@Tikay10 Steward's Enquiry please?! I didn't make a pick yesterday as I wasn't home in time but still seem to have lost my 1.0 stake... is that supposed to happen? Probably in the rules I'm sure, just wanted to check.
Not looking like troubling the podium places anyway
To make up for my awkward question I put together some stats to try and help those who haven't made their pick yet. Any 11 year old would be proud of the craftsmanship.
@Tikay10 Steward's Enquiry please?! I didn't make a pick yesterday as I wasn't home in time but still seem to have lost my 1.0 stake... is that supposed to happen? Probably in the rules I'm sure, just wanted to check.
Not looking like troubling the podium places anyway
New rule needed; take £-2.00 for the objection....
Not looking like troubling the podium places anyway
Hope it can help someone anyway!