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£100-£1000 Bankroll Challenge

Summers119Summers119 Member Posts: 193
Hi all,

I started a £100-£1000 bankroll challenge last week and thought I would start a little post as others have done so for this kind of thing and as recommended by @Tikay10.

A quick intro to myself, I am a 22 year old Business student at the University of Leeds and I have been playing poker on here since I was 18, so for 3 and a half years now. I love the game and trying to improve. I have watched countless YouTube videos, Twitch streams and have recently started reviewing my hands back using some solvers which has helped my game.

On average I usually play twice a week online and once live and have built up a half decent profit from it, playing mainly micro/low stakes but I have played a lot of £33 buy ins on here over the couple years mostly through sats. I am trying to get better and find the forum a great place to chat and share ideas and so have decided to post more on here in order to learn more and help others when I can.

As with the challenge I actually started last week with one good session and my balance stands at £301.47. My schedule involves mostly £2.20 tournaments with the odd £3.60 sat and of course the £5.50 mini.

I am playing again tonight and will update this thread every now again.

Does anyone have any advice for bankroll management and this challenge in particular?

Many thanks



  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492

    I think you’ve set your target too low though :)
    You’ll crush this

    What first got you into poker?

    I assume you just got Leeds as a last resort?
    Horrid place
    Please don’t be a Leeds supporter either
    Far too many of them around here

    Good luck Ollie
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Good luck with this Ollie.
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Agree with Jac that target too low :)

    I did a similar BR challenge for MTTs last year. I did 'shots' at 50 buy ins and played anything with 100. I also ran really well though :D

    Think you should focus more on balancing your ABI and having the best structured games as your biggest BI and turbos as your lowest, where possible. Seems obvious but lots of people seem to have a small roll and have the 7 at 7 as their highest BI, which is a recipe for failure imho.

    Not saying I had the master plan or anything, but I added the 33s before the 22s. 33 has a better structure and nicer field, so I think bigger ££ swings will happen in the 22s despite being a lower BI. That is for once you get further than £1k though, which I'm sure you will!

  • Summers119Summers119 Member Posts: 193
    Thanks you all for your reply.

    Yeah I have been playing higher, problem is as I am a student on the minimum loan, a lot of my winnings go to rent, bills, etc. so my bankroll falls, then recently I have been chasing big scores regging the £33bh every day off a then £600-£400 roll and it soon depletes and began playing with too much pressure.

    I did this to reduce pressure off myself and focus on working on multi tabling 6+ tables and to give myself a challenge. When I graduate and get a job I will start playing a higher schedule consistently hopefully.

    I agree though @Angmar2626, the £33 is better than the £22s and I will still play sats to it. Also, did you do a bankroll challenge once? And if so how was it?

    And haha @Jac35, I am Liverpool fan so not huge on LUFC, however I love the city, great for a student. I believe the Sky Bet HQ is there too?

    Anyway, losing session today but feels good to be only -£11 and I thought I played pretty well considering.

    Session No: 2
    BR = £290.99
  • Summers119Summers119 Member Posts: 193
    And @Jac35, my Dad taught me to play, then when I was 16 I played a monthly home game with friends. When I was 18, a friend from that home game informed me about a £10 free game on here and there was a £20k guarenteed £11 UKOPS, so played that and loved it. Fast forward a year I cash a £5.50bh for £100 or so and from then on I was hooked.
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Heya yeah I did one last year and posted about it here

    Don't think I started posting until I reached 3k or something. Much better one was @Arrogant who did the whole £100-£10k

    Yeah doing BRC was great fun! Seeing your roll grow exponentially is really exciting :) As I started posting around 3k I never posted about the early bit you're doing at the moment. Played a lot of daytime stuff with smaller fields - the £1r was my bread and butter - would definitely recommend it when on a small roll. Can't stress enough how well I ran out of the gate though - once my BRM allowed it I came 2nd in the Sunday Mini first attempt then won the Reload outright 3 times in my first 5 goes or something stupidly lucky like that. Later on I had a couple of swings at those stakes that would have sent me straight back to the micros if they had happened when I first moved up. Was just really fortunate timing :)

    You seem to be off to a great start though - keep posting - love to follow a BRC!!
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Think @Ironpump1 did one last year too? Used to bump into him a lot in the daytime micros!
  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    Yeah, agree target to low for your potential ability in my opinion. You should target yourself on moving up stakes as quickly as possible and I would 100% be awarding yourself shots in the main on weeks where you have played well. Taking shots are fine as long as you are disciplined enough to move back down.

    @Ironpump1 did do a very similar challenge. He is part of our poker group now and is an excellent student of the game.

    If you can surround yourself with similar motivated players then it will definitely help bring your game along.

    Best of luck and v. nice stats at the micros!
  • Summers119Summers119 Member Posts: 193
    Nice thanks for the advice and I appreciate all of your confidence in me!

    Nice @Angmar2626! Do you multi-table a lot or play on other sites as your profit is extremely good for your relatively low volume.

    I also saw from that @Arrogant post that his BRM would be the following:

    £50-£100 roll = £1-£3 tournaments no rebuys
    £250- £500 = Anything up to £5 including rebuys
    £500- £1000 Anything up to £11 including rebuys
    £1k + anything up to £33

    This is similar to what I was planning but will throw in a £33 if I have done well for the week and I will still try and satellite into it.

    And @Itsover4u, yeah I am discussing hands with a mate who I play live poker with, but I am the only one out of my friends who does this online grind thing but still try and learn from others. I even watch some of you guys playing the higher buy ins when I am out of everything to try and pick up on anything.
  • Ironpump1Ironpump1 Member Posts: 178
    Hi @Summers119

    Great to see your doing this and tripling your roll in your first session excellent work indeed! I think you may be hitting you target pretty soon.

    I didn't start of with a figure in mind when I started on 1st January 2018 when I had £50 bankroll I just wanted to see how fast I could move up the stakes.

    As @Angmar2626 said he used to see me in the morning games a lot, these were my bread and butter in the early days I used to play from 9am until around 3pm four days per week. the morning £1.10's, £2.20's and the 9:45 and 10:45 £3.30 games really helped me build my roll. I would recommend having a look at these games as the are very BR friendly.

    I agree with @Itsover4u with regards to targeting playing higher and taking shots as rewards. A mistake I made when taking shots early on was playing too scared, try to just play as confident as you usually would in your regular stake

    like your self I actually managed to increase my roll a fair bit on my first session from £50 to around £120 and I immediately started adding in some of the daytime £5 games. (avoiding the turbos initially) this is probably viewed as 'aggressive' bankroll management but it worked well for me and I never had to move back to playing just the micro's. However Moving from £5+ wasn't so easy, I moved up to playing higher games probably three times over the course of the year before eventually managing to improve enough to keep climbing.

    I'm sure your gonna smash this, best of luck, especially the shots taken in the £33.


  • Summers119Summers119 Member Posts: 193
    Hi Dean,

    Thank you for your advice. Good to see you progressing as well from £50 way up into the biggest games as watched a bit of the £110 BH FT last night.

    I will check out the early schedule for sure and will try and play them.

    I am looking forward to hopefully building my roll and playing higher.

    Quick update:

    Session 3: -£30
    Bankroll: £262

    Bricked everything last night, feel I lacked a little patience in the £2.20 games but overall just didn't have the cards. Got 13th in the hot $3.30 on stars though for $45. I am doing the same challenge on there too. Overall, I usually play 25% of my volume on there and 75% on Sky so I am just trying to bink a big one.
  • CWOOD10CWOOD10 Member Posts: 34
    GL Mate
  • Summers119Summers119 Member Posts: 193
    Going to try and update this weekly. Played a little bit this week with 4 half sessions, and 1 full session. Really enjoying playing lower as less pressure, and feel my edge is slightly higher. Got two wins this week, including topping the forum comp and winning a £25 ticket, so will have a pop at the £33BH next week. Apart from this aim is to still play up to £3.30 + the mini until I reach £500 then I will add all the £5.50 to the schedule. I now realize that one of my biggest leaks prior to this challenge was BR management, as I was playing too high and therefore playing less tables to compensate, when in reality, I feel it is a better strategy to play lower with more tables.

    H/Session 4: +£35
    H/Session 5: -£1
    H/Session 6: -£4
    H/Session 7: £0
    Session 8: +£44
    Week total: +£74

    Bankroll= £336
  • Summers119Summers119 Member Posts: 193
    Hi All,

    Haven't updated this in a little bit. Played a few sessions the last few weeks but playing slightly less due to uni commitments at this time of year. Also being trying to study bounty hunters lately, and if you haven't checked it out already, the free content on RaiseYourEdge YouTube channel is gold dust. Its crazy what is profitable to call sometimes!

    Nothing much has really happened in the BR challenge until last night. Now I am going to add everything up to the £7.70BH into the schedule. Gonna leave the £11s until I get over £500.

    Session 9: +£31
    Session 10: +£0
    Session 11: -£7
    Session 12: -£3
    H/Session 13: -£18
    H/Session 14: +£0
    Session 15: +£105


    All the best,

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Well done Ollie @Summers119 , £100 to £444 in under a month at those stakes is going some.

    You mentioned you were doing Business Studies at Leeds Uni - what do you want to end up doing in life as to work/profession?

    Business utterly fascinates me. I was in business as a company Director all my working life & still follow the Business news with a passion. I probably have in excess of 1,500 books which I've accumulated over a life time, around a third of which are about Business. The rest are split evenly between gangster or real-life crime books, & sports books, mainly horse racing stuff. (Jockeys, trainers, breeding etc).

    I'm a huge Warren Buffett fanboy too. Nobody in business is even half as clever, & he's a good man. He's one of the richest men on earth, but he's giving all his money to charitable causes.
  • Summers119Summers119 Member Posts: 193
    Hi @Tikay10,

    Thank you.

    I did a Placement last year in Marketing which I quite enjoyed, but probably would do something that involved all aspects of business, so Sales, Operations, HR as well.

    I applied for a few grad schemes around Christmas but no luck. The job market is fierce atm but will reapply when I finish uni in June, but I am thinking about moving back to my home town of Kendal for 6 months-1 year and working there to build some money up and sort some stuff out.

    Probably will end up moving to London in the end to work for a corporation and see how that goes. Will be hard to balance that life style and play MTTs though.

    Very interesting, do you have any advice?

    Warren Buffett is an awesome guy. I follow the Financial Times just to stay in the loop but would rather study Poker in my spare time rather than business haha.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Hi Ollie.

    It’s great to see new posters on the forum, especially good guys.
    Good stuff with the challenge, pretty sure you will crush it, keep posting.

  • Summers119Summers119 Member Posts: 193
    tomgoodun said:

    Hi Ollie.

    It’s great to see new posters on the forum, especially good guys.
    Good stuff with the challenge, pretty sure you will crush it, keep posting.

    Thanks @tomgoodun appreciate it!
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,050
    I was thinking of starting a £1000-£100 challenge ;)

    GL with this.
  • Summers119Summers119 Member Posts: 193
    Essexphil said:

    I was thinking of starting a £1000-£100 challenge ;)

    GL with this.

    Haha didn't you just win the Ukops leaderboard?

    Thank you!
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