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bryan oryan



  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bryan oryan:
    nice one brain, phil says thats ok, wht be sooo moaner again webby, the guy is making an effort
    Posted by pod1
    cheers m8 u tell phil bryan sez nice comments m8,much appreciated .DID YOU HEAR THAT BRYAN.BRYAN WHY ARENT YOU ANSWERING BRYAN,    EH  AM NOT GETTING UP AM IN BED ,YOU TELL PHILL CHEERS ,NIGHT NIGHT
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bryan oryan:
    your even talking like heapey now lol
    Posted by stokefc
    lol thats been said b4 stokefc ,theyll be thinking were one again soon,im not good inuf to finish second in primo just yet but,gl m8
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bryan oryan:
    if you add me to your friends list i promise webby will give you... 'favours'... ;)
    Posted by BlackFish3
    aha  id take you up on that m8 but old duckfoots got nothing i want ,or ever will i may m8
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bryan oryan:
    your even talking like heapey now lol
    Posted by stokefc
    stokey im sure i read you wanted to be a total player.wat tables do you play.i think you play the smaller tables like me .if so do you agree with me that the elite boys on here sparce lolufold etc are no better players than us smaller stake players.obviously we cant mix it with them on the big tables coz we aint stacked therefore are at a disadvantage,they would just bully us 2 bits.but if they would step down to the very lowest levels theyre no better than the likes of us.your roll at poker is everything,most of the clique on ere wont have this theory.its gotta be true.we would mix it with the best of em on a 5p 10p table coz we wouldnt be intimidated,our roll would back us allin on these tables wouldnt phase us ,but if we stepped into their world say 2.50 5.00 table and they raised us say 200 and we had a half decent hand wed probably turn yellow and fold.thats what they do,day in and day out.they sit there waiting for a smallroller 2 have a go,thats why most the time they wont play each other.i would like a few good lower limit players like urself to challenge the big boys on the small tables where they cant scare us off.ive always said and still do,the highrollers arent better players than us lowrollers,theyve simply got more money,and most of havnt got it thru playin poker.lets organise a tourney thru the community,3 good highrollers v 3 good lowrollers over a couple of nights ,sky give each player 100 quid and the winnings go to moneys firmly on the lowrollers,lets get it on
  • webby234webby234 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bryan oryan:
    nice one brain, phil says thats ok, wht be sooo moaner again webby, the guy is making an effort
    Posted by pod1
    pod if you cant see my comments were made tongue in cheek i suggest taking the shades off my friend
  • ChirpyChipChirpyChip Member Posts: 556
    edited March 2010
    Bryan is Heapey... so obvious people
  • ChirpyChipChirpyChip Member Posts: 556
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bryan oryan:
    In Response to Re: bryan oryan : stokey im sure i read you wanted to be a total player.wat tables do you play.i think you play the smaller tables like me .if so do you agree with me that the elite boys on here sparce lolufold etc are no better players than us smaller stake players.obviously we cant mix it with them on the big tables coz we aint stacked therefore are at a disadvantage,they would just bully us 2 bits.but if they would step down to the very lowest levels theyre no better than the likes of us.your roll at poker is everything,most of the clique on ere wont have this theory.its gotta be true.we would mix it with the best of em on a 5p 10p table coz we wouldnt be intimidated,our roll would back us allin on these tables wouldnt phase us ,but if we stepped into their world say 2.50 5.00 table and they raised us say 200 and we had a half decent hand wed probably turn yellow and fold.thats what they do,day in and day out.they sit there waiting for a smallroller 2 have a go,thats why most the time they wont play each other.i would like a few good lower limit players like urself to challenge the big boys on the small tables where they cant scare us off.ive always said and still do,the highrollers arent better players than us lowrollers,theyve simply got more money,and most of havnt got it thru playin poker.lets organise a tourney thru the community,3 good highrollers v 3 good lowrollers over a couple of nights ,sky give each player 100 quid and the winnings go to moneys firmly on the lowrollers,lets get it on
    Posted by bryan1960

    Bryan are you actually insane? Don't you realise why Sparce and lolufold, as in highrollers, are better than you apparent lowrollers?

    It's because they started off exactly where you are, at the bottom end of the scale and built their bankrolls to a high level. In doing this they developed their games and playing styles, gaining vital playing experience along the way.

    If they dropped to your level to play they would still beat you.... this is because they would use their gained knowledge and experience, and advanced technical poker ability to beat you....

    By saying this you are also saying if Doyle Brunson and Phil Helmuth dropped down to play you at their best games that you would rival or beat them..... silly silly silly statements you make.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,932
    edited March 2010
    i never wanted to be a tper i was pre selected twice as a matter of fact got through to the top ten on one occasion and tbh m8 i was proud,it was the highlight of my humble poker career,but i know my standing in this game and i aint gonna kid myself,hey it would be great to play with the big boys on a level playing field but im afraid its not going to happen not with me anyway.put it this way i remember when dohhhhhhh first came here,he started down at our level i think he was just feeling his way around and i was sat at his table and he just steamrollerd the whole table laughing while he was doing it.i thought this guy is going to the top,now look where he,s at now.when you,ve played agaist some of these players believe me they do know how to take advantage of guys like us but i admire your tenacity though for the clique we,ve had this all before m8 its a myth.lots of people know each other personally and are friends so i dont buy into this clique thing its on the tables my friend
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bryan oryan:
    i never wanted to be a tper i was pre selected twice as a matter of fact got through to the top ten on one occasion and tbh m8 i was proud,it was the highlight of my humble poker career,but i know my standing in this game and i aint gonna kid myself,hey it would be great to play with the big boys on a level playing field but im afraid its not going to happen not with me anyway.put it this way i remember when dohhhhhhh first came here,he started down at our level i think he was just feeling his way around and i was sat at his table and he just steamrollerd the whole table laughing while he was doing it.i thought this guy is going to the top,now look where he,s at now.when you,ve played agaist some of these players believe me they do know how to take advantage of guys like us but i admire your tenacity though for the clique we,ve had this all before m8 its a myth.lots of people know each other personally and are friends so i dont buy into this clique thing its on the tables my friend
    Posted by stokefc
    fair inuf m8,but how could dohhhh do that if he never had the cards to do it,did no one call his bluff,or did he just bully his way thru
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bryan oryan:
    Bryan is Heapey... so obvious people
    Posted by ChirpyChip
    your a fool to think this and very wrong and out of order to suggest it,i was playing on the same table as heapey tonight you silly person type thing you
  • ChirpyChipChirpyChip Member Posts: 556
    edited March 2010
    Yes and Bryan reply to my bigger post.. explain yourself... funny how you just skipped it
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bryan oryan:
    In Response to Re: bryan oryan : Bryan are you actually insane? Don't you realise why Sparce and lolufold, as in highrollers, are better than you apparent lowrollers? It's because they started off exactly where you are, at the bottom end of the scale and built their bankrolls to a high level. In doing this they developed their games and playing styles, gaining vital playing experience along the way. If they dropped to your level to play they would still beat you.... this is because they would use their gained knowledge and experience, and advanced technical poker ability to beat you.... By saying this you are also saying if Doyle Brunson and Phil Helmuth dropped down to play you at their best games that you would rival or beat them..... silly silly silly statements you make.
    Posted by ChirpyChip
    rubbish as per usual off you,you are at the bottom level 2 myson so get a move on.and i dont believe they started here with nothing behind them neither,get a reality check,thicko
  • ChirpyChipChirpyChip Member Posts: 556
    edited March 2010
    Lol you are completely clueless aren't you..  so you are saying every player who plays highish started with high bankroll... are you really that clueless?
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bryan oryan:
    Lol you are completely clueless aren't you..  so you are saying every player who plays highish started with high bankroll... are you really that clueless?
    Posted by ChirpyChip
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited March 2010
    I think your losing the plot a little here Bryan.
  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited March 2010
    hmmm another thread soon to be chucked in the sky mods dustbin!!!!

    whats with all the agro lately???
  • goodylad21goodylad21 Member Posts: 693
    edited March 2010
    Cant way you up brian one minute you seem like an half decent bloke, but the next time i read one of your posts you go off on one as usual!!! Dury is still out at the minute !! I have no friends on here so dont try using that against me :)

    Ps just chill and dont rise to the bait
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bryan oryan:
    I think your losing the plot a little here Bryan.
    Posted by elsadog
    ok elsa,ill take time out to reflect and bryan will to,pleased you care bout my menkal state
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bryan oryan:
    Cant way you up brian one minute you seem like an half decent bloke, but the next time i read one of your posts you go off on one as usual!!! Dury is still out at the minute !! I have no friends on here so dont try using that against me :) Ps just chill and dont rise to the bait
    Posted by goodylad21
    ok m8 neednt be out too long its cold out there,summa these know it alls really wear me out.ill take a chill pill,ill halr it with bryan gl m8,rent a m8 is always our last option gl m8
  • bryan1960bryan1960 Member Posts: 205
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: bryan oryan:
    hmmm another thread soon to be chucked in the sky mods dustbin!!!! whats with all the agro lately???
    Posted by donkeyplop
     scrunch it up and bowl it in,theres plenty more ive just begin(well it is late)
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