I have played a few SNGs on Sky Poker recently and have come to realise how painfully high the rake is on a lot of them, especially the turbo formats.
Standard practice for poker sites is to charge less rake for games that finish quickly (less use of the sites resources) and how beatable the game format is (so that some people can actually win/ keep games running). For example, It is standard to charge 10% rake for an normal speed MTT, but a lot of sites charge less for turbos or increased variance formats like bounty hunters.
some examples:
888 MTT: normal speed (10 mins+) = 10%, turbo (6 mins) = 8.33%, super turbo (3mins) = 5%
888 SNG: hyper dym (2mins) = 4.5%, standard sng (8 mins) = 9%, hyper standard sng (2 mins) = 5.5%
Pokerstars MTT: normal speed (7mins, shallow increases) = 10%, turbo(5mins, shallow increases) = 10%, hyper (3 mins, shallow increases) = 5%
Pokerstars SNG: 50/50 (6 mins) = 5.6%, standard Turbo(5 mins) = 7.4%, standard hyper (2mins) = 4%
Its also important to note that of all the other sites I looked were either similar or better than pokerstars or 888. Party poker for example has excellent rake on almost all of its products. Bounty hunter tournaments all have 5% rake.
Its also important to note Pokerstars have been absolutely blasted in the poker industry by almost everyone for having high rake, but compared to sky's is great!
SKY charges 10% for Normal MTTs, Turbo MTTS, Normal SNG, DYM, Turbo SNG etc. A turbo DYM with 2 min blinds and 6 people, that is over in 15 minutes should definitely not have 10% rake. Its about DOUBLE anyone would charge and it makes the games very hard to beat, probably impossible if you have a hard table.
Im surprised no one has mentioned this before, and I think it needs to be urgently addressed.
How can sky justify such high, uncompetitive rake?
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Just my opinion .
Agree totally re Turbo rake...
I wasn't suggesting you thought he was.
People like Andy don't change on a whim (unlike a lot of pros), and isn't big on whinging, hence why I'm sure Sky will look carefully at their current offering.
Like this one that didn't get answered https://www.skypoker.com/secure/poker/sky_lobby/community/forums#/discussion/129629/heads-up-hyper-turbo-rake
Luckily Sky have a fairly decent rakeback system for high volume players.
However, there is a tipping point, and for Turbo DYMs/SNGs the rake (which is double of many rivals) is unsustainable in the Medium Term. And most of us want there to be a Medium Term.
Many people play Cash/MTTs, rather than DYMs. And SNGs rarely run.
Sngs ..double ups run most of the day ...fairly regularly depending on what stakes you're talking about?
but the games generally only run when there is a "mark"
high rake encourages bum hunting because it is -ev for regs to play vs each other.
I think you are missing Phils point about the games being sustainable for the medium to long term.
Yes, if rake is high but the games are soft enough to make up for it they will continue to run... but for how long?
so thats my point
but the games generally only run when there is a "mark"
high rake encourages bum hunting because it is -ev for regs to play vs each other.
I think you are missing Phils point about the games being sustainable for the medium to long term.
Yes, if rake is high but the games are soft enough to make up for it they will continue to run... but for how long?
I don't know but they've been running for a fair few years and as long as recs like me continue to play them without consideration to the rake , then they will continue to do so .....I don't play cash games only low stakes dyms( dont expect to beat the rake) , and the occasional mtt , the rake isnt an issue for me ...am i an average sky player ?