the reason i ask this is in the past week the river card as killed me in the game as i am speaking i had ak suited went all in preflop was called by a player with 45 and hits a four on the river this has happend a few times now in the last week the players who call dont even speake whithch leads me to belive they are commputerized players added to the tables please can i hear your comments on this ty
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It's not fixed, just part of the game.
The vast majority of players don't chat in the chat box.
Anyone playing a lot of tables isn't going to have much time to talk because they're making decisions in a split second at times. Also, I can't blame anyone for ignoring chat or wanting to turn chat off when conversations often consist of:
- Some Hellmuth wannabe trying to tell you how you should've played the hand
- Someone moaning about the RNG because they can't handle KK losing to AT AIPF
- People being abusive because they can't handle a bad beat or losing a hand when the opponent played badly.
- "You played that hand terribly you fish" "Pingu will back me up, you would've folded that, wouldn't you?" - Yes, but I also wouldn't behave like you in the chatbox when I lose a hand because someone played their hand badly and won, so leave me out of this please.
- Will Kassouf wannabes who try all the table talk and try to tilt you in the chat box. Doesn't work when I can just mute you and/or the chatbox
- Small talk with someone who 'befriends' you before turning into the aforementioned Hellmuth wannabe as soon as you win a 30/70 against them or something because OH NO MY CALL RANGE IS SUPPOSED TO BE ATs/AJo/88+ BUT I CALLED ATo SO I'M SUDDENLY THE WORST PLAYER OF ALL TIME BECAUSE I GOT THERE. Can't think of any regs I've played against that do this except for loads of them. Most are deservedly chat banned now though.
- Someone at 2pm on a Saturday afternoon who can't be bothered to log onto Facebook or Twitter, so they pop up on the rail to beg for the social freeroll password because they're really desperate for that 12p of EV for registering the comp.
- "Rooney just scored" when almost everyone that cares that Rooney scored is either watching the football anyway, or is recording the game and hoping to avoid spoilers, so it literally serves no purpose to tell everyone this besides spoiling the game for people. It's right up there with the "It's snowing!!!" Facebook posts in terms of pointlessness. Then, of course, somebody else replies with "Yep" and I'm reading it thinking "Wow this is the most fascinating conversation of all time I'm so glad I'm reading this" and immediately turn the chat off.
- People who say "I folded a King", so you end up calling or being called by some other guy with your bluff catcher on a KK8T4r board and you've punted off chips/money at least in part because someone decided to be an idiot and disclose the contents of their hand while the hand is still in progress.
^ These probably make up like 90% of the 'chat' on any given table, which in fairness to Sky, compares favourably to sites like 888 and Stars where 100% of the table chat is abuse.P.S. - Anyone wanna play 'Spot the grumpy introvert'?
But what about Goldfishes AK?
POTY contender by The Pingu
Questioning the r.n.g. just highlights a persons failings, it isn’t the same as the tax man “ cheating you” Tax is paid as a percentage of earnings ( income tax), r.n.g is a random number generator, if you could explain what they have in common please could you enlighten me, in legible English language.
Yes, some players like Larson answer constructively may=be you could .
So others need to respond in legible language but you can spout random stuff?
cpfc_2010: nh
02:01MattBates: you sir, have been Batesed
cpfc_2010: lololol
We'll keep a welcome on the Forum.
I can't give advice to newbie players (on how to play) as I play for fun, not reward. I'm the guy with 45 allin call any two anytime, so wouldn't want my advice. However he wont want negative comments or ridicule either. He's not the first with this sort of post nor will he be the last so reason I asked for sticky in beats&brag with all the positive posts to refer this type of poster to ,save all the negative comments they get now. I don't care if you like my comments I've been here long enough to know who the good guys are and ask them to support new disillusioned players coming on here with this type of question. fwiw
AK will crack KK, QQ will crack AA and so on.It can be frustrating but it evens itself out eventually. Hang in there
On the chat part i wouldnt read too much into it, can be hard to keep up with the play and chat
Come and join our tables- we talk rubbish, occasionally wind up but don't diss anyone, have a good laugh and as a relativenewbie myself, enjoy the chat as much as the game and wouldn't have met such nice peeps at Brighton/Manchester without it...Hanson, Misty, IrishRose,Sidv79, EssexPhil to name but a few.... The only robots I've encountered is the repetive, precision like elbow movement when beer is in the vicinity...join us and at least you'll enjoy it when you just get what we all get at times; bad beats