Hello to you!
Welcome to the brand spanking new, shiny, fabulous 'thread of the week'.... erm.... thread!
I could waffle on but never having been a fan of waffling

i'm going to get straight to the point.
What is 'Thread of the Week'??They are so many fantastic threads popping up all the time that i thought "you know what? some of these deserve more recognition!" so this is exactly what this is, recognition for all you brilliant 'thread starters' out there.
You the community people will (hopefully) nominate for your favourite thread of the week (be that the funniest, most educational, most interesting etc etc)
from any area of the forum and then a winner will be chosen with prizes given out to the winning thread's creator and one lucky nominator.
How do i nominate?simply post a direct link and the name of the creator in this very thread. you can nominate at any time but winners will be chosen on a Friday (so all nominations after judging will count towards next week.)
For example - "I vote for Sky Rich and this week's
Goals Goals Goals " (notice the use of the direct link - please follow the instructions below to include these clever, smart links)
(only threads that are nominated by others will be considered. you can't vote for yourself - unfortunately!)
What are the Prizes?Ok, so the important bit! the winner of 'Thread of the week' (creator) will win a free seat in one of our top tournaments (tbc weekly) and one lucky nominator will win a free seat into the forum deepstack (decided by a random draw - all nominations up until the Judging on a Friday will count.)
please note guys - this idea is a trial and we might slightly tinker with the format. if all goes well though we'll keep this up and get it going weekly.
If i have missed anything or you have any questions - just shout up on this thread.How to 'smart link
1. copy the long link (url) of the thread you want to vote for (right click, copy) - you need to be viewing the tread at the time.
2. type a shorter reference to the link in your post (e.g. i often use 'click here', you would type the name of the thread)
3. highlight this shorter reference by left clicking your mouse and dragging over the word/ words.
3. now with the short reference still highlighted click on the link symbol next to the picture of the small tree!
4. you will now see a link inserter pop-up
5. paste (left click, paste) your copied link/ url into the box titled 'link URL'
6. click 'insert'
7. Bingo! your done.
8. unwrap Kitkat (other chocolate bars are available)
9. sit back and admire your fine forum linking skills
right, enough of the spiel... GET VOTING!
do you mean the smart linking isn't working? if so, just follow my instructions really carefully and you should be ok.
please make sure you read my post all the way through.
you should then notice the line
"only threads that are nominated by others will be considered. you can't vote for yourself - unfortunately!"
if i have missed anything off though - just give me a shout and i'll be happy to explain/ help.
so this week's prize counts for all threads started back when the community was born and from then on - it has to have been made since the last 'judging Friday'
i like to nominate rossjb14,
for his thread in sky poker tournaments ,
unfortunately i can't edit your individual posts only the O/P. have a look and see if you can find it. for help posting the link just follow my instructions.
thanks - sorry i'm not more help!
ok here it is.
TKO II productions (irishover's nomination)