playing yesterday and this lassie calls an A Q all in [1/3 of her stack] with 7 6, spades not unheard of but rare enough to raise a brow ... ;why?' goes ace queen, 'priced in' replies connectors and she's right ... run it 10 times she's 2 grand better off. Which set me thinking how good are they? I only usually play them with a healthy stack, in position. Could I be missing a trick?
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if you don't know, this is your study area.
study night for you
Sorry Matt, I gather you had problem posting that - I found it in the Naughty Room this morning. No idea why.
Just my opinion btw
Eg player A raises (insert amount here) and player B shoves all in for (insert amount here).
If we call enough with 40-60's, we'll go busto sooner rather than later. We just will.
And generally - very generally, better to be the shover than the caller.
6-7 performs MUCH better if we shove with it rather than call with it, simply because every time we get a fold, the maths & stats improve. If, in theory, we shoved with 6-7, we'd get a lot of folds from better hands, and the maths would look better.
Newbies would do well to try & think "two ways to win".
By shoving we can win two ways (they fold OR our hands ends up better), whereas by calling we only give ourself one way to win.
2 beats 1 all day.
to answer this question, we need to assess the chance of winning versus the amount required to have the opportunity and the reward that might bring.
we need to know how much is in the pot.
Here's a link on how to post a hand.
There are other ways.
So, on the face of it, & without the stack sizes etc we keep requesting, she made a bad call imo.
That's with hindsight, of course - she obviously never knew your hand, but it will MOSTLY be either an overpair or two over cards, so 6-7 will generally be in bad shape there.
For you, of course, irrespective if she won or not, it was a GOOD CALL, as she got it in bad. You want players to make these calls.
"without the stack sizes etc we keep requesting"