Been following this non stop , fascinating and for sure 100% damning. The story just made ESPN news and they did a good job providing coverage for non poker community plus giving rightful kudos to Joey Ingram. I will try to get a link.
I hope the casino are good enough to refund all the players that have been effected, looking at the hands he plays rivers faultless in every situation, he never blasted his stack in to the nuts ever. I cant see how he's doing it technically but it's clear he's cheating. I hope the sack of s#$t gets locked up.
Joey Ingram " This guy always leaves his keys on the table, I dont get that, why would someone leave their keys on the table?".
That's psychology weaving it's magic.
Because we think he's doing something amiss, our mind over-compensates & we see all sorts of things, most of which are probably irrelevant.
And that's why there are so many "online poker is rigged" eccentrics. Their imagination runs away with them.
Tikay I wouldn’t be surprised given the attention to every detail here in this coup that the keys weren’t “key” here too - perhaps to signal from player to team that “all set” / “green for go” so to speak. In respect to earlier comments about the crazy player profile then that’s exactly why he has been chosen - I for one will be more careful when playing v likes of Ali Mallu on streamed GUKPT table going forward ! Im joking on this last point obvs but I wonder if this will ultimately see a stop to such cards up streaming sessions - the classic case of 1 bad apple spoiling it for rest...
Just out of interest why did none of the players at the table call him out on this at the time? I mean the clip I saw he was obviously looking at something on his lap (phone?) Surely once your suspicions are aroused you watch him like a hawk don't you?
For me, it is not about the number of winning sessions it is the hands he is winning. If you look at the analysis Joey Ingram has done the guy is playing a lagy style but never does he bluff into the nuts. He says he plays a high variance style but he never loses big pots. He goes on about having these great live reads but he spends most of his time looking his lap rather than his opponents.
So seen people saying this morning that a theory and its sick is that the real scam/payoff is in the legal law suits for slander when this ends ,which as Mike the mouth pointed out could run in to the millions per person without the smoking gun evidence, if that's in anyway what's going on that means it's been planned for over a year and baited people like Joey and Doug to take the bait. This whole story is fascinating.
Well going by stoneslivepoker twitter it appears they are finally taking it seriously after ESPN sportscenter did a piece on him. A fresh investigation is taking place. Also please note that mike the mouth has just dropped a podcast with Mike Postle, link on Matusow's twitter for anyone interested.
A podcast where Matusow is stoned and struggling to speak and has hardly done any research. Really pathetic from him and a bit of an insult to Ingram and the other guys that did so much work.
A podcast where Matusow is stoned and struggling to speak and has hardly done any research. Really pathetic from him and a bit of an insult to Ingram and the other guys that did so much work.
I take in loads of poker content and Matusow is terrible all the time. I can't watch any of his material.
Having read his book, I'd be surprised in a way if he was back on street drugs but in another way, it wouldn't surprise me at all.
The man has terrible mental health problems. It's a pity to see someone showing themselves up in public when they are mentally ill.
What I don't understand is if you can 'see' the cards and can virtually guarantee to win on a daily basis then why the **** would you not put in a few losing/bad plays into the mix to put everyone off the scent, or is he doing that but just not enough of them to defeat the tracking software?
What I don't understand is if you can 'see' the cards and can virtually guarantee to win on a daily basis then why the **** would you not put in a few losing/bad plays into the mix to put everyone off the scent, or is he doing that but just not enough of them to defeat the tracking software?
Incidentally, the 2 + 2 thread has now reached 150 pages, 3,700 replies & 400,000 views - all in 7 days.
God Mode (or Cheating?) by Mike Postle in a $5/$10 Cash Game on Jonathan Little Poker Coaching.
Here's that link;
When I first started railing this drama it's was fascination , it's now turned to passionate putrid hatred.
When you watch a hand review, you try to factor in, ' he knows the hole cards' wtf.
Having read his book, I'd be surprised in a way if he was back on street drugs but in another way, it wouldn't surprise me at all.
The man has terrible mental health problems. It's a pity to see someone showing themselves up in public when they are mentally ill.