I am trying out a Twitch stream today from 4pm streaming MTTs on Sky poker
I will be streaming the 15K Sunday Major live as well as normal Sunday mtts , I normally try to satty in to the main but I have bought in to it for this week as its the first stream (good excuse to treat myself

Its my first time streaming so you might have to bare with me if I make some newb mistakes but ill try to get it right.
If you guys want to come along and support me that would be great, sure you will see me punt some stacks so you can troll my play in chat, ill see you at 4pm

Thanks for the support guys, will be on today to try to grind a long session.
Well played, especially with taking a tournament down on your very first stream. Where did you end up finishing in the main? I went to bed at Midnight and you were still in with 33 left.
I clicked follow anyway so will be a regular viewer.
Keep them coming!