Hi everyone, having been a long time lurker I've finally decided it's the right time to start contributing to this wonderful community! I'm making this thread to keep a record of my results on a regular basis, tracking my progress and stopping me from spewing away my bankroll which I have done many times in the past!.
A little bit about myself, my name is Ging, I'm 25 and have been playing poker for about 4 years. I was a student at Aston University in Birmingham from 2011-2015 but now I'm back in my hometown, Bournemouth, working full time and playing poker on the side.
I used to mainly play cash both Live and Online but have recently started a SNG grind finding some success in the DYMs so will continue with that for the majority of my volume, but also studying cash games & MTTs, as I enjoy both but would love to start seeing more success in them.
See you at the tables!
3 ·
Have to have a beer sometime, im in Bournemouth too.
A new Diary, excellent.
Good luck Ging.
Ging is an unusual nickname, so I googled it & it says it can be male or female. I'm gonna guess male - am I right?
What made you choose the alias "Implicitly"?
Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm British Born Chinese so hence the funny name - it's pronounced with a 'hard' G - the easiest way to explain is it sounds like like "King" but with a G instead haha. I've been called "Jing, Ginge" etc. enough times in my life already!
Implicity has been my screen name for online gaming and things (Runescape, Xbox gamertag, League of Legends and now poker) for about 13 or 14 years now. I had no idea what implicit meant at the time but it's stuck with me since.
Also thank you to JJBinks, VespaPX & waller for your replies
@VespaPX yes that'd be cool to meet up some time - do you play cash at the Grosvenor on Westover Rd at all?
If you play live in Bmth Grosvenor then I probably know you - at least by sight. I tend to play cash 3-5 times a week but in lumps and am having some time off from live. Anyway, gl.
It got a bit reggy, sometimes 6 or more people trying to grind against Peter and then the usual rocks taking up seats until about 12 every night! I try to just make my live poker trips less frequent but more worthwhile by going to Broadway (Birmingham) where they have a deep £1/2 with only £5 session rake/hr.
Jan 1st - 6thJan 1st - 5thWas going really steady, 6-10 tabling 2.2's up to 11's, and decided to take a shot at 11's and 22's tonight, which didn't fare too well. A lot of spots where I should have considered folding rather than shoving when taking ICM into consideration and also losing almost every all in for about 2 hours against "Bigfatfish" who was sun running!
Volume has been good however, I may just limit the number of tables to ~6 and focus on making better decisions and profit now I'm over halfway to reaching bronze priority after only a week. For "The Pentagon", I only opted in yesterday to the Red League so I think I've missed out the first week
Giraffe below
Winnings up to 6th Jan = +£226
Poker points = 5000 (£100)
Runescape, Xbox, gamertag, League of Thrones, I've barely heard of any of those except Xbox, & that's only because Sky Poker give a lot of them away as prizes. Guess I'd better not ask how these games work, but I do know that some folks take "gaming" very seriously.
Good luck, & great to have another high quality poster here.
PS - If time permits, go visit the Poker Clinic which is starting to gain traction again. Think you may enjoy reading some of it, & perhaps contributing too.
Yes, you are probably too late to make much impact in Pentagon this week, though I guess you might just sneak in near the bottom, but you should do well in that League next week.
Are you just playing turbos? If so, it’s even more impressive
Yes Turbo DYM only atm but I’ll probably do some normal speeds ones if they run frequently enough. I’ve decided that I’ll probably have to play less tables + table select the 11 + 22’s when shot taking from now on, so hopefully results improve
Obv a small sample size but that roi is outstanding at turbos. Think mine is similar other than I have a - in front of the 4.3
@Tikay10 Thanks for the positive comments! Also yes I'm a bit gutted that I opted in late, I think I could have made top 10 with the volume but still 3 more weeks to go I suppose
I've actually edited my first update for 1st - 5th as I've played today, changing the results for 6th Jan. I'll update later tonight
@Jac35 I haven't really given enough thought into what's a good ROI yet since I was 10 tabling the majority of the first 500 games. I didn't know 4%+ was as good as you say so fingers crossed I can keep that up then!