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SR23's May priorities, including reaching Priority. A diary.

SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
Hi everyone.

I've had some success in the past setting goals publicly and either achieving them or nearly achieving them and so in order to address my flabby self-discipline and wavering focus, and with lots I want to achieve in May, I thought I'd document my progress.

This, then, is the beginning of a month-long diary.

This, then, is what I want to achieve over the following 31 days:

1. Reach priority. To make it a bit harder I've withdrawn to precisely £150. I'm going to start at 10nl, move up to (some tables of) 20nl when I've got roughly 15 buy-ins, move up to (some tables of) 30nl when I've got roughly 15 buy-ins and probably stay there because everyone above that is too good. We'll see. I'll also play a couple of £5 tournaments when the mood takes me and the nightly freerolls/other stuff and hopefully bink or semi-bink.

2. Write daily detailed notes for a book I want to write. Working title: "Think and grow hair." It's about personal growth/self-development, I think.

3. Get bigger arms.

4. Swim a mile in a day.

5. Read four books.

6. Stop smoking.

7. Have 25 alcohol free days.

8. Play 10 live poker sessions.

Eek, that all looks a bit daunting. Kind of wish I hadn't started writing this post now, but what's done is done. Better get on those 10nl tables. I'll try to update three or four times a week.

Thanks for reading, peace out.



  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    Get laid?
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,338

    #7 Frees up Bank holidays and Sundays , perfect.
  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    Yay for the return of my favourite Sky forum diarist!

    Good luck with this. It's quite a tall order to hit priority given your modest starting balance plus all the other goals for the month. I'm especially intrigued by #3 too!

    Run well bud :)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Excellent news, you write so well.

    Hopefully you'll be keeping us appraised on all 8 targets.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Over/under on how many of the 8 targets he achieves?

    The line is 5.
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    Blimey, you're all up early/late. Thanks very much for getting involved though, lovely to have you all here.

    @Donttelmum - sigh, was going to put this at number 9 but thought everyone had forgotten about me not getting laid that often. Okay then, it's number 9.

    @mumsie - I know, right? And I have a friend's (going to be messy) 40th on the 11th May which can just squeak in, too.

    @Duesenberg - that's a fab message, thanks. Not quite sure why I've made it tougher than it needs to be - I just started adding stuff when writing out the opening post last night. Not sure where "Get bigger arms" came from, but it's locked in now. Good old last night me.

    @Tikay10 - thanks for the kind words; I'm actually going to plump for the overs. Ridic.

    Brief update. Within 15 minutes of starting the challenge last night I 3b AA pre, bet 70%-ish pot on KJSssd, jammed £5.50 into £8.45 on a Jc turn, get snapped, and shouting "hoooold" v 97ss doesn't work. Then get stacked with TT on a T54r flop when villain's AA binks turn. Then muffin off three or four more buy ins by running/playing badly and just as I'm thinking about deleting my account and hiding out in Argentina for a decade I stack a good reg's AA on 359 w/53 after a misclick pre (that's my story, and I'm sticking to it), run nicely in some other spots and come out a far-more-manageable one buy-in down.

    Was pleasantly surprised to make 140 points four/five tabling 10nl over two hours.

    That'll do for now, I reckon. Going to grind for a bit, work on "Think and grow hair", play live whilst watching the football later, come back, grind, grow bigger arms, try not to drink etc etc etc.

    Thanks again.
  • SidV79SidV79 Member Posts: 4,180
    Good Luck @SR23, I shall watch with interest to see how many of the targets you meet (hope you meet them all btw)
  • glencoeladglencoelad Member Posts: 1,505
    Good luck with all of these @SR23 , wish I had the discipline to at least do the no alcohol one, would improve my health as well as my poker game !
    I am sure I will be donating to your funds once more. G L
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Good Afternoon Steve.
    Great to see you posting again , good luck with your targets.
    “ Grow Bigger Arms” should have been a doddle if you didn’t add no.9 into the equation ( Well one arm anyway) Maybe Leave no.9 TIL you have bigger arms.
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    @SidV79 - thanks dude, if I'm nudging a 75% achievement rate I'll be happy, but really going to push for them all. Easy to say when I'm full of stamina and less than a day in, though...

    Thanks too @glencoelad - I've had a glorious/troubled relationship with alcohol for the past two-and-a-bit decades and whilst a couple of beers, especially live, can help smooth over some of the rougher psychological edges I have been drinking way too much live as a bunch of the Bournemouth regs who play here can testify.

    Great to see you @tomgoodun and, yet again, you make a lot of sense. Was really heartened reading your diary at the weekend - especially with regard to your daughter. Keep up the fine work.
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,050
    Good luck. Will read with interest.
    This is exactly what this forum needs.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,125
    Will also follow with interest.

    Best of luck with all of your targets, reaching priority starting with 150 quid @10nl will be pretty impressive. Getting laid?? Let's not get too carried away.
  • ALAN_18ALAN_18 Member Posts: 225
    Good Luck mate, I have just started a similar thread at 10NL so will be following closely.

    Is going from 10NL - 30NL something that you have done before or are you attempting to do this for the first time ? GL anyway :smile:
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    Really appreciate that @Essexphil and proper buoyed by all the good wishes flooding in. The forum has seemed ever-so-slightly dour recently.

    Ha, @waller02 - why women don't go for balding 43-year-old itinerant men who grind 10nl is beyond me. Think reaching prio is going to be tight but I've got the heart and commitment for the game. Glgl to you, too.

    Have just played a brief session with you @ALAN_18 and have followed your diary since the start. Apologies for not posting sooner - I read a fair bit of stuff on here and think that's impressive/funny/whatever but am guilty of not saying. Will do better. I've done a couple of similar challenges to this before on here and will try and dig out the links. What I'd really like to do is break the 30/50nl ceiling but I'm not close to being good enough at the mo. Perhaps if I complete this challenge I will give it a shot. Although I'm getting ahead of myself: I LOST FIVE BUY-INS WITHIN HALF AN HOUR of starting yesterday so don't think I've got this one wrapped up just yet. Best of luck to you, too.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Here's a link to the last debacle triumphant success by @SR23.

    For newbies, well worth a read, he's a terrific writer.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    And here is the book that @SR23 had published, which was a best-seller. *

    * T & C's apply.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    The Sky Poker Forum thread about Steve's book is here;
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited May 2019
    SR23 said:

    The forum has seemed ever-so-slightly dour recently.

    That's an interesting comment. Bit painful, as it's "my baby" but it's 100% fair.

    I always think of Forums as living & breathing things, they get moods, they have good & bad days, swinging & swonging both ways almost inexplicably.

    I'm pretty sure that the "tone" of posts is contagious. When folks get uppity, it's like a creche, & soon all the babies are crying (purely a metaphorical analogy), & other days when a few positive posts are in evidence, everyone seems more upbeat & cheerful.

    Not sure I've ever seen a poker forum where folks are as helpful to each other as they are here though. In an increasingly attritional world, it's a delight to see.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2019
    Tikay10 said:

    Over/under on how many of the 8 targets he achieves?

    The line is 5.

    Get it priced up for the forum comp.

    Get laid?

    Counting this as #9 too.

    I'm gonna go with

    Binks: 2, 3, 4, 5.

    2 & 5 seem the most likely to happen given OP's known interest in writing. 3 & 4 are kinda linked (assuming you're not trying to lose weight). 1 mile isn't too tough and you can smash it out on the last day of the month if you're not there yet. All of these seem pretty likely to me.


    Fails: 1, 7, 8, 9

    If 8 happens, 1 and 7 probably aren't happening.
    If 7 happens, 8 probably isn't happening.

    There's too much good sport on telly, too many live games and online grinds to try and make priority for a few beers not to slip in there somewhere regardless, plus friend's 40th already takes you down to 4 days of 'other' drinking allowed.

    GL finding time to play Prio volume at 10nl (even with the aggro BRM) AND make the live volume target and everything else too. If moving up off such a small roll, the potential for a bad session and a stake drop will also be a factor in having a realistic chance making Prio or not, and even then I think it's a tough ask alongside everything else. Probs need to run good on first shot at 20nl to make it work IMO.

    Just putting 9 in here to make myself feel less bad about myself.


    Flips: 6

    Absolutely zero reads here but GL, defo want this one to be a bink. Leaving it off my acca though.
  • ALAN_18ALAN_18 Member Posts: 225
    SR23 said:

    Really appreciate that @Essexphil and proper buoyed by all the good wishes flooding in. The forum has seemed ever-so-slightly dour recently.

    Ha, @waller02 - why women don't go for balding 43-year-old itinerant men who grind 10nl is beyond me. Think reaching prio is going to be tight but I've got the heart and commitment for the game. Glgl to you, too.

    Have just played a brief session with you @ALAN_18 and have followed your diary since the start. Apologies for not posting sooner - I read a fair bit of stuff on here and think that's impressive/funny/whatever but am guilty of not saying. Will do better. I've done a couple of similar challenges to this before on here and will try and dig out the links. What I'd really like to do is break the 30/50nl ceiling but I'm not close to being good enough at the mo. Perhaps if I complete this challenge I will give it a shot. Although I'm getting ahead of myself: I LOST FIVE BUY-INS WITHIN HALF AN HOUR of starting yesterday so don't think I've got this one wrapped up just yet. Best of luck to you, too.

    Mate the same thing happened to me the first day I moved to 10NL, so you are not alone there. Sometimes silly things like that can have a bad effect on your mental game, I guess it's how you move forward that counts.

    I think it is safe to say after sitting at a few of your tables today there are a lot worse players than me and you at 10NL so I think that as long as you keep your head on you will do just fine. I am just so glad that some one else who plays these stakes has made a progress thread as for me to compare my own not so good up to now effort :blush:

    How are you tracking your progress ? Are you tracking hours played ? Will definitely give that other thread you made a read when have chance (Thanks @Tikay10)

    Wishing you the best of luck mate and sure I will see you at the tables quite often now. GG :smile:
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