That was really weird. Having seen your reply I checked the tourney lobby and they were there, and I never changed anything..... but also the time of my post had gone back an hour to 11.13 and edited 11.15 and Matt's post on Micro Leaderboard thread was saying 11.17. I went back on thread and these had changed to the correct time of post........ WEIRD
LOL........ I know I've a reputation to keep up, and it was the wife's birthday yesterday, but I left her with my daughters at 8.30pm, so it defo wasn't that!
Are there any VEGAS sats. and a quarter-final today please? There aren't any in the lobby at the moment, and I know they usually start at 11.50am
Yes, & yes. Looks like the normal schedule to me.
Might be your filter settings.
Try clicking the VEGAS tab above the Tournament Lobby, also the "ALL" Tab at the bottom of the Lobby.
That work for you?
PS - The next one is scheduled for 12.50.
Can't explain the time machine, this is what I see at the top of your post;
MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Posts: 1,717Member
12:13 edited 12:15
Add more water maybe @MISTY4ME?
Good point @Phantom66, done now.