Judge say's putting X at the end of your letter is not you sending a kiss just you signing of the letter. Well you write to the Council Offices about rubbish collection you don't put X at the bottom to sign off ..... you write "Yours Sincerely" or "Disgruntled from Dagenham." You write to your Girl Friend, Wife, Family member you put Love you XXX The World's gone Mad ....... Judges gone mad ..... MPs gone mad ....... I'm already considered ..
Four Funerals .....no wedding. In as many weeks. "Death can be so cruel." While attending refreshments after Crematorium Service chatting to friends & Family woman asked if I recognized her, struggling to put name to the face had to say "No" ! "She said, I'm Sylvia... I had crush on you at School." "Blimey, now she tells me, she was the Kylie all the lads were after including me to scared to even look at her." "Life can be so cruel."
Funerals are become more joyful occasions to celebrate the persons life rather than mourn their departing........ one of the four I went to few weeks ago was more like Party everyone laughing joking, "Widow said," hubby wanted everyone to have good time and left money for free bar & hired Band to play his favourite music . His Brother read out spoof tribute to him which had his achevments (in life) like James Bond hero saving the World. (surreal) took few minutes to twig it was send up. Funerals are not meant to be fun ........ this one was and finished with pythons "Look on the bright side of life." Was it disrespectful ....... I think not as it was his wishes.
" Tightening up the Rules " don't bring the Profession into Disrepute.
Taxi to depravity ..........first time offenders have no track record nor do those that go undetected for years . "Uber" still opperating...... their bad boys never mentioned, wonder why ........"Black Cab Rapist" more headline impact than Mini Cab Rapist...... Legislate all you like you'll never stop opportunist sex offenders in public service jobs .! Anyone can buy used Black Cab and drive around looking like genuine cabby. " John Warboys" every Black Cab drivers nightmare, if they ever let him out there will be queue to strangle him.
Thought they Abolished Slavery ..........or ........ brought back by stealth. !
Jobs that Pay under "Minimum wage" cheap migrant workers exploitation by Farmers Hotels. Food Industry, Car Washing. Ect; Mm! Modern Day version of "Slavery" EU snowflakes supported migration so the Rich get Richer the poor work 24 hrs Day.
Well you write to the Council Offices about rubbish collection you don't put X at the bottom to sign off ..... you write "Yours Sincerely" or "Disgruntled from Dagenham."
You write to your Girl Friend, Wife, Family member you put Love you XXX The World's gone Mad ....... Judges gone mad ..... MPs gone mad ....... I'm already considered ..
Four Funerals .....no wedding.
In as many weeks. "Death can be so cruel."
While attending refreshments after Crematorium Service chatting to friends & Family woman asked if I recognized her, struggling to put name to the face had to say "No" !
"She said, I'm Sylvia... I had crush on you at School." "Blimey, now she tells me, she was the Kylie all the lads were after including me to scared to even look at her." "Life can be so cruel."
Expect the Unexpected
Was it disrespectful ....... I think not as it was his wishes.
" Tightening up the Rules " don't bring the Profession into Disrepute.
Taxi to depravity ..........first time offenders have no track record nor do those that go undetected for years . "Uber" still opperating...... their bad boys never mentioned, wonder why ........"Black Cab Rapist" more headline impact than Mini Cab Rapist...... Legislate all you like you'll never stop opportunist sex offenders in public service jobs .!
Anyone can buy used Black Cab and drive around looking like genuine cabby.
" John Warboys" every Black Cab drivers nightmare, if they ever let him out there will be queue to strangle him.
well done.
Jobs that Pay under "Minimum wage" cheap migrant workers exploitation by Farmers Hotels. Food Industry, Car Washing. Ect; Mm! Modern Day version of "Slavery"
EU snowflakes supported migration so the Rich get Richer the poor work 24 hrs Day.