Morning all,
Weekends take so long to arrive, & yet seem to pass by so quickly.
Last night was the 7th & last night of Mini UKOPS, which also seemed to go past so quickly, but that's it, its finito now.
Over the next few hours, we'll run though the who & the what, interspersed with some non-poker stuff just to try & keep everyone mildly interested.
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Sky Poker 2, Players 3
2 of the 5 covered, being the Main, which hosed up, & the PLO8 BH, which fell over the line by exactly 1 entry.
Of the 3 misses, the 6.30 missed by just 9 runners, but the 7.30 was way short, coming up 65 runners shy, and the 9.30 finale was around 80 runners short, too.
In truth, whilst Sky Poker would like to see them all cover, there are collateral benefits to running a Mini UKOPS, & if that meant a few overlaid, so be it, it's far from a disaster.
Mini UKOPS 27, £2.20 entry, £500 Deepstack
Bubble boy was @wynne1938 who would like it known he is not 80 years old, though I'm really not sure where the "1938" comes from. Maybe it's his Co-Op number. Anyone remember Co-Op numbers?There were small cashes for @jawzindawz, @Duesenberg, @darryl1976, @timeforbed, @bert21, @LittleGJ & @Boxster.
Come the Final, it was @Poppyfox who was first to leave the table, then @redbone. Some consolation for @daphne56 in 4th, following a final table bubble the previous night.
3rd went to @keyb1316, a relative newcomer to Sky Poker MTT's, with @bigballoo 2nd & @deadlydan, who has close to 5,000 games here, the winner.
The Snooker Final between Ronnie O'Sullivan & Judd Trump was the sporting highlight yesterday, 6 or 7 hours of great entertainment, & a match which was always close, with Trump eventually edging it. Trump has played exceptional snooker this week, & maybe just about deserved the win.
An oddity about Pro Snooker is the emergence of female referees, most of whom seem to be Eastern Europeans. Very good they are, too.
Maybe my mind is playing tricks, but until 7 or 8 years ago, when Micheala Tabb came on the scene, (she has now retired) I don't think I'd ever seen a female snooker ref.
Born 5th November 1938
Mini UKOPS 28, £5.50 entry, £500 PLO8 BH
Mostly the usual PLO8 suspects in this, with the vastly experienced @Whizzewky in 13th, @chicknMelt 10th, the head-less @jessieak in 9th, & @weecheez1 just missing the Final.In 6th was @coo1-um, with @Boomswitch who does so much great Community work here in 5th.
4th spot went to @Mattsmum who, you may recall, won the other Mini UKOPS PLO8 BH earlier in the week.
3rd was @mathpath, whilst the very good @suzy666, who was 6th in the one earlier in the week, improved to 2nd here. Confusingly, I'm pretty sure @suzy666 is male. Life ain't easy for a boy named Sue.
Well, my daddy left home when I was three
And he didn't leave much to ma and me
Just this ole guitar and an empty bottle of booze.
Now I don't blame him 'cause he run and hid
But the meanest thing that he ever did
Was before he left he went and named me Sue
Top of the shop was @wartic. I was not aware he even played PLO8, but he got the job done in style, taking 9 heads in a 101 runner field, so wp bud.
England's glorious day
That was the back page headline in The Times today.They went on to say that with England beating Croatia in the Nations League, (the what?) & our cricketers wrapping up the 3 match series over in Sri Lanka, it was "one of England's more memorable days".
Think that's known as hyperbole.
hyperbole (noun)
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
Which, really, was just an excuse so I could somehow share this visual gag with you.
Mini UKOPS 29, £5.50 entry, £2,500 BH
The PLO8 version 15 minutes earlier identically priced at £5,50, got 101 runners, whereas the Hold Em version, here, got 385. Such a shame more folks don't play the 4 card version, you don't know what you are missing.Down amongst the lower cashees was @AB0151, who we have not seen much of this week, whilst @Essexphil lumbered into 29th, whilst @coo1-um, who finalled the PLO8, was 21st here.
In the final, in departure order, it was @Jak44, @RobRenzi, @avix, @Jaythered9, with @Wadeyyyyyy the eventual runner-up to @fibbonachi.
Quite a mixed bag there, and I'm afraid I don't know any of them, but I watched a little of it & it looked to me that @avix might just be the pick of the bunch. Maybe he tries harder.
And on that forced & obscure pun, which you need to be pretty old to get, we shall move swiftly on.
Over in Macau, in a F3 race, there was one of the most horrific accidents you could ever wish (not) to see....
The driver, a 17 year old German lady, fractured her spine, & is having surgery right now.
Of course we wish her well, fingers crossed for a full recovery.
It's motor racing though. Accidents are going to happen, & the drivers know that, & are not forced to race. Many of them earn top dollar, too.
Should we feel sympathy for them when things go badly wrong? A fella working on a building site who meets with an accident is surely just as deserving of our thoughts?
Mini UKOPS 30, £11 entry, £5,000 Main Event
The money went down a long way in this one, so too many to mention, but a few shoutouts, with @tsarina, @GFKIJKLL, @day4eire76, @RogueCell, @chicknMelt & even @MISTY4ME making mini-monies.In the upper non-Final reaches, Plumpy Bloke @hhyftrftdr was 11th, @MRBLEWPIE - who was also playing the Big Game final - 10th, @MattBates in 8th with @Sherriff57 7th.
Pretty tough final, too, with @Natnug 6th, just behind hotshot @Froozle, @BrayCorp83 4th & @GSmith13 3rd.
Top two were @ddomo with @Chalky666 booking the win.
Not a bad player amongst that sextet, so it took a bit of winning.
Class will out though, & yesterday he won the European Season finale in Dubai, though pedants will argue that Dubai is not exactly in Europe.
The margin between success and failure in these things is wafer thin. Approaching the 18th, he was not only in a hazard, but was less than an inch from being in the water, & thoughts of Jean van de Velde must have flooded his mind.
Somehow, he survived that scare & booked the win.
After 2 or 3 years in the wilderness, I bet that felt great. He's a cracking bloke, Sheffield lad I believe.
Mini UKOPS 31, £3.30 entry, £1,000 Turbo BH
And so Mini UKOPS drew to a close with this one. Think it went pretty well overall. There's always the dread that the software will play up, or some sort of DDoS will occur. Almost every Online poker site has suffered from a DDoS this year, so it's always a worry. Fingers crossed it stays that way because, well, you know how it is, poker players do tend to get a bit tetchy when things go wrong.Anyway, @chiggypig cashed - just - as did @GREGSTER, @LmfaoAllin, while @glencoelad departed on the very cusp of the Final Table.
6th went to @baytoni2, then the wonderfully-named @Bleurgh, and F1 addict @peter27. Peter who really does know F1 well & makes a good few bob betting on it.
3rd was @sillymid, with the runner-up being @bowboy.
Top of the shop, & I'm sure deservedly, was @jubb, who has an excellent Sky Poker CV.
That's it, Amen, and thanks for reading.
It was really good to have a decent prize pool in a non-bounty tournament, more of that please.
I came 4th in a Dym last night and not a peep about that either
You did get TWO mentions on Day 1, though......
Top of the shop was @wartic. I was not aware he even played PLO8, but he got the job done in style, taking 9 heads in a 101 runner field, so wp bud.
Thanks, I don't often play any tourneys but I do like PLO8. To be fair there where times when it was a flip and I got lucky