Good luck to all players going, GNT a good time at the minimum ! It is just such a pain of a trip from Edinburgh, so hope the next one will be easier for me to get to. TK the next stop be announced today ?
Good luck to all players going, GNT a good time at the minimum ! It is just such a pain of a trip from Edinburgh, so hope the next one will be easier for me to get to. TK the next stop be announced today ?
Not 100% to be announced, but at least 90% certain to be announced today.
Good luck to all players going, GNT a good time at the minimum ! It is just such a pain of a trip from Edinburgh, so hope the next one will be easier for me to get to. TK the next stop be announced today ?
SPT Cornwall will be a bit of a trek for you too! (Well I can dream, just stopped a quick bite on the way to Brighton, only 80 miles or so to go)....
That’s shame Dollie. Hope all is ok You’ll be missed there. I remember when we chatted at Manchester that you have been to most over the years. I wonder if you have played the most Spts of all?
Everything is fine thanks Paul, just a lot on and am away at the end of the month. Whilst I have attended 20 SPTs, I think the honour for having been to the most must go to GREGHOGG, who I am sure will be notching up another one this weekend.
I could be close hope you are all well best wishes
It appears to be Password Protected at present, Matt. This is what I see when I try to buy-in;
Confirm Tournament Registration
Would you like to buy in to the SPT Brighton Seat - Day 1b tournament starting at 14:00 on November 11?.
Available Balance
Buy-in + Fee
£0 + £220
Prize Pool
This tournament is password protected. Please enter the password below:.
Anyway, I've asked the question, & as soon as they arrive in the office, I'll get a reply & post here accordingly.
No, as far as I am aware, there will not be a Live Stream.
There will be a Live Update on the Forum though.
Please note this Lobby will likely be locked again at some point, probably tonight, so buy-in soonest please.
The Lobby was opened this morning, & left open all day to enable you to buy in, but has now had to be closed.
So you will need to buy-in at the venue.
thanks for the posts tikay,its ok , I can register when I get there
It is just such a pain of a trip from Edinburgh, so hope the next one will be
easier for me to get to.
TK the next stop be announced today ?