Anyone seen the fascinating cheating allegations against Mike Postle at the moment? This gives a pretty good breakdown although Joey Ingram's 5 hour breakdown of hands video was more extensive expect this to carry on for a while, hopefully a member of the casino/production team who was in on it (seems impossible he did it alone?) or at least had doubts about Postle comes forward so we can have some closure on it
Some of the hands are just laughable he makes the correct river decision 100% of the time.
He won something stupid like 35 out of 37 sessions.
Think the guy has a lot of explaining to do.
Forget all the unlikely hands he won with, & how he plays them. Look "wider", look at his record in that game over the last 2 years. It's simply not possible to run that good & make that much money in consecutive sessions. Nobody is that good.
There's a great hand where he has 6-4 or somesuch on a 9-6-K-A-A run out, it's eye-watering stuff.
Another "how he could have done it" theory gets aired....
I'd really like to think he is innocent, but the evidence is just so overwhelming.
HOw can i get a refund?
When you watch footage of Postle after hes been accused, youre 99% sure hes cheating due to his mannerisms, If you watched them with no accusations in place you wouldnt give it a second thought.
Reminds me of Bruce Grobbelaar, a wonderful keeper, but when you see footage after hes accused , it actually looks like hes throwing away matches.
That's very fair comment @mumsie.
That's why I prefer the hard evidence, the number of winning sessions etc.
I dont understand this , so im going to take a stab.
The people in the back room get to see the hands live , via a RFID link ( im assuming this is correct).
No one from outside this room can contact inside the room. I assume.
No one inside can communicate with the people outside , this makes sense.
When the cards at the table dont match the graphic cards in the room, how can the commentators know ?
I think this is suggest in the chat in this video.
Joeingram loses his mind @ 1:47:40
For those really interested in this fascinating tale, there are 2 really good feeds on Twitter you should follow;
1) Joey Ingram -
2) Doug Polk -
Warning - once you start reading that stuff, it's addictive.
In fact Doug & Joey are doing a "Live" broadcast about it right now, here;
Because we think he's doing something amiss, our mind over-compensates & we see all sorts of things, most of which are probably irrelevant.
And that's why there are so many "online poker is rigged" eccentrics. Their imagination runs away with them.