Hi guys.
I didn't do the CHARITY (HEADS UP POKER) RYDER CUP last year, so just thought I would put a post out to see if there was the appetite for it this year.
To those that don't know what it is I can explain later, but basically you represent the area you are from. Either South England or North England.
Players from Wales, Ireland and Scotland can represent whichever they "prefer" and/or we can allocate them accordingly to "balance the numbers"
We'd probably need a minimum of 6 players in each team.
Let me know if interested and whether you would play for THE NORTH or THE SOUTH.
@mattprawn @FeelGroggy @thisltedu @rspca12 @Limp2Lose @madprof @ALAN_18 @IrishRose @Snuffer @zadoc @MISTY4ME @Tikay10 @DOHHHHHHH @j3ono @MAXALLY @spartathen @Dollie @wynne1938 @rabdeniro @SidV79 @vaigret @tomgoodun @Essexphil @Itsover4u @LmfaoAllin @loololollo @EBBERDON @scotty77 @devil_tear @SoLack @asmithx @fredsgirl @Darkangel7 P.S. I have suggested a few people above that may be interested, however this is open to ANYONE, not just those listed above.
Would be playing for "THE NORTH"
Or am I on my own.
If you get a full complement, happy to step aside, but important to keep this sort of thing going-not just for charity, but for the Community that is Sky Poker too.
PS-am I right in thinking that the North were trounced last time?
Southern shandy drinkersNORTH!The truth is the "NORTH" have been TROUNCED EVERY TIME
That should get them riled and in a FIGHTING SPIRIT!
It will be done on trust. Donations should be made afterwards, by participating players (and anyone else that may want to) to the charity choice of the winning teams charity to be determined by their Captain.
I will captain "TEAM SOUTH" and my chosen charity will be SHELTER via my brother's just giving page.
I would like to make a suggestion that perhaps @MAXALLY is captain for the North, but you should decide amongst yourselves.
So for clarification, please DO NOT make any donations until after the event has taken place.
@MAXALLY if you accept my challenge of pitting your wits against me in the "selection" process, pairings etc, please post here with your chosen charity.
Chosen Charity will be Cancer Research UK.
Come on SOUTHERNERS, where are you?
I see my first task will be RECRUITING A TEAM!
1-0 to you so far!