@notbrook1 I sympathise with all the overpair < underpair losses - they are tilting as ****, especially in the big equity spots. I had a spell where I would wake up with KK and start smiling thinking ok, am I getting stacked by the underpair or ace high this time? It really was that bad for an extended period. It still is to a certain extent, still getting 2/3 outered in big AIPF spots regularly but that's the nature of shallow stacked MTT's (particularly bounty hunters) and especially if you play 5 to 10 a night - it's going to happen nightly, sometimes 2/3/4 times a night, some nights every tournament bust out (or spot that cripples you first) will be a bad beat .
But, hey, I noticed you were +£200 for yesterday and no mention of it here gg's! What did you do well in?
@Angmar2626 thank you for the reality check. I sometimes check reg's graphs on a week/month basis to ground myself, even the best have losing streaks.
The mind set is on a gradual shift. I think part of me is thinking, this has to happen now because I have the free time to put in volume. Don't give me all my good luck quota in the summer as I won't be putting in the same volume. That's what is frustrating, even though it's complete nonsense.
You have a pretty incredible ROI and by the looks of it don't play daily. What is the secret to your schedule/game selection?
Usually only play one session per week, would like to play more but real life gets in the way. Interestingly from what you said about mind set, occasionally I get the chance to play every day for a few days, and generally in those times seems to be when my bigger downswings happen Can't really explain it, other than normally because I only get to play once per week I'm super excited/looking forward to that session and it's really fun (which poker should be).
RE game selection, not sure I'm the best person to talk to as jumping into tougher games for some reg battling at the higher stakes I always find really fun even if it's not the most sensible financial decision
But if I'm being more strict, I think it makes sense to play better structures for your higher buy-ins and keep turbos for lower buy-ins.
Also I tend to skip all £22s - small field, low prize pool, reggy games, with average structure
But always play the £33 as it seems to have the exact opposite features!
But, hey, I noticed you were +£200 for yesterday and no mention of it here
RE game selection, not sure I'm the best person to talk to as jumping into tougher games for some reg battling at the higher stakes I always find really fun even if it's not the most sensible financial decision
But if I'm being more strict, I think it makes sense to play better structures for your higher buy-ins and keep turbos for lower buy-ins.
Also I tend to skip all £22s - small field, low prize pool, reggy games, with average structure
But always play the £33 as it seems to have the exact opposite features!