7 left to go
nick153 is away had 25k
misterpj was on 8k 6th in chips
burtpussy 40k
burtpussy was telling misterpj to bet so she can chips up and was tell her his hands
burt didnt win one pot till i start to comment i have it on video as well how is this fair
misterpj end up with 30k stack same as burt
@Tikay10 @Sky_Poker
Sometimes,I wonder, about so called players, like you,talk about,being economical,with the truth,but,to use a phrase, ( a famous one) gently, give your head a wobble !
You see, Ifccarl was the happiest, most content Poker Bunny,on the planet,stacked 40k, and The Poker World,a very good place to be,chit chatting away, to all and sundry,giving running commentaires,on his table,and other players play.
Then, coinincidentally, Ifccarl, suddenly became,a not so Happy Poker Bunny,which coincided,with him not having anything like, a 40k stack.
When the tournement, was down to seven remaining players, ' my table three players' other table four players,including Ifccarl,Ifccarl,seemingly became obsessed,with our table ? especially so, when the short stack,on his own table, fought back, Ifccarl,seemed mosted irked, about that.
Now Ifccarl, I have played, twice the amount of Poker,on here compared to you,in fact four times with my previous account,and probably,checking my Stz account,ten,twenty times life time Poker, than yourself,... Our table 3 players, one a stacked away player ( as in a permenantly AWAY player, until blinded out.
Now Matey, I have no idea about you, neither do I care,but, what I do know is, myself,and probably 90 per cent, of regs, on here, have, on occasions,been mega stacked,and had to 'be away, go away' it happens mate, the last occasion,it happened to me, 54,000 clear second, and my youngest daughter nigh on sliced her finger off,trying to cut an avocado pear.Do you think, at that moment, I gave a whotsit...about Poker..no I didnt,neither ( obviously) did I winge..moan..or make ridiculous accusations.
Why.. ( it seemed you were insensed,with your own Chronic play,blowing a 40k stack,getting the hump a short staked player ( on your own table, fought back) guess what Carl, I too, got the whole lot recorded...? want to post, the abuse you dished out,to what you believed was a female player ( on your own table)
Further, despite, it being relentlessly, and obviously explained too you, you were so antagonised, with yourself,..TOTAL TILT
Raising,and folding,three handed,with a PERMANENT away player, ...Oh Jeez... it is giving me brain ache.. go and get, these Poker Books, by this Author, it will help you, no end, including, a Professionals, explanation, of what... (give your head a wobble) you deem cheating...for Gods sake.
In this exact same tournement,as you eloquently point out,I was Heads Up Final Table, two left,... are you going to make FURTHER accusations ( ridiculous against another player ? as well ) Below, here is my exit hand... ( what ? do you make ? of that ? )
Now, I know, that player, is RED HOT, ..in red hot form, has been for a while, the hand that I am showing you below, is the second time, against the same player, almost stack for stack, ( same sizes as this) I have exited a tourney,against this player,in the same way, plus.. Poker... you can run HOT, you can run COLD, I am sure my oppenent, wil gladly agree, they are running HOT, bronze ticket winner, followed by silver ticket winner, followed by silver ticket winner,...well done by the way)
Me.. my form is ICY COLD !
Come back to me Carl, when you make reads like this,when you raise, re raise, get it all in ,massive good, pre flop, ..and, ..run into this.. ( about time number 9003 !)
One Day.. Just Once...I am dishing ONE,..just one, back at someone.. Funnily enough, I hope the Poker Gods.. make that player YOU.. there is not, ( was not) a single player, I have wished, ..to play,and beat..more than you NOW...good luck against me, look forward to it.
Carl..is your surname MacDougall ?
Gibberish - Check
An insane number of commas - Check
Bad beat HH - Check
Tikay is right to say this should have been sent to Sky rather than on the forum, but you have felt able to reply on this thread.
To me, it seems simple. There are very simple allegations in a 6 line post.
You have given a wall of text, and yet failed to answer any of those allegations.
Do you have to answer them on here? Of course not.
But attacking the person making the allegations without doing so is not going to help IF he is right.
not saying anymore on the matter
This sort of stuff does not belong on the Forum.
Where the 'not so sharp knives in the draw ' have maybe, maybe gone wrong is to openly discuss their hands, to enable maximum advantage in terms of winning/not losing chips
Phil; case for prosecution?
Ignoring everything else, I don't think Misterpj has had enough credit for his absolute soul read to get AK all in pre flop for 18bb when HU.
It obviously, is very very difficult, for some.
Hence, defacto, years later, WHEN I RETURNED TO UK, i joined again
Matey, I KNOW SOME IDIOTS,GOADING ME, FOR A REACTION, if YOU want to bring my YOUNGEST DAUGHTER INTO THIS ( she is 16, ON november 29th ) Then it can GO OFF AT ALL MEETINGS,if you want.
So,a typical FORUM IDIOT, wanting to make something, out of once, having had a previous account, and, what a 15 year girl ( my daughter) HAS GOT TO DO WITH this, is mind boggling.