‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.’ - George Orwell, 1984.
20 Million DOLLAR BRIBE by the WHO to MADAGASCAR Madagascar’s President claims that the WHO - World Health Organisation, offered him us$20mil to add "poison" to their herbal remedy. Now you know why the President of Madagascar wants ALL African countries to leave the WHO - based on this event - all countries should leave the WHO - we all know who their masters are - the global banking elite that are behind the Corona genocide.
Oh Shauny Shauny!!!! Premiering now!
George Galloway "Don't buy a pig in a poke"
The free speech/PC culture carry on is something that is a concern.
"Should I call you he/she/ze....."
We are lucky. Apparently in Canada the law is you must call someone by their preferred pronoun.
Just call or refer to them by their first name
Can you imagine what our grand and great grandparents would think of this now?
Madagascar’s President claims that the WHO - World Health Organisation, offered him us$20mil to add "poison" to their herbal remedy. Now you know why the President of Madagascar wants ALL African countries to leave the WHO - based on this event - all countries should leave the WHO - we all know who their masters are - the global banking elite that are behind the Corona genocide.