I am tempted to join you in this Reeler... but I think I'd rather wait to see what results you post first
I have been wondering lately whether I'm missing a trick not playing these DYM's looking at some of the profit (competent) players are turning in them... that said, they do nothing for me at all in terms of excitement... that said, if it turned out I was profitable in them they could maybe subsidise my MTT buy-ins on SKY (which are now down to about £30 a night when playing)
Anyway, gl with it Reeler and I eagerly anticipate the final tally
you have to have the dym mentality when u play them or your gonna lose a lot of money fast. Its harder than it looks but if u have a right mind set and your running good that will help but u have to play it smart. some might not agree with me but these actually help my mtt results especially when I'm on later stages of a tourney.
I am tempted to join you in this Reeler... but I think I'd rather wait to see what results you post first
I have been wondering lately whether I'm missing a trick not playing these DYM's looking at some of the profit (competent) players are turning in them... that said, they do nothing for me at all in terms of excitement... that said, if it turned out I was profitable in them they could maybe subsidise my MTT buy-ins on SKY (which are now down to about £30 a night when playing)
Anyway, gl with it Reeler and I eagerly anticipate the final tally
yeh you can actually make a profit in these games which will actually help pay for an mtt. u also gotta be prepared to have a losing session also. and take a break when u do I think I played ok in that first mini session but I made a few mistakes that led to me going 3 wins and 3 losses instead of 5 wins to 1 loss
little update so I can go and have a longer break for tonights session. I'm now on wins 7 losses 4. the last win was a little silly as I had a good stack. I re raised Larson by accident prelop with ace ten off suit. the flop didn't help me much and I lost some of my stack that put me in danger. I shoved allin preflop with 9 7 off the very next hand and got called down by aq off i think and i hit my 9 and ended up cashing. i got lucky there . i think played well apart from the misclick mistake. i had to shove the 9 7 off hoping to steal blinds as i was getting low and needed to survive . lets see what tonights session brings.
thanks for the game m8 i thought i blew it when i re raised your raise preflop and lost a good bit of my stack putting me in danger m8. hope to see you around soon m8
wins 17 losses 13. I could have won a few more. I don't think I'm doing well but still early days. 100 games is a small sample. I might do another 100 after to see if I can better it. time for a break now and I will update again at the end of tonight. I hope every one has a good night and me lol. time for some ps4 to wind down
right just had a power. nap any ravers in the house I'm sitting listening to helter skelter lmao brings back the 90s when I was a young ane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQQN75GkPb8
I have been wondering lately whether I'm missing a trick not playing these DYM's looking at some of the profit (competent) players are turning in them... that said, they do nothing for me at all in terms of excitement... that said, if it turned out I was profitable in them they could maybe subsidise my MTT buy-ins on SKY (which are now down to about £30 a night when playing)
Anyway, gl with it Reeler and I eagerly anticipate the final tally
Not sure if im profitable in them or not, but they are good to potentially make back some money if you're down on the tournament grind.
Will probably see you in some DYM's soon pal.
Good Luck!
Ill reg one now
I bet5 if u was doing this 100 games thing u would probably beat my score lol