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What happened yesterday? Day 3 of UKOPS



  • Allan23Allan23 Member Posts: 877
    Stunning result @Duesenberg . Diary complete
  • glencoeladglencoelad Member Posts: 1,505
    Tikay10 said:

    UKOPS 13, £22 entry, £3,000 Freezeout

    A nice old-fashioned no-nonsense Freezeout to start the evening, and the top step of the podium went to @sumogaz.

    Runner-up was none other than @MAXALLY who has been knocking on the door for a while now. I'm going to guess he'll be a little miffed not to have sealed the deal & won the thing, but it'll do his confidence a power of good not to mention his UKOPS bankroll. Well done Alan.

    In 3rd place was @dameflop. At the risk of making a complete & utter fool of myself - traditional in these report of late, as senility increases it's hold - I think that might be Mrs @glencoelad who does really well in Live Poker at Maybury Edinburgh, as well as across the UK on jaunts south to the Mother Country, & who, with husband George, rescued me from a very nasty spot in Punta Cana a few years ago when I became luggage-less and stranded at the airport. Then again, if I have got my names mixed up, I'm gonna look as daft as this fella.


    Sky Bet go 4/5 each of two.

    Mini-monies went to, amongst others, @stokefc , God bless Stokey, who only cashes when he is at least three parts to the wind.

    Small money also to @glencoelad, who may or may not be Mr @dameflop, but let's not go there again.

    Sky Poker hotpot @jordz16 went for an early 2XUp but as he finished 172nd of 173, I'm guessing it went wrong.

    Tikay10 said:

    UKOPS 18, £55 entry, £4,000 Turbo BH

    Was quite surprised this covered, but cover it did and with a tad to spare.

    No surprise to see @miniman88 take a UKOPS down, this man knows the poker time of day. Tough field, too, with @FeelGroggy in 3rd, @Gambelo 4th, @jordz16 8th & @jubb 9th.

    Foot hard to the floor I guess, as @Froozle was tailed-off in 89th of 89, with @StayOrGo lasting just a few spots longer. These guys risk all in going for the win, no risk, no glory.


    Nice run lads, and @Tikay10 anyone wants a listen to some Scottish hip hope to go along with that photo hit up WERD SOS on utube " Drive it like its Fxxxin stolen "
  • glencoeladglencoelad Member Posts: 1,505
    Tikay10 said:

    UKOPS 13, £22 entry, £3,000 Freezeout

    A nice old-fashioned no-nonsense Freezeout to start the evening, and the top step of the podium went to @sumogaz.

    Runner-up was none other than @MAXALLY who has been knocking on the door for a while now. I'm going to guess he'll be a little miffed not to have sealed the deal & won the thing, but it'll do his confidence a power of good not to mention his UKOPS bankroll. Well done Alan.

    In 3rd place was @dameflop. At the risk of making a complete & utter fool of myself - traditional in these report of late, as senility increases it's hold - I think that might be Mrs @glencoelad who does really well in Live Poker at Maybury Edinburgh, as well as across the UK on jaunts south to the Mother Country, & who, with husband George, rescued me from a very nasty spot in Punta Cana a few years ago when I became luggage-less and stranded at the airport. Then again, if I have got my names mixed up, I'm gonna look as daft as this fella.

    @Tikay10 Dameflop is indeed my wife and poker coach, and thanks for the reminder of Punta Cana, what a great event and top bunch from Sky .

    Sky Bet go 4/5 each of two.

    Mini-monies went to, amongst others, @stokefc , God bless Stokey, who only cashes when he is at least three parts to the wind.

    Small money also to @glencoelad, who may or may not be Mr @dameflop, but let's not go there again.

    Sky Poker hotpot @jordz16 went for an early 2XUp but as he finished 172nd of 173, I'm guessing it went wrong.

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    Tikay10 said:

    UKOPS 16, £11 entry £10,000 Mega Mini BH

    The nightly Mini, be it UKOPS or not, is probably my favourite Sky Poker MTT, as I'm traditionally biased towards the pure recreational players. Nothing against the Big Boys & Hotshots, not at all, but we must never forget that the money in poker comes from the base of the pyramid, & on many sites these guys don't get a fair deal. Poker Media concentrates on the big stuff too, & I understand why, but it's wrong. Sky Poker got a black eye recently when they ran that Mega Mini Series, but the money mostly went to the bottom of the pyramid, so it was not all bad.

    Anyway, I'd best get off my high horse now & get on with it.

    Winner was the aptly-named @ondacash with @pokermask in 2nd. I seem to remember @pokermask for winning something but I am blowed if I can remember what. Sorry mate.

    Good runs by @scotty77 (4th) and @MrDooWop (6th), with good old @lyonsbob having a deece run in 22nd.

    I'd not be doing my job if I did not mention that the indignity of finishing 637th of 637 went to none other than Grumpy himself - @Jac35.

    Sorry Paul, but it had to be said.

    Here you go, to make up for it - your last big win, about 17 years ago.


    I ought to get a prize for that photo - @Jac35 smiling, rarer than a silent Ambo the Armpit. Might just be the last time I saw him smile, too.

    Bah Stupid game

    layer Action Cards Amount Pot Balance
    rundagame Small blind 10.00 10.00 2810.00
    jordz16 Big blind 20.00 30.00 2950.00
    Your hole cards

    JMcCririck Raise 50.00 80.00 2950.00
    archman Call 50.00 130.00 3120.00
    Jac35 Call 50.00 180.00 2880.00
    Lethiferou Fold
    rundagame Fold
    jordz16 Fold


    JMcCririck Bet 100.00 280.00 2850.00
    archman Fold
    Jac35 Raise 300.00 580.00 2580.00
    JMcCririck All-in 2850.00 3430.00 0.00
    Jac35 All-in 2580.00 6010.00 0.00
    JMcCririck Unmatched bet 70.00 5940.00 70.00
    JMcCririck Show
    Jac35 Show




    JMcCririck Win Straight to the 10 5940.00 6010.00
  • beefheart1beefheart1 Member Posts: 17
    Feeling slightly hard done by for failing to get a mention for my High Roller runners-up spot but realise I should probably get to a SPT live event to introduce myself! Great reporting as always Tikay.
  • MARK277MARK277 Member Posts: 118
    Excellent reports these reports will help new players like myself get to know more about the sky players.

    Also makes playing UKOPS enjoyable as we get to find out what happens in events.

    The reporting on both the online and live events which makes Sky poker a good to play poker.
  • ommomm Member Posts: 444
    Fantastic write ups Tikay. The effort you put into these are tremendous, particularly with all the DPA hassle you have to avoid. Props to you for continuing to do these, nice touch with the non poker stuff.
  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    Definitely my favourite write-up of yours so far Tikay :D

    Well done @beefheart1 in the high roller too. You were a proper nightmare to have at the final table and I certainly ran well once we'd got to heads-up.
  • beefheart1beefheart1 Member Posts: 17
    Cheers Duesenberg - had a huge chip lead which is always a nice position to be in. Only really had one chance to take it down heads up which I think was A8 v KQ where you hit some paint on the flop. After that you made my chip advantage disappear pretty quickly. Still a tremendous night to bring in a score like that of over £4k. Just my wrist feels like it's missing something...a bracelet perhaps...
  • beefheart1beefheart1 Member Posts: 17
    It's remarkable to think of all the slices of luck you need to get this deep in such an event. I flopped a nut flush v set of kings and held to get an early double up and then tripled up all in with a turned flush to get to 45k and the early chip lead. I then rivered the nut flush v set of deuces when already all in to get up to 100k, beat AK with AQ, and won several flips to eliminate short stacks and win about £1,500 in bounties alone. You have to stay humble when you realise that run good is crucial to make a deep run.
  • GREGSTERGREGSTER Member Posts: 386
    Very well done @Duesenberg

    I thought £50K was about the size of the Sky Poker bar tab that @Sky_SamT picks up when @rspca12 has been at the bar?
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