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100 dym 3 pound 30 p challenge



  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    MynaFrett said:

    Thanks for taking the time to reply so thoroughly reeler, much appreciated. Also congratulations on your fantastic MTT results (over your last 500 or so games in particular) exceptional stuff.

    reeler said: reason for you trying this challenge is that it will refresh your game and your bank roll...

    I'm in dire need of both. I currently have a "study buddy" here on Sky... I say study buddy, it's more like a student-teacher thing (all of my homework assignments come back to me with big red crosses and "must do better" written on them)... anyway, this person has pointed out to me that 4% ROI is being talked about as very good in DYM's (which I was not aware of... again, do your research Myna, must do better). I would like to think I would have an edge in this format, given that the one area I still do consistently well in is satellites, and to my mind, with the flat payout structure, ICM considerations, the counter intuitive folds you have to make in certain spots (way tighter than Nash including pocket aces sometimes) and the counter intuitive/wider than Nash shoves (shoving 100% of hands in certain spots) these DYM's are essentially short handed satellites. However, if very good/experienced players are yielding 4% then there seems little point in me switching to them unless I'm prepared to study them, get good and put in a tonne of volume...

    Would I be right in assuming that people are essentially using these as a means to get the "Priority" rewards and some of the regulars are perhaps putting in a lot of hours/volume and only making very small profits from them? I have no interest in chasing Priority so, like you say, it probably makes no sense for me to switch to these and give up the MTT's completely but, as you also suggest, giving a certain number a shot (as a "Challenge") may well give my game that little refresher or boost that it needs...

    My worry would be (always fretting) that if I was to try a sample (or challenge) of say 50 games or so and I found myself on the wrong side of variance (or it may be that I don't have an edge after all) then this might do more harm than good to both my bankroll and my confidence- both of which are already shot to bits :s

    I was all set to have a bash at these the other night in fact (think it was late on Sunday evening) I was loitering in the lobby for ages hovering over Register buttons... only the £5 games were running though and I also recognised some of the names (as good, winning players) so I bottled it and didn't jump into a single one in the end...

    You've given me plenty to think about though reeler, which I'm grateful for. I'll check out John Connor's blog as well and appreciate your offer of help with hands and stuff- very generous.

    All the best for 2018 and I'll let you know which road I decided to go down...
    That’s all they are good for 😏
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    Well done on all the wins reeler!

    Myna, DYM's might help in certain spots around bubble play/ ICM considerations, can't do any harm playing a few.

    But tournaments are way more fun! I think you said you play maximum of £5 tournies, so £150 is a good amount to be playing these if playing a few a night, can always top up later if needs be.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
    MynaFrett said:

    It feels weird replying/fielding questions/suggestions on someone else's thread. Apologies reeler, hope you don't mind.

    Thanks for that Blackpuma. I appreciate the encouraging words but I feel that the actual better MTT players on Sky might have a little chuckle at that tbh :)

    It could be variance, don't get me wrong, but there is always the possibility (worryingly) that I/you/anyone just has an extended period of running way above EV which serves to give a false impression of their actual ability and what they might begin to expect to win on a regular basis. When this bubble bursts (EV levels out) it gives a more accurate indication of where they actually sit in the food chain... sure, I'm not a fish but I am definitely not an apex predator either, I probably sit somewhere in the
    middle... like a squid... or an octopus
    ... not sure where I'm going with this now.

    I do agree with you about the £1 and £2 games, both in terms of their value (+) and the time commitment (-). I had moved away from them given that they are slow and don't offer a big score, but given my current predicament it may well be prudent to gravitate back to them and lick my wounds rather than embarking on a rather desperate quest in a foreign country... (DYM's)

    ...I'll probably just see you back at the MTT tables puma :D

    Please note that the position of bottom feeder is already taken. By me.

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