That’s shame Dollie. Hope all is ok You’ll be missed there. I remember when we chatted at Manchester that you have been to most over the years. I wonder if you have played the most Spts of all?
That’s shame Dollie. Hope all is ok You’ll be missed there. I remember when we chatted at Manchester that you have been to most over the years. I wonder if you have played the most Spts of all?
Everything is fine thanks Paul, just a lot on and am away at the end of the month. Whilst I have attended 20 SPTs, I think the honour for having been to the most must go to GREGHOGG, who I am sure will be notching up another one this weekend.
See you at the next one. Logically, it is almost certain to be nearer to you than Brighton.
You’ll be missed there. I remember when we chatted at Manchester that you have been to most over the years. I wonder if you have played the most Spts of all?
Think you mean Lisa-Marie Long, Trish.
As far as I am aware, no, Lisa Marie will not be going, but she may surprise us.
There will be a live update on the forum all weekend, with plenty of photos, so you'll be able to put a few faces to names hopefully.
The "team" this weekend will be Sam, Kirsty, James, Mark, Mr Ambo, and myself.
We will all be playing, and there will be bounties on all of us for whoever busts us.
That was Kirsty, who will be there again this weekend.