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What happened yesterday? Day 3 of UKOPS

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

A very good if cold Monday morning afternoon to you all.

Very busy night last night, with Sky Poker UKOPS featuring some relatively big events, plenty of excitement & anticipation amongst the player base, & not a little trepidation and nervousness in the Office as some of the Guarantees were clearly going to be a bit of a stretch.

Sky Sam has been noticeably grumpy all weekend & it was noticeable that Sky James tidied his desk before he went home on Friday

How did it pan out? Did Sky James survive? Read on.



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    So let's first look at the overall numbers. I can tell you that the Office certainly had a degree of nervousness as to at least 2 of the 7 UKOPS events last night, the High Roller, & the Mini.

    Here's the final numbers;

    UKOPS 13, Guarantee £3,000, made £3,460

    UKOPS 14, Guarantee£15,000, made £26,400

    UKOPS 15, Guarantee£20,000, made £26,000

    UKOPS 16, Guarantee£10,000, made £10,170

    UKOPS 17, Guarantee£4,000, made £3,460

    UKOPS 18, Guarantee£4,000, made £4,450

    UKOPS 19, Guarantee£2,000, made £1,660

    So, a couple of small misses, but quite remarkable overall, especially the High Roller, which needed 75 runners & ended with 99 uniques + 33 re-entries. The Mini looked like missing too, but fell over the line with minutes to spare with 637 uniques + 381 re-entries.

    17 & 19 both missed, but in context, they were just flesh wounds.

    Settle for that.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    As a brief aside - the first of many, so get used to it - I google imaged "tick" so I could find a nice tick as above, & this was the first result.



    What a strange thing the English language is, so many words have multi-meanings, I have no idea how those who come here from foreign parts ever learn it. They do though.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    UKOPS 13, £22 entry, £3,000 Freezeout

    A nice old-fashioned no-nonsense Freezeout to start the evening, and the top step of the podium went to @sumogaz.

    Runner-up was none other than @MAXALLY who has been knocking on the door for a while now. I'm going to guess he'll be a little miffed not to have sealed the deal & won the thing, but it'll do his confidence a power of good not to mention his UKOPS bankroll. Well done Alan.

    In 3rd place was @dameflop. At the risk of making a complete & utter fool of myself - traditional in these report of late, as senility increases it's hold - I think that might be Mrs @glencoelad who does really well in Live Poker at Maybury Edinburgh, as well as across the UK on jaunts south to the Mother Country, & who, with husband George, rescued me from a very nasty spot in Punta Cana a few years ago when I became luggage-less and stranded at the airport. Then again, if I have got my names mixed up, I'm gonna look as daft as this fella.


    Sky Bet go 4/5 each of two.

    Mini-monies went to, amongst others, @stokefc , God bless Stokey, who only cashes when he is at least three parts to the wind.

    Small money also to @glencoelad, who may or may not be Mr @dameflop, but let's not go there again.

    Sky Poker hotpot @jordz16 went for an early 2XUp but as he finished 172nd of 173, I'm guessing it went wrong.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    Meanwhile, in faraway places, Lewis Hamilton took down his 5th F1 World Championship.

    Lewis is very Marmite, and clearly has the best car, but is almost certainly the best driver too, so no surprise there.

    The oddity with Lewis these days is seeing him zipping around the paddock, pit lane and even the grid at every GP on his toy scooter thing.


    What's that all about? I can only guess he has a monsta deal with the scooter makers. Scooters are for kids, right?

    Notice, by the bye, as he scoots along merrily, the blonde lady scurrying along behind him, all hot and bothered, trying to keep up with him, and laden down with all his bits & bobs & paraphernalia. That's Angela Cullen.


    What a job Angela has, she is his physio, aide-de-camp, assistant, and even dog-carrier. Yup, you heard me right. Dog-carrier.


    Having said that, she gets to travel across the globe every year all-expenses paid, & probably earns about a zillion quid per race. Toasty life.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    UKOPS 14, £220 entry, £15,000 High Roller

    Isn't it lovely when a plan comes together?

    I am sure he won't mind me saying this, but the winner, @Duesenberg , is a pure recreational player, a professional man in "real-life" who plays poker for fun.

    He has a 2018 Bankroll Challenge in progress, trying to make £10,000 profit. Prior to last night he was on about £6,500, so a bit behind schedule, but this win - over £5,000 - zooms him well clear of the target, with 2 months to spare.

    Even better, he won his High Roller seat in the "Podium Series", one of the most popular Promos Sky Poker have run this year.

    Absolutely chuffed to bits for him, especially as he is a smashing sort. Well done mate.

    4th place went to @miniman88 who is a very decent player by any standards, as are the 5th & 6th, @StayOrGo (5th, & winner of the last event on Day 2) & @MattBates (6th), arguably the most profitable MTT-er on Sky Poker. Makes duesenburg's victory all the more remarkable.

    A deep run for @NChanning too, aka Ambo the Armpit, who collected around £100 in bounties, but the real eye-opener in the also-rans was @FeelGroggy who finished out of the money in 20th but took an eye-opening £700 in Bounties. That a whole lot of Bounties.


    Terrific stuff, well done all.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    A quick brain-teaser, spotted on Twitter yesterday, to keep you amused if all these names numbers are getting a tad tedious, as well they might.

    "If a baby’s born at 1:59am and then its twin is born 2 minutes later but the clocks went back so now it’s 1:01am, which is older because the one born second will be older on paper but the one born first is actually 2 minutes older?"

    No prizes for the correct answer, as I don't have a scooby what it is.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    UKOPS 15, £110 entry, £20,000 BH

    This was the evening's Main Event, and the winner beautifully demonstrated the highs and lows of poker variance - he played the High Roller which started 30 minutes earlier, & finished plum last, 99th of 99 - then went and won the Main Event for north of £5,000. Nice work @Keabro.

    @Limp2Lose is having a consistent UKOPS & ended up 4th, with @Tedson in 6th, while @MattBates finished a creditable 8th.

    We saw the vagaries of variance again when @heddoh18, a very good player indeed & previous UKOPS winner, finished stone last.

    Variance is a beast, & we all get down about it sometimes, but it's also a real test of character, & it's noticeable that good players never come on the Forum bellyaching about the RNG or bad play by others.

    I mean, we all THINK this, but we just need to take our medicine.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    The NFL paid another visit to London yesterday which is always a decent affair, the amount of NFL fans in the UK is extraordinary.


    The eye-opening story for me though was that a bunch of them got arrested the night before in a London nightclub, allegedly for not paying the bill.

    No surprise there, & not a hanging offence, these are revved up lads on an away trip doing what lads do.

    What staggered me though was the size of the bill - £50,000.


    You gotta be kidding me? That's a serious amount of booze, even at inflated prices. Even if they were drinking Champagne or Brandy at £100 per bottle, that's 500 bottles.

    Not so much a skinful as a lorry full.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    UKOPS 16, £11 entry £10,000 Mega Mini BH

    The nightly Mini, be it UKOPS or not, is probably my favourite Sky Poker MTT, as I'm traditionally biased towards the pure recreational players. Nothing against the Big Boys & Hotshots, not at all, but we must never forget that the money in poker comes from the base of the pyramid, & on many sites these guys don't get a fair deal. Poker Media concentrates on the big stuff too, & I understand why, but it's wrong. Sky Poker got a black eye recently when they ran that Mega Mini Series, but the money mostly went to the bottom of the pyramid, so it was not all bad.

    Anyway, I'd best get off my high horse now & get on with it.

    Winner was the aptly-named @ondacash with @pokermask in 2nd. I seem to remember @pokermask for winning something but I am blowed if I can remember what. Sorry mate.

    Good runs by @scotty77 (4th) and @MrDooWop (6th), with good old @lyonsbob having a deece run in 22nd.

    I'd not be doing my job if I did not mention that the indignity of finishing 637th of 637 went to none other than Grumpy himself - @Jac35.

    Sorry Paul, but it had to be said.

    Here you go, to make up for it - your last big win, about 17 years ago.


    I ought to get a prize for that photo - @Jac35 smiling, rarer than a silent Ambo the Armpit. Might just be the last time I saw him smile, too.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    It's quite a jump from little Leeds up there in West Yorkshire, to Lake Tahoe, California via Reno, Nevada, but that's the journey Adam Owen has just completed in just over a month.

    After winning not only the Leeds GUKPT Main for over £40,000 but a Sidey for £4,000, he cashed in 2 events in Reno for loose change then, this weekend, took down a WSOP Circuit Event in Lake Tahoe for the best part of $30,000.

    Earlier this year he collected a cool €1.3 milly at the Barcelona Millions.

    In total, he has "live" earnings of over $3 million now.

    This year alone he has played poker in Barcelona, Melbourne Australia, and Las Vegas. Oh, & Leeds.

    What a life, eh?

    Not bad for a Folkestone lad. No wonder he smiles a lot.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    UKOPS 17, £22 entry, £4,000 BH

    Back to the bread and butter now, and this one went to Sky Poker slalwart @lyonsbob06, with @Sharki0 - who will win a UKOPs this week, trust me - in 3rd and good old @SJspanky1 a spot behind in 4th.

    Another deep run by @MAXALLY - 11th - with @Allen23 14th, @chicknMelt 18th and @GREGSTER 22nd.

    Of no great import to many I suppose, but a name which caught my eye was @Wombwell in 16th.

    I'm sure you all know that Wombwell is a typical village in West Yorkshire, not that far from Barnsley.

    My memories of Wombwell are vivid, though not for the Town, but for what was then the main employer there, the wonderfully-named Monckton Coke & Chemical Company.

    I visited it regularly, supervising Civil Engineering work in their factory, & I have to say it was the nearest thing to H ell on earth I've ever seen, & the workers put up with appalling working conditions.


    My oh my, it was THE most God-awful place you ever saw, that factory. Here's a beautiful (?) painting of Monckton Coking works in a dreary November day.


    Talk about grim, that place was dreadful. Tell you what though, the men who worked there were the greatest, real men, proper men. Bet they never moaned about poker bad beats.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    tikay tipster services

    Yesterday I wrote;

    "Today's sport looks mildly interesting, with the Arsenal attempting an oh-so-rare 12 wins on the bounce if my maths have not failed me. Their opponents? Palace. Sky Bet go 4/5 Arsenal, which looks a fraction generous to me.

    They also go 11/10 Aubameyang as Anytime scorer. He's the real-deal, but that price looks way too short to me."

    Arsenal could only draw, and for rubs, Aubameyang scored. Ambo will be ashamed of me.

    Stick with me, I'll help you keep your accounts open.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    UKOPS 18, £55 entry, £4,000 Turbo BH

    Was quite surprised this covered, but cover it did and with a tad to spare.

    No surprise to see @miniman88 take a UKOPS down, this man knows the poker time of day. Tough field, too, with @FeelGroggy in 3rd, @Gambelo 4th, @jordz16 8th & @jubb 9th.

    Foot hard to the floor I guess, as @Froozle was tailed-off in 89th of 89, with @StayOrGo lasting just a few spots longer. These guys risk all in going for the win, no risk, no glory.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    The Leicester helicopter crash was a terrible tragedy, condolences to all concerned.

    The only thing not a surprise was this morning's Red-Tops giving it the "brave pilot heroically steered away from people below".

    Every time an aircraft crashes in a built-up area, they trot out the same old tosh.

    The cause is not yet known, & I've no doubt the pilot was brave, but when a helicopter malfunctions at low-level, I'm afraid the scene of the accident generally arrives way too quickly for evasive action by the pilot. I so wish newspapers would just give us the facts, not the headline-grabbing stuff.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    UKOPS 19, £22 entry £2,000 Hyper Freezeout

    Not to be wise after the event, but a £2k Freezeout at 11pm - even a Hyper - was a tall order & this one duly came up short.

    We had a popular winner though in @LmfaoAllin who shrugged off the attentions of @chriscardy (2nd), @loololollo (3rd) @BlairReid (4th), @SUPERSNEDD (5th) & @buzka 6th.

    We also saw that rarest of things - the last two places, 82nd & 83rd - occupied by father & son. And once again the son @Limp2Lose outlasted the Dad @StayOrGo. Bet those 2 have some battles at home, both are ultra-competitive.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189

    We are nearly done now, so what about tonight? Here you go;

    UKOPS 20 Rebuy Bounty Hunter 7:00pm £22 £5,000 10 2,000 (with 4,000 add-on)

    UKOPS 21 Freezeout* 8:00pm £110 £10,000 12 10,000

    UKOPS 22 Mini* 8:30pm £11 £3,000 10 3,000

    UKOPS 23 Bounty Hunter 9:00pm £22 £4,000 10 3,000

    UKOPS 24 Turbo Bounty Hunter 10:00pm £55 £4,000 7 5,000

    UKOPS 25 Hyper Bounty Hunter 11:00pm £22 £2,000 5 3,000

    Think it'll be a busy evening with zero overlay. I mean, who wants to watch Spurs v Man City from Wembley on telly? Not me Sir.*

    * May not be true.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
  • p_blasep_blase Member Posts: 54
    Great read. As a side note i believe Wombwell also has a motor racing track, which is the only one in the country that runs anti clockwise I think :)
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,650
    Nice reportage and.... You are nearly getting the hang of it now. Thank you.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    The 15k HR Jesus i was well out of me league Bates, melty and railtard all night plus gsmith too for a while and there was one guy who re-entered 4 times while I was on the table that's a grand with BI towards the prize pool all I wanted was one head and I'd of been well happy wasn't to be tho
    Thx for the mention had a good night's entertainment winning £20 well chuffed
    Great write ups all of them thank you Tikay
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