Had a lot of fun in UKOPS last week and playing some higher buy-in games! However, the variance in games where you don't have much edge (if any) is going to be humongous, and being properly rolled for them is really important if you're playing these games regularly.
On the flip-side of the coin, in games where you do have a big edge (or at least think you do...) I think you can be more relaxed with bankroll management.
After the deposits and withdrawals of UKOPS I currently have £104.46 in my account and am going to do a mini challenge to try and spin it up!
NB: this isn't my poker roll - definitely don't do this if you're not able to re-deposit. Probably just don't do this...
Until I reach 1k I'm going to stick to mostly 5.5 games and below with a few 11s thrown in too. Won't play many turbos at all. At 1k will add turbos.
And the controversial part: will play the 33 as well...
People seem to moan about the abundance of bounty hunters in the schedule, but I think they're great. Short-term variance in mtts is huge and the bounty element reduces it quite a bit. I 100% wouldn't play the 33 in this challenge if it weren't a bounty hunter, but combined with the fact it has a better structure than a lot of games and only one runs per night (not like I'll be playing only 33s) I will just yolo it

If roll drops down too low will cut the 33 and 11s.
Disclaimer: Definitely don't do this! If it works, a lot of it will be down to positive variance (good luck) and failure chances are quite high as this is a pretty aggressive approach to game selection. This isn't my poker roll, just a little challenge. Always try to follow proper bankroll management where you can folks. Highly recommend Arrogant's thread - much better idea to follow and he's off to a great start!!