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after eights

bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
edited March 2010 in Poker Chat
poker is a game of luck and skill in that order,ask tikay,he knows.80/20 he says and i agree.the 20 even though outweighed by the 80 still plays a strong roll in the game there is no doubt.but so many poker players on ere and other sites seem to get the skill part totally out of context akining themselves to brain surgeons or nuclear scientists ,oh dear,if they ever relied on luck were in trouble.ITS A GAME OF CARDS 4 CRYING OUT LOUD nowhere near as complex as its cousin bridge or the likes of chess.its a game where the winner is the player who makes the best hand out of the 5 in the middle and the 2 theyre dealt simple.sometimes you can be dealt the nuts,dont see that in chess no nuts there ,well maybe a few.after 6 months of playing poker some players have managed to mix it with the "best"of them in major tourneys,walked in off the street and cleaned up,never happened that on the centre court at wimbledon i dont think,so lets shread this skill factor up a tadge next gripe is the topic of the bankroll.this is significant in poker and gives great advantage to the players with massive rolls,they can afford to bet when odds are made against them etc,they can bully away and call big raises with nothing hoping to hit the flop with rubbish,this is fact.with thousands behind them they can take bad beats and not be dented,whereas the smallstack must be very careful what he bets on,i think the play on the bigger cash tables on here at times is diabolical,and the large stackers create this animal.theyre simply gambling.lets call minted players say after eightmints and the smallrollers say polos.when they mix the larger smooth choclatey coated after eights will always end up "sucking out " the poor polos till hes got one left in his pack at the bottom that nobody wants,and ends up slung into the bin as the after eight scores another "victory v".**** then probably go and sit on a hu table waiting for a polo or a mint imperial or a foxys to come along and inevitably sit understacked and be released of all theyre flavour.yes,roll is massive in poker and in no other game,no roll required in chess or darts or tennis,they rely on skill alone,poker, well any tom, rick and bryan can play that now,its lucky at the tables,you really do need it.


  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited February 2010
    In Response to after eights:
    poker is a game of luck and skill in that order,ask tikay,he knows.80/20 he says and i agree.the 20 even though outweighed by the 80 still plays a strong roll in the game there is no doubt.but so many poker players on ere and other sites seem to get the skill part totally out of context akining themselves to brain surgeons or nuclear scientists ,oh dear,if they ever relied on luck were in trouble.ITS A GAME OF CARDS 4 CRYING OUT LOUD nowhere near as complex as its cousin bridge or the likes of chess.its a game where the winner is the player who makes the best hand out of the 5 in the middle and the 2 theyre dealt simple.sometimes you can be dealt the nuts,dont see that in chess no nuts there ,well maybe a few.after 6 months of playing poker some players have managed to mix it with the "best"of them in major tourneys,walked in off the street and cleaned up,never happened that on the centre court at wimbledon i dont think,so lets shread this skill factor up a tadge next gripe is the topic of the bankroll.this is significant in poker and gives great advantage to the players with massive rolls,they can afford to bet when odds are made against them etc,they can bully away and call big raises with nothing hoping to hit the flop with rubbish,this is fact.with thousands behind them they can take bad beats and not be dented,whereas the smallstack must be very careful what he bets on,i think the play on the bigger cash tables on here at times is diabolical,and the large stackers create this animal.theyre simply gambling.lets call minted players say after eightmints and the smallrollers say polos.when they mix the larger smooth choclatey coated after eights will always end up "sucking out " the poor polos till hes got one left in his pack at the bottom that nobody wants,and ends up slung into the bin as the after eight scores another "victory v".**** then probably go and sit on a hu table waiting for a polo or a mint imperial or a foxys to come along and inevitably sit understacked and be released of all theyre flavour.yes,roll is massive in poker and in no other game,no roll required in chess or darts or tennis,they rely on skill alone,poker, well any tom, rick and bryan can play that now,its lucky at the tables,you really do need it.
    Posted by bryan1960
    Having played bridge, chess and poker I have to say that this statement is totally incorrect. There are far more variables that need to be considered when playing poker. Bridge (when played well) is an extremely mechanical game and has nowhere near the intricacies of poker. Also, I assume that you are limiting your comparison merely to Hold 'Em which is just one of many versions of poker.

    You also seem to show a remarkable level of ignorance of play at the higher levels of poker. If what you said were true then the players at those stakes would soon be broke. As other recent threads have shown, it is crucial to have the correct bankroll to play at any level of poker. Without this, it is not possible to play optimal poker. The benefit of having a sufficient bankroll is indeed that they can take bad beats and "not be dented". There is no "great advantage" to those with large bankrolls over those who have adequate bankroll for the level which they play. It is irrelevant if I have a bankroll that allows me 200 or 2000 buy-ins for the level that I play - the better player will win over time and the 200 buy-ins is sufficient for variance to even itself out.

    No-one denies that there is a significant element of luck in poker but the better players will win over time and do so consistently.

    It could certainly be argued that a bankroll is required for tennis (and other sports). The overheads of support staff have to be paid for and the bigger your bankroll the better your support staff are. This is then generally reflected in better performance on the court.

    If there are any other points in your post that I have not rebutted, I apologise: I had trouble in picking out any real points in your "stream of consciousness" style of prose.
  • CowgomooCowgomoo Member Posts: 749
    edited February 2010
    Ask yourself one question, why do so many people make a living out of this game? Because they are all extremely lucky?
  • CowgomooCowgomoo Member Posts: 749
    edited February 2010
    Ask yourself one question, why do so many people make a living out of this game? Because they are all extremely lucky?
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited February 2010
    Love your love of mints sir lol

    But heres the kicker to what your saying, people with a ton of money will inevitably win as they can gamble???? Not so i'm afraid.

    Most of the big guns on here have built their roll not bought it, and they didn't do that by anything other than their ability for the game (which includes luck as this is built into the variance that they all cope with and beat). Ok somewhere along the lines they got lucky but that can only carry you so far. There is a big diff between a player with thousands behind them because they spent 5 years building it and a player who buys on for £10k because he's a Merchant Banker (and that is not meant as rhyming slang although considering my opinion of bankers at the moment that would be fitting). The main difference being that these Rich "Leisure Players" are the food that the higher stakes sharks feed on (well that and us small fries taking a shot at the bigger stakes). Don't misunderstand the 2, the guys with built rolls at the top of this tree posses enough skill to felt you. Not by gambling but by knowing what you are doing and keeping you unaware of what they are doing. Is there bad play at the high levels YES because thats where the rich fish are but that does not mean that the guys up there are only there because they are rich away from poker.... A lot of them have earned their way their and paid for the education ! 
  • Seagull158Seagull158 Member Posts: 1,100
    edited February 2010
    In Response to after eights:
    poker is a game of luck and skill in that order,ask tikay,he knows.80/20 he says and i agree.the 20 even though outweighed by the 80 still plays a strong roll in the game there is no doubt.but so many poker players on ere and other sites seem to get the skill part totally out of context akining themselves to brain surgeons or nuclear scientists ,oh dear,if they ever relied on luck were in trouble.ITS A GAME OF CARDS 4 CRYING OUT LOUD nowhere near as complex as its cousin bridge or the likes of chess.its a game where the winner is the player who makes the best hand out of the 5 in the middle and the 2 theyre dealt simple.sometimes you can be dealt the nuts,dont see that in chess no nuts there ,well maybe a few.after 6 months of playing poker some players have managed to mix it with the "best"of them in major tourneys,walked in off the street and cleaned up,never happened that on the centre court at wimbledon i dont think,so lets shread this skill factor up a tadge next gripe is the topic of the bankroll.this is significant in poker and gives great advantage to the players with massive rolls,they can afford to bet when odds are made against them etc,they can bully away and call big raises with nothing hoping to hit the flop with rubbish,this is fact.with thousands behind them they can take bad beats and not be dented,whereas the smallstack must be very careful what he bets on,i think the play on the bigger cash tables on here at times is diabolical,and the large stackers create this animal.theyre simply gambling.lets call minted players say after eightmints and the smallrollers say polos.when they mix the larger smooth choclatey coated after eights will always end up "sucking out " the poor polos till hes got one left in his pack at the bottom that nobody wants,and ends up slung into the bin as the after eight scores another "victory v".**** then probably go and sit on a hu table waiting for a polo or a mint imperial or a foxys to come along and inevitably sit understacked and be released of all theyre flavour.yes,roll is massive in poker and in no other game,no roll required in chess or darts or tennis,they rely on skill alone,poker, well any tom, rick and bryan can play that now,its lucky at the tables,you really do need it.
    Posted by bryan1960
    Yes there is a large slice of luck involved in any particular hand but, longer term, skill is the deciding factor Chris Moneymaker, and I hope I'm not being unfair here, is a player who, basically, walked in "off the street", actually through online qualifiers, and won WSOP in 2003. He, himself, said that he had an enormous amount of luck in that tourny, hitting just about everything. Then he turned pro and has had very little success since. He's just not as good as the top boys.
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: after eights:
    In Response to after eights : Having played bridge, chess and poker I have to say that this statement is totally incorrect. There are far more variables that need to be considered when playing poker. Bridge (when played well) is an extremely mechanical game and has nowhere near the intricacies of poker. Also, I assume that you are limiting your comparison merely to Hold 'Em which is just one of many versions of poker. You also seem to show a remarkable level of ignorance of play at the higher levels of poker. If what you said were true then the players at those stakes would soon be broke. As other recent threads have shown, it is crucial to have the correct bankroll to play at any level of poker. Without this, it is not possible to play optimal poker. The benefit of having a sufficient bankroll is indeed that they can take bad beats and "not be dented". There is no "great advantage" to those with large bankrolls over those who have adequate bankroll for the level which they play. It is irrelevant if I have a bankroll that allows me 200 or 2000 buy-ins for the level that I play - the better player will win over time and the 200 buy-ins is sufficient for variance to even itself out. No-one denies that there is a significant element of luck in poker but the better players will win over time and do so consistently. It could certainly be argued that a bankroll is required for tennis (and other sports). The overheads of support staff have to be paid for and the bigger your bankroll the better your support staff are. This is then generally reflected in better performance on the court. If there are any other points in your post that I have not rebutted, I apologise: I had trouble in picking out any real points in your "stream of consciousness" style of prose.
    Posted by MereNovice
    just the response i was looking for from yet another deluded ignorant believer,your well named mere novice,bankroll 4 tennis?you need some counselling my friend,and to believe theres more skill in a game of cards compared to chess well,its time you knocked your king over im afraid
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: after eights:
    In Response to after eights : Having played bridge, chess and poker I have to say that this statement is totally incorrect. There are far more variables that need to be considered when playing poker. Bridge (when played well) is an extremely mechanical game and has nowhere near the intricacies of poker. Also, I assume that you are limiting your comparison merely to Hold 'Em which is just one of many versions of poker. You also seem to show a remarkable level of ignorance of play at the higher levels of poker. If what you said were true then the players at those stakes would soon be broke. As other recent threads have shown, it is crucial to have the correct bankroll to play at any level of poker. Without this, it is not possible to play optimal poker. The benefit of having a sufficient bankroll is indeed that they can take bad beats and "not be dented". There is no "great advantage" to those with large bankrolls over those who have adequate bankroll for the level which they play. It is irrelevant if I have a bankroll that allows me 200 or 2000 buy-ins for the level that I play - the better player will win over time and the 200 buy-ins is sufficient for variance to even itself out. No-one denies that there is a significant element of luck in poker but the better players will win over time and do so consistently. It could certainly be argued that a bankroll is required for tennis (and other sports). The overheads of support staff have to be paid for and the bigger your bankroll the better your support staff are. This is then generally reflected in better performance on the court. If there are any other points in your post that I have not rebutted, I apologise: I had trouble in picking out any real points in your "stream of consciousness" style of prose.
    Posted by MereNovice
    and just one more point mr done it all,if the so called top players on this site are so skilled above all other players how come theyre not on the last table in the primo week in ,week out.the fact is most of em dont make it past the last 40 or 50,give me sure phil taylor would make the last 6 in 90% of the daret tourneys he enters ,why?skill m8 no luck there pure skill
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: after eights:
    In Response to Re: after eights : and just one more point mr done it all,if the so called top players on this site are so skilled above all other players how come theyre not on the last table in the primo week in ,week out.the fact is most of em dont make it past the last 40 or 50,give me sure phil taylor would make the last 6 in 90% of the daret tourneys he enters ,why?skill m8 no luck there pure skill
    Posted by bryan1960

    The reason is because tournaments involve alot of variance and short term luck. However you do happen to see the best players sitting day in and day out at cash. Wonder why......

    Edit just to make a point about your Phil the power Taylor darts analogy, he may not always make the final if when he makes good plays someone runs up and kicks him in the nuts as he releases his double shot. That's essentially what happens when the river ace screws up your kings. geddit?
  • achillachill Member Posts: 1,056
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: after eights:
    In Response to Re: after eights : The reason is because tournaments involve alot of variance and short term luck. However you do happen to see the best players sitting day in and day out at cash. Wonder why...... Edit just to make a point about your Phil the power Taylor darts analogy, he may not always make the final if when he makes good plays someone runs up and kicks him in the nuts as he releases his double shot. That's essentially what happens when the river ace screws up your kings. geddit?
    Posted by beaneh
    So what are you saying, you need to be lucky for your kings to stand up against a player with ace rag?
  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: after eights:
    In Response to Re: after eights : just the response i was looking for from yet another deluded ignorant believer,your well named mere novice,bankroll 4 tennis?you need some counselling my friend,and to believe theres more skill in a game of cards compared to chess well,its time you knocked your king over im afraid
    Posted by bryan1960
    OK. You can obviously not even read your own posts.
    You did not compare skill levels, you said that chess was "more complex".
    This is patently not true.
    In fact, even a board game like "Go" is more complex than chess as illustrated by the fact that computers have been programmed to beat the very best chess players yet there are no programs that can beat the best "Go" masters.
    If you ever fancy a game of chess, I will be happy to play you provided there is a facility to turn "chat" off.

    Yes, a "bankroll" is required for tennis. It is a very simple concept that you seem to be struggling to grasp.
    At the lowest level this would be required to pay for equipment, court time and tournament entries.
    At the higher levels it is required to pay for the support staff and other overheads needed to be able to compete at that level.
  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: after eights:
    In Response to Re: after eights : and just one more point mr done it all,if the so called top players on this site are so skilled above all other players how come theyre not on the last table in the primo week in ,week out.the fact is most of em dont make it past the last 40 or 50,give me sure phil taylor would make the last 6 in 90% of the daret tourneys he enters ,why?skill m8 no luck there pure skill
    Posted by bryan1960
    I believe that you have already received a response to this.
    The answer is "variance".
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: after eights:
    In Response to Re: after eights : The reason is because tournaments involve alot of variance and short term luck. However you do happen to see the best players sitting day in and day out at cash. Wonder why...... Edit just to make a point about your Phil the power Taylor darts analogy, he may not always make the final if when he makes good plays someone runs up and kicks him in the nuts as he releases his double shot. That's essentially what happens when the river ace screws up your kings. geddit?
    Posted by beaneh
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,932
    edited February 2010
    when i,ve scrolled down the list of tables i,ve often seen the big guns sitting at a HU table waiting and waiting and im thinking well hes sitting at that table and hes sitting at that one why dont they play one another mmmm.
    personally i think you,ve got be a bit daft to sit down with these players if you,re not sufficiantly rolled and i,ve never been tempted even when i had a four figure roll.
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: after eights:
    when i,ve scrolled down the list of tables i,ve often seen the big guns sitting at a HU table waiting and waiting and im thinking well hes sitting at that table and hes sitting at that one why dont they play one another mmmm. personally i think you,ve got be a bit daft to sit down with these players if you,re not sufficiantly rolled and i,ve never been tempted even when i had a four figure roll.
    Posted by stokefc
    thats correct m8 but if u had endless supplies of wonga u could sit quit happily and play them at their own game.roll is an advantage in poker,i dont care wat anyone sez,ive asked a few highrollers on ere and they agree so wat doesnt that merenovice get ,hes just ignorant,period
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: after eights:
    In Response to Re: after eights : OK. You can obviously not even read your own posts. You did not compare skill levels, you said that chess was "more complex". This is patently not true. In fact, even a board game like "Go" is more complex than chess as illustrated by the fact that computers have been programmed to beat the very best chess players yet there are no programs that can beat the best "Go" masters. If you ever fancy a game of chess, I will be happy to play you provided there is a facility to turn "chat" off. Yes, a "bankroll" is required for tennis. It is a very simple concept that you seem to be struggling to grasp. At the lowest level this would be required to pay for equipment, court time and tournament entries. At the higher levels it is required to pay for the support staff and other overheads needed to be able to compete at that level.
    Posted by MereNovice
    are u 4 real .u are a bit backward i assume.i was reffering to tennis in terms of roll for the player involved not staff and all that junk.10million quid behind a tennis player off the street wont get him to the top,natural born skill is the factor here,you dont get it is never ever as complex as chess for crying outloud.roll behind a poker player gives him confidence,a lesser rolled player will not take half as many chances as the bigrollers do coz he cant afford to.watching players on this site with the big rolls is very revealing ,they disregard pot odds most the time and just gamble coz their roll allows them.on the smaller tables far better poker is played,like i said earlier,most the smaller players on ere could hold their own against the big boys on the small tables because they wont be bullied off with 80 pound bully bets etc the highrollers use all the time to their advantage.ive witnessed it time and time again.kegsy100 is a master at this.seen him hu on 500 table,he got raised 20  kegsy rr 40 kegsy rr 80 call.flop k j 9  rainbow  kegsy allin approx 300  other playerfolds kegsy shows 3  5  hearts.classic example of how roll gives tou the confidence to make these bets,roll always helps in poker,period.and as for a game of chess with you,i couldnt stand having anything to do with one like you,youre so up yourself its unreal,please dont reply to anymore of my posts,youre boring me
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: after eights:
    In Response to Re: after eights : I believe that you have already received a response to this. The answer is "variance".
    Posted by MereNovice
    variance ahahaah good excuse m8,no variance in cash then ,please
  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: after eights:
    In Response to Re: after eights : are u 4 real .u are a bit backward i assume.i was reffering to tennis in terms of roll for the player involved not staff and all that junk.10million quid behind a tennis player off the street wont get him to the top,natural born skill is the factor here,you dont get it is never ever as complex as chess for crying outloud.roll behind a poker player gives him confidence,a lesser rolled player will not take half as many chances as the bigrollers do coz he cant afford to.watching players on this site with the big rolls is very revealing ,they disregard pot odds most the time and just gamble coz their roll allows them.on the smaller tables far better poker is played,like i said earlier,most the smaller players on ere could hold their own against the big boys on the small tables because they wont be bullied off with 80 pound bully bets etc the highrollers use all the time to their advantage.ive witnessed it time and time again.kegsy100 is a master at this.seen him hu on 500 table,he got raised 20  kegsy rr 40 kegsy rr 80 call.flop k j 9  rainbow  kegsy allin approx 300  other playerfolds kegsy shows 3  5  hearts.classic example of how roll gives tou the confidence to make these bets,roll always helps in poker,period.and as for a game of chess with you,i couldnt stand having anything to do with one like you,youre so up yourself its unreal,please dont reply to anymore of my posts,youre boring me
    Posted by bryan1960

    1. I'm certainly not backward. I even know how to spell and construct sentences. I've been known to have civilised debates with those willing and able to take part.

    2. If you don't want people to reply to your posts, I suggest that you stop posting on an open forum. It would be a blessed relief if you stopped posting tripe on this one.

    3. I suspect that I have a little more experience at chess than you having played first board (unbeaten) for my school so I feel that I'm qualified to comment on the comparative level of complexity in the two games. For a starter to help you grasp the complexity of poker try listing the number of factors that you need to consider when making a pre-flop decision in a poker MTT.

    4. You seem unable to grasp the difference between having a sufficient roll and having excess roll for a level. It's really not that difficult to grasp. If I have £10,000 pounds, I will happily play someone inferior to me at poker at level 100NL. It makes no difference that they have £10 million. In fact, it is probably beneficial to me since I stand to gain more.

    5. Tennis players need a roll to pay for all the things that I mentioned. You seem remarkably slow at grasping the analogy.

    6. There are many tennis players with natural born skill who don't make it to the top. I'm not sure what your point is. The players at the top level do indeed have a great deal of talent just like the top poker players. £10 million behind a poker player doesn't get him to the top either, for very long. I could pay £10 million to play Roger Federer and I would lose. I could pay £10 million to play Tom Dwan over a large number of hands of poker and would certainly lose that too.

  • Seagull158Seagull158 Member Posts: 1,100
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: after eights:
    In Response to Re: after eights : are u 4 real .u are a bit backward i assume.i was reffering to tennis in terms of roll for the player involved not staff and all that junk.10million quid behind a tennis player off the street wont get him to the top,natural born skill is the factor here,you dont get it is never ever as complex as chess for crying outloud.roll behind a poker player gives him confidence,a lesser rolled player will not take half as many chances as the bigrollers do coz he cant afford to.watching players on this site with the big rolls is very revealing ,they disregard pot odds most the time and just gamble coz their roll allows them.on the smaller tables far better poker is played,like i said earlier,most the smaller players on ere could hold their own against the big boys on the small tables because they wont be bullied off with 80 pound bully bets etc the highrollers use all the time to their advantage.ive witnessed it time and time again.kegsy100 is a master at this.seen him hu on 500 table,he got raised 20  kegsy rr 40 kegsy rr 80 call.flop k j 9  rainbow  kegsy allin approx 300  other playerfolds kegsy shows 3  5  hearts.classic example of how roll gives tou the confidence to make these bets,roll always helps in poker,period.and as for a game of chess with you,i couldnt stand having anything to do with one like you,youre so up yourself its unreal,please dont reply to anymore of my posts,youre boring me
    Posted by bryan1960
    Bryan, why are you being so aggressive and rude to people who disagree with you?
  • dantb10dantb10 Member Posts: 583
    edited February 2010
    It doesnt matter if you have £200,000 or £20,000, if u play £200nl heads up you will lose if you arentgood enough.

    I think what you mean is scared money? if you have £500 and sit at a 500nl table against a player who has 30 buy ins then yes, you lose all your arsenal of moves and the other player will bully u in to submission

    Its not the guy who is rolled for this levels fault, that a player who cant afford to play and is scared money sits with him.

    Its the other players inexperience and obvious lack of understanding of how the game works that is to blame for him undoubtadly going broke.
  • CowgomooCowgomoo Member Posts: 749
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: after eights:
    It doesnt matter if you have £200,000 or £20,000, if u play £200nl heads up you will lose if you arentgood enough. I think what you mean is scared money? if you have £500 and sit at a 500nl table against a player who has 30 buy ins then yes, you lose all your arsenal of moves and the other player will bully u in to submission Its not the guy who is rolled for this levels fault, that a player who cant afford to play and is scared money sits with him. Its the other players inexperience and obvious lack of understanding of how the game works that is to blame for him undoubtadly going broke.
    Posted by dantb10
    Why bother, its like talking to a turnip
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