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MTT Schedule deadspot: 6pm-7:30pm

chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
Is it just me or does anyone else feel like there is a lack of tournaments during this time? Surely this is when people start to become available for playing poker, even if it means they only have the opportunity to late reg comps that start during this time. I know a lot of regs that like to start around this time but if you include only £11+ tournaments there is NOTHING starting after 6pm and before 7:30pm.

If it were up to me I would introduce:
  • 6:30pm: £55bh. Cant imagine it would take too many runners from the popular £5bh tournament that starts then.
  • 7pm: £77 @ 7 with 7 minute blinds. Possibly with a few extra levels to make up for the shorter blind levels. Probably later on in the tournament since it starts deep. There is already a £7 @ 7 which does well and same goes for 10x buy in probably not detracting much from the already existing comp.
Thoughts anyone? Sky?


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    Thanks, I'll pass this up to @Sky__James James in the office.
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    The £55bh at 7pm on Sundays is great - would that get enough interest to be replicated during the week at a lower guarantee or such?
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    Yes James said he would trial a £77 @ 7 and it never got attempted.

    I think maybe that £77 is a weird price point. I reckon a £55 at 7 with one rake free rebuy is a good shout, £1/1.5k.

    Maybe another £11rebuy BH on at 6.30?

    While I'm here, the nightly Sheriff 4 seat mega sat always does well, any reason why the Quickdraw can't have an identical sat but starting an hour later?

    Sunday is badly missing some bigger stuff starting between 6-7. The Major mega sat always does well but the only game then is the usual £500/22BH. Build the GTDs and people will come so I'd like to see Sky go for a bit of a gamble there and try a £1.5/2k event then.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,012
    James recently said on another thread that he was about to review the mtt schedule. I think it is probably overdue for a review.
    Some of the things that I find strange are that the daytime schedule seems to be the same on the weekend, as it is during the week. It is surely possible to attract more players on the weekend than it is during the week. I appreciate that guarantees are important as all mtts seem to have them these days, as is avoiding overlay. I was playing one of the £22 bounty hunters, the other Sunday, it had a £500 guarantee, yet there were 47 runners. Surely the best use of guarantees is to try to increase them by attracting more runners, and growing tournaments over a period, concentrating on a smallish number at a time. What does guaranteeing a tourney at half of what the prize pool is achieving, when a bigger guarantee will obviously attract more players.
    I like a Sunday evening because you have the biggest prize pool of the week, in addition to the 6k guaranteed at 7.30. It is almost two main events on the same night. It is a pity this couldn't be repeated every night.
    Obviously the bigger prize pools attract more players. This provides a knock on effect to the other tournaments. So if more players are attracted by a big prize pool, they also play some other tournaments, creating bigger prize pools in additional tournaments.
    I would like to see the equivalent of the Sunday 6k guaranteed every day either at 7.30 or 8.30, and for it to be the bonus game along with the main event. If it was played at 8.30 the mini would have to move to 7.30. I am not sure that before 7.30 would work for the 6k because you would probably want some sats.
    I think that the main events could be adjusted. The total buy ins for the week excluding Friday are £250 excluding rakes. Could this money be spread better to achieve some more big prize pools? Should there be one or two cheaper nights to encourage big numbers of players with smaller bankrolls, as they will also increase the prize pools of some of the other tourneys.
    Fridays rebuy is really solid.
    On Sunday the buy in means it gets around half the players compared to the other nights. What do the other half do on a Sunday? Maybe they just play the 7.30 instead.
    Maybe we could have three nights with a £50 buy in and a 15k guarantee, perhaps Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. With a re-entry to make sure of hitting the guarantee.
    Maybe one or two cheap nights, one at £10, and maybe one at £20. We used to get loads of runners on a Tuesday when it was £10. I am certain you would easily get loads of runners in an additional 6k bounty hunter on these nights.
    Or maybe a £25k guaranteed £50 rebuy on a Sunday. If you got a 5,000 chip starting stack, you could still get your 10,000 chips for the current buy in. Or maybe just spend £50 if you didn't want to spend any more.
    I really think that two biggish tournaments every night would be very popular, and that some bigger prize pools would attract more players. I think it is definitely time for a change, as people get bored with the same old thing. Take the Sheriff for instance, that used to be £5k guaranteed, now its down to £2k most nights.
    Could you have a sat for the two main events?
    Could you have sats for tournament tickets to be used as and when?
    Could you have rebuy sats that cover the entry, one rebuy, and the add on?
  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    The subject line of this post piqued my interest but then I saw chicknMelt was proposing BIGGER buy-ins during this period :(
    Haysie has some good ideas above but still mostly too big in my humble opinion.

    Speaking as a player who has a strict £5 to £10 max buy-in policy and doesn't entertain rebuy's or turbo's (I believe there are lots of us who fit this description) my own poker evenings on SKY have a dead spot between 6:30pm and 8:30pm- that's 2 hours in what is surely primetime for anyone looking for an evening on the virtual felt. I have now, in fact, ventured to other pastures to fill this gaping void (I won't name the site, but it isn't one of the big boys and it gets similar MTT field sizes to SKY)

    So my schedule now looks like this;

    18:00- £10.00, £1k gtd freezeout (unnamed site)
    18:30- £5.50, £1k gtd bounty hunter (SKY)
    19:00- £5.00, £800 gtd freezeout (unnamed site)
    20:00- £10.00, £1k gtd freezeout (unnamed site)
    20:30- £5.50, Mini (SKY)

    I personally think that the £5 to £10 buy in level is the sweet spot for casual to part-time enthusiasts (like myself) to more serious players and lower-level regs alike, but people want a bit of play for that £10 (particularly casual players who aren't shove/fold wizards)

    The tournaments listed above at the unnamed site are all also 6 max, but they have 5000 starting chips, 8-10 minute levels and have great progressive blind structure which means they don't turn into shove/fold fests with 3 tables left but are also not painfully long and slow... (like the £2.20, £100 gtd 12 minute level deep freezeouts on SKY which I was dabbling with for a while but have since given up on... and not because I was losing, before anyone implies that was the reason ;) )

    I might be wrong, but I don't think the 7 at 7 is an attractive enough proposition to a lot of players (myself included) and I also think the £5.50, £200 gtd freezout is not right for that 21:00 slot- I would propose scrapping both of them and replacing them with a nightly £11 deep stacked tournament starting at 19:00 or 19:30 (I wouldn't mind if it was freezout or bounty hunter personally and I'm not sure it would make much difference to the players as long as it was 10 minute levels and deep...) stick a £2000 guarantee on it and run £1 and £2 satellites if needs be...

    I believe this tournament wouldn't be detrimental to the mini and main combo at all. I think the guys that play the mini and main would be happy to add this tournament for a very nice primetime trio and the guys like me who play the mini only (unless a seat is binked for the main) would be chuffed to have a very attractive and affordable duo... there might even be ways of incorporating it into the mini-main duo and actually making them a trio and combining/modifying the Final Table Jackpot model and including rewards for cashing or going deep in all three... not sure if this would be taking it too far and over complicating things... I think it would do great as a stand-alone tournament anyway.

    I hope this resonates with some people and isn't shot down in flames... I also hope chicknMelt doesn't mind that I've jumped on his thread but am advocating smaller buy-ins instead :/
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    There is some really good feedback left regarding shortfalls within the MTT schedule from players on the site, but it seems despite suggestions for imporvements very little is done.

    Myna above talks above about playing on another site, and so will a lot of "regular" players, but why does Sky not do it's best to retain as much of the business as possible?

    Sky have a very good product/ offering for MTTs but it could be better and improved.

    As a customer, I will seldom play the 7:30 pm £22 because it has such a low guarantee, the same is true of most 50 player gtee tourneys on Sky, so I end up playing 5/6 games else where whilst playing MTTs.

    Nothing was done after my post:

    In winter, an 11pm, 11:30pm and 12:30 pm would easily meet a £1k Gtee with a normal structure, where as this is only offered through the 11pm.

    If I was a senior member of management, I would be asking why feedback was not been listened to and why regular players were giving a good % of their business to other sites.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited December 2017
    LARSON7 said:

    There is some really good feedback left regarding shortfalls within the MTT schedule from players on the site, but it seems despite suggestions for imporvements very little is done.

    Myna above talks above about playing on another site, and so will a lot of "regular" players, but why does Sky not do it's best to retain as much of the business as possible?

    Sky have a very good product/ offering for MTTs but it could be better and improved.

    As a customer, I will seldom play the 7:30 pm £22 because it has such a low guarantee, the same is true of most 50 player gtee tourneys on Sky, so I end up playing 5/6 games else where whilst playing MTTs.

    Nothing was done after my post:

    In winter, an 11pm, 11:30pm and 12:30 pm would easily meet a £1k Gtee with a normal structure, where as this is only offered through the 11pm.

    If I was a senior member of management, I would be asking why feedback was not been listened to and why regular players were giving a good % of their business to other sites.

    "Nothing was done after your post"? Yes it was.

    Do you really think that Sky Poker don't do their best to retain as much business as possible?

    What makes you think the feedback was ignored?

    Maybe some of the feedback was considered to be impractical?

    All feedback is appreciated, no feedback is ignored, but just because folks suggest ideas, does not necessarily mean they make good business sense. Many of the ideas don't, & many have been tried, others have not been taken on board for a whole variety of good reasons.

    A few days ago, "feedback" suggested a £25,000 Guarantee £50 Rebuy would work. Sky Poker already tried a £6,000 Guarantee version & it missed the Guarantee.

    Keep the feedback coming please, but it can never be the case that all feedback can be adopted, because not all feedback is practical or workable.

    One MTT is already being looked at with a view to introduction shortly in the "deadspot" suggested.

    It's really wrong & unfair to suggest Sky Poker don't listen to all feedback. They do. No other site listens more to it's players, or has a Forum where we debate these things, warts & all, & every credible suggestion gets looked at by the Poker Team in the Office.

  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Out of interest, I started playing regularly on Sky mid-January this year and remember there being a Bounty Hunter promotion of some sorts with a daily £110. This was before I joined the forum/paid much attention to guarantees - how did the £110s perform in the week?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    edited December 2017


    Nothing was done after your post & Sky Poker don't listen to feedback?

    If you click the link you posted, you'll see that it got a reply from Sky Poker Management in the form of Sky__James in which he said he was looking at increasing some Guarantees, but said that, for the moment, the Sunday Major would remain a regular NLH event, & he explained why.

    He then increased several Main Event Guarantees shortly after, exactly as he had promised.

    Nothing was done, & feedback was ignored? You are incorrect.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    Out of interest, I started playing regularly on Sky mid-January this year and remember there being a Bounty Hunter promotion of some sorts with a daily £110. This was before I joined the forum/paid much attention to guarantees - how did the £110s perform in the week?

    If I recall correctly, they did a BH &/or MTT Promo for a week or so, heavily supported by Comms & Freerolls.

    I don't recall exactly how they performed, but I think they performed OK.

    If the traffic could support a £110 BH every night, without impacting on the rest of the schedule, you can bet all the tea in China that they would run it. At present, it is not viable, & this has been established.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    The issue of the Sunday Major moving to a BH has been discussed endlessly.

    Make it a BH & the feedback is "oh no, not another BH". Leave it as it is & folks say "it should be a BH".

    Trying to please everyone is not quite as easy as some seem to think. In fact it's impossible, but at least Sky Poker listen to feedback, & implement where practical.

    It's quite a disappointment that players are now saying feedback is ignored. It's not.
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Tikay10 said:

    Out of interest, I started playing regularly on Sky mid-January this year and remember there being a Bounty Hunter promotion of some sorts with a daily £110. This was before I joined the forum/paid much attention to guarantees - how did the £110s perform in the week?

    If I recall correctly, they did a BH &/or MTT Promo for a week or so, heavily supported by Comms & Freerolls.

    I don't recall exactly how they performed, but I think they performed OK.

    If the traffic could support a £110 BH every night, without impacting on the rest of the schedule, you can bet all the tea in China that they would run it. At present, it is not viable, & this has been established.
    Ok thanks for quick reply
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    Tikay10 said:

    Out of interest, I started playing regularly on Sky mid-January this year and remember there being a Bounty Hunter promotion of some sorts with a daily £110. This was before I joined the forum/paid much attention to guarantees - how did the £110s perform in the week?

    If I recall correctly, they did a BH &/or MTT Promo for a week or so, heavily supported by Comms & Freerolls.

    I don't recall exactly how they performed, but I think they performed OK.

    If the traffic could support a £110 BH every night, without impacting on the rest of the schedule, you can bet all the tea in China that they would run it. At present, it is not viable, & this has been established.
    Ok thanks for quick reply
    You are most welcome Ang of the Mar.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    LARSON7 said:

    There is some really good feedback left regarding shortfalls within the MTT schedule from players on the site, but it seems despite suggestions for imporvements very little is done.

    Myna above talks above about playing on another site, and so will a lot of "regular" players, but why does Sky not do it's best to retain as much of the business as possible?

    Sky have a very good product/ offering for MTTs but it could be better and improved.

    As a customer, I will seldom play the 7:30 pm £22 because it has such a low guarantee, the same is true of most 50 player gtee tourneys on Sky, so I end up playing 5/6 games else where whilst playing MTTs.

    Nothing was done after my post:

    In winter, an 11pm, 11:30pm and 12:30 pm would easily meet a £1k Gtee with a normal structure, where as this is only offered through the 11pm.

    If I was a senior member of management, I would be asking why feedback was not been listened to and why regular players were giving a good % of their business to other sites.

    Big gap between half 11 at night and lunchtime the next day.

  • adsthepro7adsthepro7 Member Posts: 264
    imo there should be more freezeouts available, the only one that runs of an evening is the £5.50 at 9pm and some later ones for the degens ;)

    Would be nice to see some more of these earlier, maybe in the place of a bounty hunter. I enjoy the bounty hunters but it's nice to have a mix of things to play rather than 90% of the session being BH MTT's.

  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    edited December 2017
    have to agree with Tikay here , I asked for the mega stack to be played just on the Friday , James re-introduced it the following week
    I then asked for a £2 tourny to be introduced in the 21.45 slot after the cheap rebuy was stopped due to that blind hunter or what ever it was tourney that didn't last long so James introduced a £2 bh in that time slot
    I also suggested having 1.20 frenzies for the £20 tourneys he introduced them , so sky poker do listen
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,012
    edited December 2017
    A few days ago, "feedback" suggested a £25,000 Guarantee £50 Rebuy would work. Sky Poker already tried a £6,000 Guarantee version & it missed the Guarantee.

    I was suggesting the above to replace the Sunday Major. I was thinking that it may attract more players if entry could be gained for only £50 and for the current players to choose to enter and either rebuy, or add on, if they wanted to just spend the same as they do now. Others would enter, rebuy, and add on, Others would enter, multi rebuy and add on, and maybe increase the prize pool. I cant ever remember a failing 6k guaranteed £50 rebuy main event on a Sunday. That doesn't matter I was just making a suggestion. I was making this suggestion based on the strength of the £20 rebuy on Fridays, which easily beats the 10k guarantee, and the fact that the Sunday Major is meeting its guarantee through re-entries.
    I think that many players that love playing on Sky, but are frustrated. I know that you cant please everyone, all the time.
    However it must be galling to see players that are fans of Sky admitting to playing 60% of their tournaments, and spending 70% of their buy ins elsewhere. It is interesting to note that the two per day he plays with Sky are bounty hunters, and the three he plays elsewhere are all freezeouts. Although he does say that this is not the reason. I am not going to get into that argument again. You have to assume that Myna will not be alone in this, and that a number of other players will be doing the same thing. The danger of this is that if these players decide that it is too much hassle playing on two sites, and choose the elsewhere to play full time.
    I made a number of suggestions earlier on in this thread, none of which may be any good or poular.
    I suppose the one thing I would like to see is two biggish tourneys per night with maybe a 6k guarantee, and around a £30 buy in. I wouldn't really care about the format. Although I don't believe that all bounty hunters have to be exactly the same.
    The amount of suggestions on the forum would imply a level of dissatisfaction with the schedule. I think it is easy to get bored with the same old thing every day.
    On the subject of the mains, the two best are Friday, and Sunday. Is this because they are different, Friday is a rebuy and Sunday is a freezeout. Maybe its not, but the rest are all pretty much the same, and there is a fair bit of overlay in the week. Could we get 15k on a Saturday for 50 quid? I am repeating myself now.
    I don't think it is just the players commenting in the forum think that changes need to be made. The fact that less than 5% of your 40,000 unique players (of Aussies tournaments) this year, are playing on a daily basis, supports this.
    I am sure you will get there.
    ps. What about a massive weekend tournament same hours as an SPT?
    What about a UkOPS Sunday starting about 12 noon?

  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    A lot of anecdotal evidence in that post, Haysie.

    I see very few people who are dissatisfied. Many want some small tweaks and I'm sure Sky will listen.

    Saturday is a good night for the main. They used to have a rebuy £55 on Saturday which regularly missed the 10k GTD.

    I'd personally like to see the £11rebuy main return on Mon/Wed/Thur but as Sky no longer choose to rake rebuys it makes no sense for them too.

  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    Now the Sunday Major is IMO a successful tournament. If you look at the player pool, a number of the runners only play that event on Sky as they are either cash players or they add Sky in to the Sunday grind. If that is reduced to a £55 they wouldn't bother.

    The Major competes very well against similar tournies on similar sized networks.

    It keeps those guys coming back for the UKOPS weeks, and also the SkyBet for their sports action too.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,012
    I see very few people who are dissatisfied. Many want some small tweaks and I'm sure Sky will listen.
    Ok maybe I should have said frustrated
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