Have been doing a bit of to-ing and fro-ing with life but feel as if I'm coming out on top. Update incoming. Well, at some point. Hope all's well with you, thanks for popping by.
Glad to hear you feel you are coming out on top SR. Looking forward to the update and also looking forward to seeing you at the tables, well, sort of... glgl
Have been doing a bit of to-ing and fro-ing with life but feel as if I'm coming out on top. Update incoming. Well, at some point. Hope all's well with you, thanks for popping by.
Poker's going...fine, I suppose. Managed to win, then dust off, 500 or so bigs playing live cash last Friday. Stupid drunk pokers. I've decided, for about the billionth time, to not play live until I have my drinking and other recreational peccadilloes under some sort of control. Online's been okay.
This post, however, pretty much signifies the vinegar strokes of this diary. I echo @Jac35 's thoughts on diaries. Over the last month or two I've been dipping my toes into living a bit more like a Victorian - cold water swims, long walks, gawping at nature, lots of fruit and vegetables, little sugar, lots of reading, turning my phone off for weeks at a time, little to no social media and so on. Writing an online diary doesn't really gel with my new-found Victorianing. I am, though, writing a pamphlet about my experiences in the style of an academic paper - I know, it has bestseller written all over it.
Despite quitting, I've enjoyed doing this diary (and the other one), "met" (and met) a bunch of cool people from doing it and may well find an excuse to strike up different one later in the year. Let's see, shall we.
Thanks very much for reading everyone.
Oh, and I slept with two women in December, for those wondering. No pics, though.
Poker's going...fine, I suppose. Managed to win, then dust off, 500 or so bigs playing live cash last Friday. Stupid drunk pokers. I've decided, for about the billionth time, to not play live until I have my drinking and other recreational peccadilloes under some sort of control. Online's been okay.
This post, however, pretty much signifies the vinegar strokes of this diary. I echo @Jac35 's thoughts on diaries. Over the last month or two I've been dipping my toes into living a bit more like a Victorian - cold water swims, long walks, gawping at nature, lots of fruit and vegetables, little sugar, lots of reading, turning my phone off for weeks at a time, little to no social media and so on. Writing an online diary doesn't really gel with my new-found Victorianing. I am, though, writing a pamphlet about my experiences in the style of an academic paper - I know, it has bestseller written all over it.
Despite quitting, I've enjoyed doing this diary (and the other one), "met" (and met) a bunch of cool people from doing it and may well find an excuse to strike up different one later in the year. Let's see, shall we.
Thanks very much for reading everyone.
Oh, and I slept with two women in December, for those wondering. No pics, though.
Good Evening Steve
I have really enjoyed reading this diary, not least for those little gems “vinegar strokes” 😊 The times I’ve ‘had to’ explain EXACTLY what it means to anyone silly enough to listen to my real life ramblings .. and well done for resisting the temptation to use it in your last sentence.
Ending with a bang ey.
As the 2 ladies most probably said - More please Steve, soon.
Poker's going...fine, I suppose. Managed to win, then dust off, 500 or so bigs playing live cash last Friday. Stupid drunk pokers. I've decided, for about the billionth time, to not play live until I have my drinking and other recreational peccadilloes under some sort of control. Online's been okay.
This post, however, pretty much signifies the vinegar strokes of this diary. I echo @Jac35 's thoughts on diaries. Over the last month or two I've been dipping my toes into living a bit more like a Victorian - cold water swims, long walks, gawping at nature, lots of fruit and vegetables, little sugar, lots of reading, turning my phone off for weeks at a time, little to no social media and so on. Writing an online diary doesn't really gel with my new-found Victorianing. I am, though, writing a pamphlet about my experiences in the style of an academic paper - I know, it has bestseller written all over it.
Despite quitting, I've enjoyed doing this diary (and the other one), "met" (and met) a bunch of cool people from doing it and may well find an excuse to strike up different one later in the year. Let's see, shall we.
Thanks very much for reading everyone.
Oh, and I slept with two women in December, for those wondering. No pics, though.
Good Evening Steve
I have really enjoyed reading this diary, not least for those little gems “vinegar strokes” 😊 The times I’ve ‘had to’ explain EXACTLY what it means to anyone silly enough to listen to my real life ramblings .. and well done for resisting the temptation to use it in your last sentence.
Ending with a bang ey.
As the 2 ladies most probably said - More please Steve, soon.
Marvellous, it's been a joy having you around Tom.
Is life's path currently strewn with rocks & obstacles, hilly & winding all over the shop, or a lovely bit of downhill dead straight tarmacadam?
The latter, somewhat bizarrely. Not been playing too much online lately but had my biggest winning session at £1/1 live last week (£1K +) and poker's generally been favourable. Life stuff favourable, too, ta. May even start another diary in a month or so. I know: far out. Hope all's good your end.
Is life's path currently strewn with rocks & obstacles, hilly & winding all over the shop, or a lovely bit of downhill dead straight tarmacadam?
The latter, somewhat bizarrely. Not been playing too much online lately but had my biggest winning session at £1/1 live last week (£1K +) and poker's generally been favourable. Life stuff favourable, too, ta. May even start another diary in a month or so. I know: far out. Hope all's good your end.
Sounds like life is on the up. Knew you'd get there eventually.
You? won over a grand playing live!!! I’d forgotten the standard. This makes me want to go to the casino again.
The beginning of October was my last live game. It wasn’t even in this country either. I might have to see if the Sunday Derby rebuy is still going.
Glad life is good, Steve.
I know, it's a bit nuts. Been playing live four/five times a week for the last three weeks or so and it's helped reignite by poker feelings. Live's the nuts, esp when you're running golden. Hopefully see you at one of the SPT's later in the year.
Is life's path currently strewn with rocks & obstacles, hilly & winding all over the shop, or a lovely bit of downhill dead straight tarmacadam?
The latter, somewhat bizarrely. Not been playing too much online lately but had my biggest winning session at £1/1 live last week (£1K +) and poker's generally been favourable. Life stuff favourable, too, ta. May even start another diary in a month or so. I know: far out. Hope all's good your end.
Sounds like life is on the up. Knew you'd get there eventually.
Rumours of Steve having the bad beat qualifying hand just now in the local Grosvenor, his 88 losing to QQ in a £25 pot (Any Aces full beaten with both hole cards to qualify) for £2k. I'm giving him a lift to Portsmouth on Sunday and I think at this rate he'll ship the regional rake race tournament for £8k.
Fully deserved though, I've seen you run the worst when it mattered the most last year. Well done mate
Rumours of Steve having the bad beat qualifying hand just now in the local Grosvenor, his 88 losing to QQ in a £25 pot (Any Aces full beaten with both hole cards to qualify) for £2k. I'm giving him a lift to Portsmouth on Sunday and I think at this rate he'll ship the regional rake race tournament for £8k.
Fully deserved though, I've seen you run the worst when it mattered the most last year. Well done mate
Rumours of Steve having the bad beat qualifying hand just now in the local Grosvenor, his 88 losing to QQ in a £25 pot (Any Aces full beaten with both hole cards to qualify) for £2k. I'm giving him a lift to Portsmouth on Sunday and I think at this rate he'll ship the regional rake race tournament for £8k.
Fully deserved though, I've seen you run the worst when it mattered the most last year. Well done mate
Cheers Ging
Brag: Ging's right, I shipped the BBJ for £2K Beat: It's 6:33 am and I have to get up at 9:30am to get the train to watch Wycombe-Sunderland. I don't support either team. Variance: Also binked the local tourney tonight for £300-ish.
Looking forward to the update and also looking forward to seeing you at the tables, well, sort of...
Update now officially overdue, take this as a red letter.
Poker's going...fine, I suppose. Managed to win, then dust off, 500 or so bigs playing live cash last Friday. Stupid drunk pokers. I've decided, for about the billionth time, to not play live until I have my drinking and other recreational peccadilloes under some sort of control. Online's been okay.
This post, however, pretty much signifies the vinegar strokes of this diary. I echo @Jac35 's thoughts on diaries. Over the last month or two I've been dipping my toes into living a bit more like a Victorian - cold water swims, long walks, gawping at nature, lots of fruit and vegetables, little sugar, lots of reading, turning my phone off for weeks at a time, little to no social media and so on. Writing an online diary doesn't really gel with my new-found Victorianing. I am, though, writing a pamphlet about my experiences in the style of an academic paper - I know, it has bestseller written all over it.
Despite quitting, I've enjoyed doing this diary (and the other one), "met" (and met) a bunch of cool people from doing it and may well find an excuse to strike up different one later in the year. Let's see, shall we.
Thanks very much for reading everyone.
Oh, and I slept with two women in December, for those wondering. No pics, though.
I have really enjoyed reading this diary, not least for those little gems “vinegar strokes” 😊
The times I’ve ‘had to’ explain EXACTLY what it means to anyone silly enough to listen to my real life ramblings .. and well done for resisting the temptation to use it in your last sentence.
Ending with a bang ey.
As the 2 ladies most probably said - More please Steve, soon.
At once, at the same time, together?
A couple of seconds of pleasure is never normally enough hey Steve.
Was I the only one who had to google the meaning of "vinegar strokes"?
How you keeping, Big Man?
Is life's path currently strewn with rocks & obstacles, hilly & winding all over the shop, or a lovely bit of downhill dead straight tarmacadam?
This makes me want to go to the casino again.
The beginning of October was my last live game. It wasn’t even in this country either.
I might have to see if the Sunday Derby rebuy is still going.
Glad life is good, Steve.
Rumours of Steve having the bad beat qualifying hand just now in the local Grosvenor, his 88 losing to QQ in a £25 pot (Any Aces full beaten with both hole cards to qualify) for £2k. I'm giving him a lift to Portsmouth on Sunday and I think at this rate he'll ship the regional rake race tournament for £8k.
Fully deserved though, I've seen you run the worst when it mattered the most last year. Well done mate
That @SR23 runs so good.
Brag: Ging's right, I shipped the BBJ for £2K
Beat: It's 6:33 am and I have to get up at 9:30am to get the train to watch Wycombe-Sunderland. I don't support either team.
Variance: Also binked the local tourney tonight for £300-ish.