I've gained 1000's and 1000's hands documented over the last 16 months, hands i've been involved in, hands i've not! it's become more and more clear that skypoker have set rng ranges for certain players, i refer to them as sponsored players.
it's clear that players collude, particularly on cash.
skypoker allow this and it's poor.
I'm very disliked on sky poker because i'm outspoken and too honest for most sleazeball 'poker players' so i expect alot of **** responses but one day it will become public knowledge about such as sky poker and the software being set to help sky keep 'customers' sky need 'customers' if it came down to purely skill the game would dry up pretty fast.
enjoy the game, knowledge is important, sky poker is rigged just like other online sites
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As far as collusion goes, in any sport game or competitive pursuit, people will try to find ways to gain an unfair advantage, collusion exists but sites are pretty good at stopping it when it does happen, and removing the offending players.
I can understand that sometimes it seems easier to blame external factors instead of working to improve your game, but in my experience those who work the most on improving seem to experience the least rigging against them.
Good luck to you in future games.
There's a lot more where that came from;
Weird thing is, over the 20 years in which Online Poker has been in existence, both players & sites alike have tried most ways of bending the rules. Ultimate Bet & Absolute Poker are perfect examples, where "superuser" accounts existed.
But of all the Online Poker scandals ever discovered none has involved "setting the RNG high or low", (whatever that means) because....
a) If we think about how it would work, it's almost impossible to programme. And it'd be especially impossible on Sky Poker software, where even basics like Antes are too much for it to handle or code.
b) There's no plausible motive. None at all. It's not Player v House, it's Player v Player with the House guaranteed it's edge via Rake/Reg Fees.
I am that Edge and the fee is 949 lol
What I would concede is that keeping the RNG looking legit to any external monitoring body (Who monitors the RNG here again BTW? Would be interesting to see what tests are applied and could dismiss a lot of the "mythery" surrounding this subject) would be tricky, but card distribution could be kept looking "normal" by balancing the cards that are dealt elsewhere. What about my favourite conspiracy theory "Rake Maxxing"?
It is in massively in the house's favour to serve up big coolers and scoop up as much rake as possible - and doesn't hurt speeding SNG/Tourneys along either!
So there is an element of House vs Player to be addressed here.
What I would concede is that keeping the RNG looking legit to any external monitoring body (Who monitors the RNG here again BTW? Would be interesting to see what tests are applied and could dismiss a lot of the "mythery" surrounding this subject) would be tricky, but card distribution could be kept looking "normal" by balancing the cards that are dealt elsewhere. What about my favourite conspiracy theory "Rake Maxxing"?
It is in massively in the house's favour to serve up big coolers and scoop up as much rake as possible - and doesn't hurt speeding SNG/Tourneys along either!
So there is an element of House vs Player to be addressed here.
Hi @step7
Good morning to you.
Firstly, I should not really rise to the bait, but I'm a little grumpy this morning, so I'll give you a spin.
I also acknowledge that you are articulate & seemingly sensible, unlike many of Team Tin Hat, & you do acknowledge that you'd be a fool to play here if you thought it was rigged, &, as far as I can see, are just playing Devils advocate, which is fine. You are also a very competent & loyal player here, 13,000 games, plenty of profit & a Sharkscope "Gold Star" to boot. Most of Team Tin Hat of course are losing players. So you are something of an outlier, as most players of your calibre know how things work & don't make ridiculous & insulting accusations.
But do you really think that the Staff who run Sky Poker - Sam & James mainly, but, indirectly, many many others in Accounts, F & R, Marketing, Software, Technology, Product, etc, & I suppose as I've been with them 13 years & so have my feet reasonably under the desk, me as well - are all crooks, & have been committing conspiracy to defraud & all manner of other illegal acts?
Why exactly would Sky Poker "create a database of special players"? For what purpose? What do Sky Poker get out of that, do those "special players" pay Sky Poker a commission?
What right has anyone to make such public accusations against the Staff without a single shred of credible evidence? Would they like it if Sky Poker came on here & suggested they were all crooks?
How have Sky Poker been able to carry out this fraud against poker players - who are naturally suspicious - for 13 years without one single shred of credible evidence emerging to suggest anything improper is going on?
In my time here, I've seen in excess of 50 different Staff working for Sky Poker, over 40 of which have since moved on due to wanting to work elsewhere, Promoted to other parts of the Business, retiring, or even being dismissed, not one has decided to blow the whistle on Sky Poker, isn't that unlikely?
I'm not going to give the exact numbers, but Sky Poker probably contributes less than a few % of total SB&G Revenue. And now that TSG (PokerStars) have purchased SB&G, Sky Poker's contribution to the Group Revenues is a small fraction of 1%. The combined value of the entire TSG, including SB&G, is many many billions of $.
Do you really think it makes sense that the entire entity would risk losing it's Licence, & the entire value of the Business, so that Sky Poker could commit a fraud worth, in relative terms, buttons? Why would they risk everything to favour a handful of players over others?
Why would anyone, without any credible evidence, think it fair to point that finger & in doing so suggest all those individuals are crooks? Is that really fair? Why would you assume these people are dishonest when you have ZERO evidence after 13 years? It's improper & bad form to accuse folks of being crooks when you have zero evidence.
The Business does very well without having to resort to jiggery-pokery, believe me. Maybe you know a lot of bent people. For sure there are plenty about. You can't just accuse folks without evidence though, it's very unfair & very wrong.
If anyone believes things are not right at Sky Poker, the best thing they can do is inform the Gambling Commission. Or go get a Solicitor & bring a case. It's easy to do either.
Has anyone on this thread done so? No, they just want to point fingers, then run away & hide. Easy game.
Was just discussing viability and motives as Devil's advocate in response to your points, not finger pointing as I'm sure you recognise.
This says it all thank you, any future "rigged" posts should get closed with this IMHO..
"Compliance" are God in this business. What they say goes. Don't argue. Ever. Even the CEO & COO has to bow to their edicts.
Keeping a modern Online Gaming Business fully compliant is a monster task. Nobody, anywhere in the Business, can get out of line.
The amount of under the radar work that goes on to ensure the Business remains compliant is massive.
Have you ever watched any of the Sky Poker TV You Tube Videos? Sky Poker TV made thousands of them. Thousands. They were all grouped together on You Tube under the "Sky Poker TV Channel".
A few months ago, Compliance said they were no longer compliant, as they contained "calls to action". So every one of them had to be deleted, & the Sky Poker TV Channel removed from You Tube. All that work, over 9 years, all that cost wasted, all gone, just like that.
That's the power of compliance, & the level of detail compliance go to to keep the Business squeaky clean.
And folks still come along with crackpot theories that the "RNG is set high" (what does that even mean?), or that there is a "database of special players".
It beggars belief.
Note, by the way, that Sky Poker never remove, close or delete these threads.
If you posted this stuff on any other Managed/Tied Forum, they'd be snap-deleted.
Nothing to hide here, flame away boys, but at least come up with some credible evidence.
Wonder if anyone has the courage to name these "favoured players"? Then we could ask them what they do to get such coveted status, & who they give the backhanders to.
They never name names, have you noticed? That'll be because they don't exist, & there's zero evidence.
Speculation & finger-pointing is free though. And very easy.
0042/uploads/editor/5j/8lskoccfm5vm.png" alt="" />
Unforch, I can't open that.
I do hope it's nice, as I'm deffo Mr Grumpy this morning.
Ha, very good @Red_King
edit: search Sky Poker funnies with Anna Fowler - worth it just to watch Anna
That, & it seems many other Sky Poker videos, are "home-taped" off the TV, & all seem to have been hosted by a chap named John Stevenson.
And there's the weird thing. He, & anyone else, can post whatever he want, but Sky Poker have to obey the rules.
"Call to action".
Easiest answer is to google that phrase. Here is what Mr google comes up with;
It translates in a particular way to online gambling. As SB&G, & any good Online Gaming Site these days, "Responsible Gaming", & adherence to ASA rules, are very important, so "calls to action" must not appear, & if they do, they must be worded "just so".
In Online Poker, it includes "hurry up" stuff such as;
Sign up NOW.
Register NOW.
£10,000 on offer if you Opt In NOW.
And 1,000 other things which offend Responsible Gaming, & might encourage those who cannot afford it to spend more than they sensibly should.