular may be of interest as he tries to turn $100 into $10k in a bankroll challenge. He starts off playing a lot of the games you are playing currently. Linky in case this is of interest...  Doug Polk Bankroll Challenge
    Posted by markycash
    Thanks mate, now that knocks my old DYM £40 to £1.040 challenge out the water, ha ha.
    I'm guessing he is a half decent player by what I've seen? I'm sure he will do it as he is past the hard part,(early doors where it can all go wrong).  So I will keep an eye on it.
    I could do something similar myself in the future but right now it's all about improving my game which is still very basic, but we are getting there day by day, I think :)
    Cheers for now,Dev. 

    $75.07     18/5/17

    $76.41    21/5/17
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2017
    $81.36     29/5/17

    Still around folks (Come on admit it, you know you've missed me :).  Been putting all my hard work off the table to good use, ha ha.
                                     Still learning a little each day whilst not getting into trouble on the tables, so far anyway:)

    $82.51   1/6/17
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2017
    $87.15    25/6/17

    Slow progress but still winning, that's the main thing.
    Moved house a week ago so was without internet for nearly a week, boo.
    Still only playing the 1 table on my tablet, as I have been off my computer for ages due to my ongoing tennis elbow injury, which I hope will clear up soon.
    Anyway,  that,s all for now folks, 
    Run good, Dev.
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited June 2017
    You still in Exmouth? 
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Devonfish5. Playing cash...Aiming for the next level. B/R 87.15:
    You still in Exmouth? 
    Posted by 68Trebor
    Yes mate, only moved a couple of miles from the town centre to Littleham, near Sandy Bay Holiday Park, (if you know it?)

    $88.15   26/6/17    
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Devonfish5. Playing cash...Aiming for the next level. B/R 87.15:
    In Response to Re: Devonfish5. Playing cash...Aiming for the next level. B/R 87.15 : Yes mate, only moved a couple of miles from the town centre to Littleham, near Sandy Bay Holiday Park, (if you know it?) $88.15   26/6/17    
    Posted by devonfish5
     Know it well, been to World of Country Life a few times as a kid and then a few more as a parent. Stopped off for a beer in the big pub on the corner, many a time, during the round trip from Exmouth to Sandy Bay, along the beach and then back along the road.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Devonfish5. Playing cash...Aiming for the next level. B/R 87.15:
    In Response to Re: Devonfish5. Playing cash...Aiming for the next level. B/R 87.15 :  Know it well, been to World of Country Life a few times as a kid and then a few more as a parent. Stopped off for a beer in the big pub on the corner, many a time, during the round trip from Exmouth to Sandy Bay, along the beach and then back along the road.
    Posted by 68Trebor
    Nice 1. I lived in Littleham growing up as a kid, and it's pretty much stayed unchanged for the past 50 years, :)
    I now live about 50 yards away from that pub,(The Clinton), and can see it from my lounge window, lol
    The only thing that's changed from when I used to pass it going to Sandy Bay 40+ years ago, as far as I can see is the price of the beer, it was around 30p a pint back in the day, lol

    $89.93    27/6/17

    $90.30    28/6/17
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited July 2017
    $91.69    29/6/17

    Watched some more poker vids last night & put it to good use today, ha ha
    Seriously it's a slow grind playing just the 1 table right now, but it's all about getting the b/r up to $110 giving me the 2 buy-ins I want to get to the next level...2/5 then it gets a bit more serious, lol

    $92.21    1/7/17
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Devonfish5. Playing cash...Aiming for the next level. B/R 87.15:
    In Response to Re: Devonfish5. Playing cash...Aiming for the next level. B/R 87.15 : Nice 1. I lived in Littleham growing up as a kid, and it's pretty much stayed unchanged for the past 50 years, :) I now live about 50 yards away from that pub,(The Clinton), and can see it from my lounge window, lol The only thing that's changed from when I used to pass it going to Sandy Bay 40+ years ago, as far as I can see is the price of the beer, it was around 30p a pint back in the day, lol $89.93    27/6/17 $90.30    28/6/17
    Posted by devonfish5

    bet they do a roaring trade in cigars...... :-)
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited July 2017
    $93.27    2/7/17

    Been running bad last 2 days but patience pays at this level, & still showing a small profit, so happy with that :)
    Got AA aipf v JJ & 99 and held, which was nice :) why they do it I'll never know.
    Happy days, run good.
  • stretch83stretch83 Member Posts: 154
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Devonfish5. Playing cash...closing in on the next level. B/R 92.21:
    $93.27    2/7/17 Been running bad last 2 days but patience pays at this level, & still showing a small profit, so happy with that :) Got AA aipf v JJ & 99 and held, which was nice :) why they do it I'll never know. Happy days, run good.
    Posted by devonfish5
    Glad to see your post Dev - I followed your DYM challenge a few years back and saw you at the 3.30 DYMS a fair bit.

    Have started playing cash recently myself as well however my bankroll moved south pretty fast (lost $50 in a few days) If you have any advice for getting started with playing cash would be greatly appreciated.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Devonfish5. Playing cash...closing in on the next level. B/R 92.21:
    In Response to Re: Devonfish5. Playing cash...closing in on the next level. B/R 92.21 : Glad to see your post Dev - I followed your DYM challenge a few years back and saw you at the 3.30 DYMS a fair bit. Have started playing cash recently myself as well however my bankroll moved south pretty fast (lost $50 in a few days) If you have any advice for getting started with playing cash would be greatly appreciated.
    Posted by stretch83
    Hi mate, I remember you well & thanks for posting. Sorry to hear about your $50 loss mate, never nice losing money is it.
    For me I went back to basics, playing just 1 table @ 1c/2c and playing abc poker. Yes I experimented a lot with bet sizes, how much to raise/bet pre flop, etc and still am, lol but if you get in to the routine of playing tight and basically betting hands yourself when you think you are winning and also very importantly FOLDING when you are behind, ie, when your opponent suddenly goes from being very passive ie checking/calling to BETTING BIG, then this should do the trick, at least it did for me.
    Good bank roll management is important too, even though it gets boring after a while, it keeps you in profit then when you feel comfortable move up to the next level, I am when b/r  hits $110 giving me 22 buyi ins for 2c/5c. If I drop below $100 I then I will move back down  & rebuild, repeat, etc, you really do have to have a plan & stick to it.
    Hope this helps, feel free to ask any more questions
    , good luck, from Dev.

    Ps, I've recently started watching poker learning videos on u-tube & that has really helped my game A LOT,  so I suggest you do the same, James 'Splitsuit Sweeney is good, also watch the  How to crush the micro stakes ones too, gl.

    Last thing, I have a white board in front of me at all times with key notes, which I change from time to time, they are things like:
    No. 1 position 
    2, know when to FOLD
    3, Don't go all in pre flop(I do very occasionally with AA KK & AK depending on players i am up against)
    4 WHAT ARE YOU BEATING? (Probably the most important & the one I say to myself all the time. Ie, if I had AJ & flop came AXX I am only beating A 10)
    And to finish, my most recent one, win or lose....make good decisions.
    Also not forgetting bottom right corner my b/r which I update after each session, which is the best part lol as it nearly always goes up, ha ha
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