Update. want to say thanks for the follower's that have supported me, I wont be doing more streams, only for one reason is that I cant play more than 5-6 tables without tec problems, which is to low volume for me per day (even weekends) it will have a big impact on my hourly rate while playing not being able to play my normal 10+tables each day.
It was something I wanted to try, and its been really fun to do.
Thanks guys had great fun trying it see you at the tables.
Sad to hear but good on you for giving it a go - fun times were certainly had. I'll keep my fingers crossed we can tempt you back for an occasional one-off special. I fear this is going to hit YourAmidget pretty hard though.
@adsthepro7, time to come out of retirement buddy - a keen audience awaits!
My nights on the table will never quite be the same again. I will miss the squeak of the chair, the thrill of the sandwich filling, the intrigue of just how tall YourAMidget really is, the sound of kids being kids in the background, the tales of Aberystwyth, and most of all THE CHAIR. Real shame as you had something good going here but thanks for the memories.
Thanks guys means a lot, if I could find away to play 10+ tables while streaming I would stream every day, but as you guys have seen it limits me to 5-6, anymore then it crashes sky poker or OBS, just playing 5-6 increases variance Hughley and decreases the hourly rate by a lot.
I had no way of knowing this until I started to stream, it wasn't something that crossed my mind when starting this.
I have had my IT guy take a look and he cant get a solution. (if any IT wiz kids can resolve it for me hit me up)
as I say thanks very much guys it was a lot of fun.
Shame to see you call it a day, but totally understand why. It was fun to watch.
Sky Poker are probably not going to invest much/any money/time in improving the software now they are being taken over (IMHO). Not being able to multi table/not being able to open lobbies etc etc etc are basic improvements which should be of paramount importance to any online site. Rant over.
May be if you are going to focus on a few tables on 'super sunday', you could fire up the stream?
May be if you are going to focus on a few tables on 'super sunday', you could fire up the stream?
Thanks Max ill think on it might do a special one off for the Super Sunday but no guaranties yet, I will sure be playing it gl to all that play it, its not a bad tournament you know .
Like all good things, this has come to an end which is a great shame as your streams, along with the banter in chat, were excellent viewing and as such will be sadly missed. Good luck at the tables JJ and thanks for trying this out
It was something I wanted to try, and its been really fun to do.
Thanks guys had great fun trying it see you at the tables.
Was fun, thanks for the memories
gl at the tables.
@adsthepro7, time to come out of retirement buddy - a keen audience awaits!
Real shame as you had something good going here but thanks for the memories.
I had no way of knowing this until I started to stream, it wasn't something that crossed my mind when starting this.
I have had my IT guy take a look and he cant get a solution. (if any IT wiz kids can resolve it for me hit me up)
as I say thanks very much guys it was a lot of fun.
Sky Poker are probably not going to invest much/any money/time in improving the software now they are being taken over (IMHO). Not being able to multi table/not being able to open lobbies etc etc etc are basic improvements which should be of paramount importance to any online site. Rant over.
May be if you are going to focus on a few tables on 'super sunday', you could fire up the stream?
Thanks Max ill think on it might do a special one off for the Super Sunday but no guaranties yet, I will sure be playing it gl to all that play it, its not a bad tournament you know
Was fun while it lasted. Thanks for laughs.
hopefully you'll run deep then load it up
JJBinks 555000 1 Entry to Mission Freeroll Final