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Not on The Nine o'Clock News



  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,382
    chilling said:

    MISTY4ME said:

    chilling said:

    MISTY4ME said:
    I like to see things with my own eyes.
    Last year I never saw anybody cough or sneeze,as I’ve stated .
    The only person I know that supposedly died of COVID was the mother of an old girlfriend.
    She had been ill for years.

    A teenager from the adjacent road to mine surveyed six roads close by.
    Not one household out of over 1000 reported any illness for the whole of 2020.
    Rather odd for a pandemic I’d say.

    The propaganda from the media has been pointed out many times in this thread.

    If you want to believe everything the government and so called scientists tell you, that’s your choice.

    You should have come along to Boardmasters in Newquay........ nearly 5000 positive cases at or from the Festival,.....though at least most were young.

    .....or pop along to your local hospital COVID Ward, it's pretty scary, and harrowing

    Every time people invade Cornwall, they bring COVID with them. My daughter and ALL the Staff caught it from the Restaurant they were working at. Fortunately I'd been vaccinated, and I had COVID last year. Which antibodies kept me safe? ......I don't long as I don't catch it again.

    I know two people personally who've died of COVID, one was on the ICU with me last October, the other two weeks ago. Both had underlying health conditions. The guy last week had been jabbed twice, so who knows whether he would have died anyway, but I believe Chris Witty, and the Doctors and Scientists trying to protect us.
    How can somebody bring COVID with them? COVID is supposed to describe illnesses from the Sars2 virus. The B strain. Testing positive means nowt without symptoms.
    Are you telling me 5000 people felt ill so they decided it’s time for a festival?

    Sometimes I think you're just on the wind-up !

    As we know, some people show no symptoms at all, but have the virus, carry on doing things they normally do, and spread the virus to others. Others have mild symptoms, and thinking it's a bit of a cold, just carry on too, and spread the virus.

    Quite a few of the younger people at Boardmasters just didn't care. They tested positive, threw that test away and got their friend, who had tested negative, to do the test for them, just because they had bought tickets, and didn't want to miss out.

    .......and NO I'm not telling you 5000 people felt ill so they decided it was time for a Festival.

    Big Music Festivals have to be organised way in advance, There were around 50,000 people there, but they had to take tests before they were allowed in. Some cheated the system, and they reckon around 4700 positive cases of COVID were linked back to the festival.

    It only needs one inconsiderate A**EHOLE to spread the Virus to many.
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,382
    I had stopped working in the Chippy 10 months before I got COVID.

    There was very little of the virus in Devon and Cornwall until after the the second lockdown, when rules were eased, and people were allowed to come here on holiday
  • chillingchilling Member Posts: 3,774
    edited December 2021
    MISTY4ME said:

    I had stopped working in the Chippy 10 months before I got COVID.

    There was very little of the virus in Devon and Cornwall until after the the second lockdown, when rules were eased, and people were allowed to come here on holiday

    Why do you think your family showed signs of illness, whereas others that they had come into contact with were ok? Ask yourself some questions.

    One A rsehole to spread ?
    I presume there were portaloos at this festival?

    Did your family have swab tests pre feeling ill?
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    New DELTA + OMICRON anagram...

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    Sad but sums up the contempt they have for us...

  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,382
    chilling said:

    MISTY4ME said:

    I had stopped working in the Chippy 10 months before I got COVID.

    There was very little of the virus in Devon and Cornwall until after the the second lockdown, when rules were eased, and people were allowed to come here on holiday

    1..Why do you think your family showed signs of illness, whereas others that they had come into contact with were ok? Ask yourself some questions.

    2..One A rsehole to spread ?
    3..I presume there were portaloos at this festival?

    4..Did your family have swab tests pre feeling ill?

    1... Because it takes several days for you to start feeling the effects of the virus, So you don't know you have it, and you go to work, or go about your business and spread the virus further. Some people show no signs or symptoms, but have the virus.

    My wife felt a bit rough first, but just thought she had a bit of a cold as she only had a cough and headache, and she went to work the next day, so may have spread it further. Certainly two days later, I started to feel bad, and I was really struggling with my breathing, especially at night, and then our PCR Tests came back Positive. Two bad nights later, I had to ring the Doctors, and was seen in my daughter's car by a Paramedic, in the Car Park of the Surgery. My Oxygen Levels were around 75, and I had to go to Hospital by Ambulance immediately. It's wasn't nice I can assure you, especially for my Wife and Family, and particularly when I had to go into Intensive Care. They didn't hear anything for 2 days, and thought I might have died!

    So the more medically vulnerable you are, the worse the virus hits you.

    2... It only takes one A'Hole, though there are many, particularly amongst the 18 -30 age group, who love to go out and about (as we did I'm sure), and mix at parties and Night Clubs without any thought as to the fact they might be spreading the virus.
    Though as I said before, they don't know they're being A'Holes if they don't have the symptoms yet.

    3... Obviously there were Portaloos

    4... Yes....My daughters had to do lateral Flow tests for School, Uni and work 2 or 3 times a week. All had been negative....... until mine and my wife's PCR tests were positive..... and my youngest and eldest daughter's (and her boyfriend) caught it from us

    Misty my daughter was away at Uni when we all had COVID, but she caught it in June this year, after working in the restaurant or socialising.

    ....and if you want an idea of how bad COVID can be....... watch 'HELP' the Channel 4 drama with Stephen Graham and Jodie Comer. That depicts perfectly how bad the virus can be

    Stay safe :)
  • chillingchilling Member Posts: 3,774
    edited December 2021

    1... Because it takes several days for you to start feeling the effects of the virus, So you don't know you have it, and you go to work, or go about your business and spread the virus further. Some people show no signs or symptoms, but have the virus.

    My wife felt a bit rough first, but just thought she had a bit of a cold as she only had a cough and headache, and she went to work the next day, so may have spread it further. Certainly two days later, I started to feel bad, and I was really struggling with my breathing, especially at night, and then our PCR Tests came back Positive. Two bad nights later, I had to ring the Doctors, and was seen in my daughter's car by a Paramedic, in the Car Park of the Surgery. My Oxygen Levels were around 75, and I had to go to Hospital by Ambulance immediately. It's wasn't nice I can assure you, especially for my Wife and Family, and particularly when I had to go into Intensive Care. They didn't hear anything for 2 days, and thought I might have died!

    So the more medically vulnerable you are, the worse the virus hits you.

    2... It only takes one A'Hole, though there are many, particularly amongst the 18 -30 age group, who love to go out and about (as we did I'm sure), and mix at parties and Night Clubs without any thought as to the fact they might be spreading the virus.
    Though as I said before, they don't know they're being A'Holes if they don't have the symptoms yet.

    3... Obviously there were Portaloos

    4... Yes....My daughters had to do lateral Flow tests for School, Uni and work 2 or 3 times a week. All had been negative....... until mine and my wife's PCR tests were positive..... and my youngest and eldest daughter's (and her boyfriend) caught it from us

    Misty my daughter was away at Uni when we all had COVID, but she caught it in June this year, after working in the restaurant or socialising.

    ....and if you want an idea of how bad COVID can be....... watch 'HELP' the Channel 4 drama with Stephen Graham and Jodie Comer. That depicts perfectly how bad the virus can be

    Stay safe :)

    As Mr Bill quite clearly stated, the jabs were never designed to stop transmission.
    That has been backed up by the Government and the scientists.
    So how do you come to the conclusion it only takes one a rsehole to spread it?
    All the above say the vaxxed can spread it.
    In fact , in Parliament it has been mentioned twice that the vaxxed carry the virus.
    You’re not making sense.

    Maybe there is an out. I reckon you could fit a small portion in here.

  • chillingchilling Member Posts: 3,774
    edited December 2021
    @MISTY4ME you want to watch a drama on COVID after 18 months of non stop coverage on tv and in the media?

    I think you best get on a jet ski and head for Florida.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    Putting to one side for now that I agree with Misty4me rather than Chilling and believe that Covid is real
    From this exchange the overriding thought for me is what a nice bloke Misty is and how well he comes across
    With Chilling it’s a different thought
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
  • chillingchilling Member Posts: 3,774
    Jac35 said:

    Putting to one side for now that I agree with Misty4me rather than Chilling and believe that Covid is real
    From this exchange the overriding thought for me is what a nice bloke Misty is and how well he comes across
    With Chilling it’s a different thought

    Lol. At least you’ve included the word thought, so you have been thinking.

    I’ll post some rather ropey old sceenshots,one at a time.
    Ropey , because they were discarded onto another device.
    I’m sure they are in this thread somewhere.
    I’d doubt VespaPX will mind, more replies.
    It might help if folks stopped using the brand name COVID.
  • chillingchilling Member Posts: 3,774
    In no particular order.

  • chillingchilling Member Posts: 3,774
  • chillingchilling Member Posts: 3,774
  • chillingchilling Member Posts: 3,774
  • chillingchilling Member Posts: 3,774
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